1. ECO homework : to design and ECO mascot – To be done by Monday 4th March
2. Pupil Progress Update: appointment slips went out today – If you still have not handed this in; hand it back tomorrow by the latest; or we will not be able to issue an appointment
This month’s theme within Citizenship was – ‘Look After School Property’. The pupils who came over to the P6/7 building watched a video which detailed ways in which pupils can look after their school.
We made our own video. Watch it below:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Looking After Our School – CLICK HERE!
The advice we gave in the video was:
- Put PE equipment back where you found it
- Always tidy away your tray at lunch
- Put your bike away safely and tidily in the bike shed
- Make sure you put your rubbish in the bin
- Take care of your belongings – make sure your name is on them
- Put away equipment once you have finished playing with it
- Keep the cloakroom tidy – using the boxes for shoes, and the pegs for bags and coats
- Keep the classroom tidy by putting your things away
See you tomorrow,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice