This term, as we mentioned at the beginning we are focussing on the Expressive Arts this term. We will be developing our skills in Art, Drama, Music and Dance through Rock Challenge.
NEWS JUST IN: We have chosen our theme
Our theme for this year’s Rock Challenge is going to be Global Warming. Following on naturally from our Weather and Climate Change topic, pupils were inspired by the 1 degree to 6 degrees clips we studied.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Here are the questions we aim to answer through our topic:
How can we make costumes and scenery using limited resources?
How can we create a performance with an underlying message?
What dance and movement talents do we have as a class?
What could be the devastating consequences of Global Warming?
How are we going to show our message in such a short time period?
How can we ensure that everyone feels included in the performance?
We will continue to update you with our progress. Fortunately with our excellent Enterprise efforts, we are able to pay our entry fee, so this is a massive weight lifted!
We’re looking forward to this year’s performance!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice