Glad to be back…

Mr Cook is very much looking forward to getting back to school on Monday, and hopes you had a fantastic first week back.

Excited to see your weather reports, as I was upset that I missed this last week.

I have been very busy learning about what teachers do all over the country. They were extremely impressed with our blog, and the amount of information that we share with parents/carers.

I’m glad everyone had such a fantastic holiday, and I’m looking forward to the disco on Monday.

Have a brilliant weekend.


4 thoughts on “Glad to be back…”

  1. I can’t wait to get back especially Monday as it’s the hallowe’en disco…
    Cannot wait to see Mrs.Macleod’s face when she sees her costume and I’ve also got her a little friend or maybe a big orange friend!!! See you tomorrow …. 🙂 😉

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