
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

October 5, 2016
Comments Off on Learning from Packaging (Art 4H)

Learning from Packaging (Art 4H)

This task requires me to compare and contrast different food packaging and decide which one is my personal favourite and why. As well as this,  I have to decide on the message they give out and to whom the message would be for. Lastly, from this I will look at how this can be used in […] Continue reading

September 29, 2016
Comments Off on Top down educational leadership in Scotland

Top down educational leadership in Scotland

A big story in Scottish education broke last year as the SNP government decided to change the policy on primary school testing. Details are still emerging but this is likely to lead to a lot of discussion among those involved in education over the coming years. Most recently a series of benchmarks, that match to […] Continue reading

September 28, 2016
Comments Off on Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning

Last weekend I took the opportunity to join the RSPB for a CPD on outdoor learning at Perth’s Quarry Mill. Outdoor learning plays a huge part within my teaching philosophy. Removing the boundaries of the classroom and teaching children within the context of their community and the natural world is key to creating inquiring learners. Upon arrival […] Continue reading

September 25, 2016
Comments Off on One Eye Opening Adventure.

One Eye Opening Adventure.

  I’m sorry that this is a long story but it’s very important to me and if you reach the end, thank you very much for your time. I have always had the ambition to help vulnerable people. Seeing the improvements made in others that you assisted with, gives the most rewarding feeling. I struggle to […] Continue reading

September 23, 2016
Comments Off on It’s not fair!

It’s not fair!

“Life is not fair”. Different people ascribe varied meanings to the statement. In return one often hears, “Deal with it”, and those who respond this way are more likely to be in a position that society deems as privileged. In our most recent workshop for the Values module we explored social inequality through a devious exercise orchestrated […] Continue reading

September 23, 2016
Comments Off on Create A Drama Bag (Drama 1H)

Create A Drama Bag (Drama 1H)

As part of my Expressive Arts project I am going to create a Drama bag in which i will choose a variety of objects to represent particular characters. This bag can be used as a stimuli for role-play or improvisation. Object – Glasses Character– Old Lady/Grandmother   Object – Tiara Character – Princess/Fairy/Queen Object-Guitar Pick […] Continue reading

September 22, 2016
Comments Off on Learning About Colour and Pattern! (Art 3H)

Learning About Colour and Pattern! (Art 3H)

Picture taken from Google Images – www.stationeryinfo.com For this TDT we have been asked to research into colours and aspects of them before going in to personal research around our own favourite colours. After completing this i will then make my own colour wheel, which I will photograph and post at the end of this post. […] Continue reading

September 22, 2016
Comments Off on Equality is Key.

Equality is Key.

In our values module workshop on Tuesday, I felt a great change of perspective. I was unaware what the true lesson was throughout the workshop and as the secret was revealed, it really set an impression on me. As we were split into 4 groups of roughly 9 students, I was in group 2 and was prepared for a […] Continue reading

September 19, 2016
Comments Off on First attempt at the NOMA

First attempt at the NOMA

Maths assessment …. brain goes into overdrive, it has been over 6 years since I have been in school and even longer since primary school.  First I attempt the example questions and surprisingly I understand a lot.  I have to research some too as I have forgotten different areas of maths such as area of […] Continue reading

September 19, 2016
Comments Off on Play it!

Play it!

Like many musicians before me I began my musical journey on the piano. Growing up in rural Aberdeenshire, it was the most popular and widely available instrument; you could find one in every school, village hall and community centre. Like many musicians before me, the piano fell by the wayside when I picked up my […] Continue reading

September 18, 2016
Comments Off on Is Scottish history the only history that matters in the classroom?

Is Scottish history the only history that matters in the classroom?

Scotland. BUT WHY OH WHY ARE WE BEING TOLD TO ONLY TEACH ABOUT SCOTTISH HISTORY? Recently, I started back at University (what a shock to the system – let me tell you) and my elective module is history. This got me thinking about something that was said to me in my first year of training, […] Continue reading

September 16, 2016
Comments Off on Scholarship and research in teaching

Scholarship and research in teaching

Having previously blogged during a research seminar, and found this of value, I thought I’d try this again so this post is based on notes I made during a seminar discussing the topic of scholarship. The session was being led by Professor Brian Hudson from the University of Sussex and there were a range of […] Continue reading

September 15, 2016
Comments Off on Why Teaching?

Why Teaching?

  As a child I have always enjoyed education, learning and school. By becoming a teacher I would love to pass on this enthusiasm to inspire others with a passion for learning. Growing up with younger siblings has allowed me to express my passion for education. This was one of the main parts of my […] Continue reading

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