Welcome back!!

Research Homework: Find out the names of each of the three Wise Men

P6/7 are glad to be back! It sounds like everyone had a fantasic Christmas break, but back at school is where the fun is set to begin.

This term is an extremely busy term for us. Over the next 5 weeks we will be preparing for Rock Challenge at Eden Court on February 19th. We have the choreography for the main body of our performance, however we have to complete our final number in which we will all be on stage.

This term we will also be studying ‘The Scottish Enlightenment’ as our topic. We found out today that The Scottish Englightenment was a period of time in the 1700s (18th Century), in which Scotland was famous for: philosophy, chemistry, geology, architecture, poetry, engineering, technology, economics, sociology, medicine and history. During this time, also known as ‘The Golden Age’, many people contributed to this, and over this term, we will be learning about their successes.

We have separated our topic into three areas in which we hope to research:

Inventions and Science
How did the scientific and mathematical developments of the 18th century impact the world at that time?

The Arts
Why was Scotland so influential, with regards to the arts, during the 18th century?

Education and Thinking
What made our education system and our way of thinking stand out from the rest of the world?

Our overall outcome is to:
Create a written/multi-media project about an influential person/time in Scottish history. We will be doing this in class individually, in pairs or in small groups.

We are having a think about a fantastic excursion which will support our topic. If you have any ideas/expertise about ‘The Scottish Enlightenment’- please do get in touch!

See you tomorrow,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice