It is time to ROCK this CHALLENGE

P6/7 pupils to be at school for 5.30pm to help set up and until 9.30pm to help tidy up. Any Parent/Carer helpers who can assist will be appreciated.

Over the past two days we’ve been starting to think about what our theme is going to be for our Rock Challenge performance. Mr Cook has set us the task of having a theme by the time he is back on Monday.

One idea is to take a traditional story, and turn this into a piece of movement using a given theme. For example, in the finals last year, the team from Fraserburgh Academy used The Wizard of Oz to show that people in life are torn between the choices that they make.

Watch their clip by clicking the link below:

Fraserburgh Academy- Rock Challenge 2012

The choreography that some groups have used in the past are flawless. We would really like to have some slick moves that would give George Samson a run for his money.

Watch George Sampson’s video below:


[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

See you all on Monday! Have a fantastic weekend, and get your costumer SCARIFIED!
Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

5 thoughts on “It is time to ROCK this CHALLENGE”

  1. Rachel, let Mum know if she’s able to help at the P4-7 disco, it’d be a great help and we’d appreciate it. See you Monday.


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