Reading Scales!

REMINDER: Personal Projects are due tomorrow! (Friday 26th April 2013)

REMINDER: P7 Flag Football – GROUP A tomorrow – REMEMBER your PE kit!

As part of our measure topic in maths, something we need to be able to do is read scales.

Some scales are simple to read; but what we’ve found out are that others are a bit more tricky.

Play the games below to see how you are at reading scales:

Reading Scales 1 – CLICK HERE!
Reading Scales 2 – CLICK HERE!

Looking forward to seeing your projects over the weekend!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

5 thoughts on “Reading Scales!”

  1. Hi Michaela,

    Glad you’re enjoying your new school. Everyone in P6/7 is missing your upbeat attitude!

    Glad you’ve made new friends, and being close to the school is a bonus.

    Keep in touch with us on the blog . . .


  2. hello p6/7
    Michaela here
    missing you lots!!!!!:(
    I go to Stonyhill primary school . if you bad or misbehave you will get a tally mark has a warning if your bad again you get a detention 5 minutes,10 minutes or 15minutes.I will go to Benmore insted of loch inch . i’ve made new friends and walking distance from the school .
    i’ll try to keep in touch more
    from michaela

  3. Aiman, you might need to try copying it onto wordpad/ microsoft word/ notepad. I’m not sure what printing is like on onenote. If you’re still struggling this morning – email me the project in OneNote, and I will print it.

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