P7 end of term disco – Thursday 27th June 2013

To the parents of P7 pupils,

I can hardly believe our kids are at the end of P7 already – where have the last seven years gone?

To help make their last days at primary school even more memorable, it falls upon us parents to organise their last school disco/party.

If you would like to help I’m organising a get together next Wednesday at 7.30pm (15.05.13) at my house. Please text me if you can attend on 07990803584.

With many thanks,

Suzanne Kane
14 Stratherrick Gardens

Netball @ 4pm

Good luck to the P6/7 Netball players who are competing in the tournament at 4pm this afternoon at Millburn Academy!

The tournament will be 4pm – 5.30pm for parents/carers needing to pick pupils up.