Staying Safe on the Road

For Friday, WATCH Amir’s Story by clicking the link below. Comment on the post BELOW and say what you think the MAIN MESSAGE is from the clip

As part of staying safe on the road- we need to remember to STOP-LOOK and- LISTEN

One of the reasons which road accidents are increasing within the teenage years is due to listening to music whilst crossing the road. If you have your headphones in, are you going to hear a car coming around the corner? NO!

This week we are supporting: WALK TO SCHOOL week, but in P6/7- we are also making it ROAD SAFETY WEEK.

Visit the THINK website by clicking the link below. It will give you information, games and videos on staying safe around the road:


Today’s video is Yasmin’s story. Click the link below to watch it:


Click on the link below to watch the video about AMIR’s story. Once you have watched the video- post a comment on this blog about what you think the message was from the video. This is to be done for Friday.


Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

24 thoughts on “Staying Safe on the Road”

  1. i think the main message is to stop look and listen when your walking cycling and running and always wear a helmet and have lights on your bike!!!!!

  2. The main message is that when your on your bike wear your helmet even if your\’re just going round to your friends and also put your lights on when its dark or use reflectors also watch when cars are going past

  3. The main message is that when your on your bike wear your helmet even if your’re just going round to your friends and also put your lights on when its dark or use reflectors also watch when cars are going past

  4. The message from the clip is to be seen wear appropriate safety clothing and have light and be safe look out for hazards on the road.

  5. I think the main message is to look both ways when walking or cycling and have lights on your bike and always where a helmet.

  6. To look when crossing the road and to not cross between cars…
    See you all tomorrow!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 :p

  7. STOP,LOOK,LISTEN before you cross the road and always were a helmet and light clothing and dont forget to have lights on your bike if you are in rain,fog orjust at night x

  8. The message is to watch what is coming before you cross. Also don’t look one way look both ways.

  9. Always look where you’re going and to always were a helment and on your bike and have lights on your bike!

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