
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

August 13, 2018
Comments Off on International Baccalaureate Introduction Module

International Baccalaureate Introduction Module

This post includes my reflections from the International Baccalaureate Introduction module which I am very excited to be starting this semester! Reflective Activity 1 The International Baccalaureate identifies one of its main characteristics as centring on the learner which I feel is also prevalent in the Curriculum for Excellence which I have no become more […] Continue reading

June 10, 2018
Comments Off on Moving on

Moving on

I always knew I wanted to teach.  This, I now know, is due to the pleasure I get from seeing others succeed and the knowledge that I helped them achieve their best. After transferring from MA Education to MA English lit. I decided to use the skills I had gained through the MA Education program […] Continue reading

May 9, 2018
Comments Off on “So long, it’s been good to know ya!” – Week 8 in Stuttgart Reflection

“So long, it’s been good to know ya!” – Week 8 in Stuttgart Reflection

Wednesday was my last day at ISS and it has been an emotional rollercoaster this final week. Monday and Tuesday were the last full days in school where the students could work on their exhibition because Wednesday would be the night where they showcased all the learning they have conducted over the 7 weeks that […] Continue reading

May 8, 2018
Comments Off on End of Placement Review

End of Placement Review

May 8, 2018
Comments Off on Week 3: Wednesday

Week 3: Wednesday

The class that I am in most often is CM2, that is my base classroom within the school. I had been observing this class for the first two weeks of my placement and the teacher is considered to be my host within the school. I have gotten to know the children in this class very […] Continue reading

May 7, 2018
Comments Off on The Final Wrap Up

The Final Wrap Up

This placement has provided me with several learning opportunities and I am developing my own educational philosophy and teacher style. I was fortunate to have such a wide range of experiences during the six weeks with school trips, sports competitions and one to one observations. Gaining insight into these aspects has allowed me to grow […] Continue reading

May 6, 2018
Comments Off on Die Zeit ist so schnell – Week 8 in Stuttgart Reflection

Die Zeit ist so schnell – Week 8 in Stuttgart Reflection

The end of placement is nearing and the weeks are rolling by at an alarming rate. This week was a shorter school week because of the bank holidays on Monday and Tuesday in Germany, therefore, we only had a 3-day school week. However the days were packed with lots of work due to the grade 5s’ […] Continue reading

April 24, 2018
Comments Off on 4 weeks down, 2 to go!

4 weeks down, 2 to go!

I found myself in shock the other day as I sat down and counted how many days of placement I had completed and how many I had left. The time is going by in a flash. This week has given me experience and understanding of more elements of teaching. I have been given the responsibility […] Continue reading

April 20, 2018
Comments Off on Teaching and Learning a Foreign Language

Teaching and Learning a Foreign Language

Going into the learning from life placement I had no previous experience of teaching a foreign language in the primary school. Teaching English as a foreign language was something that I found very daunting as I did not know how children in other countries learned the language. All I knew was how I was taught […] Continue reading

April 20, 2018
Comments Off on Placement Reflection

Placement Reflection

Learning from Life has been a truly amazing experience. I have loved every aspect of my placement and would not change a thing. I am so happy that I decided to come to France and did something I have never done before. Working in a French primary school allowed me to see how the Education […] Continue reading

April 20, 2018
Comments Off on Week 6 of Placement – 16th to the 20th of April

Week 6 of Placement – 16th to the 20th of April

Week 6 of Placement – 16th to the 20th of April This week, the CE1 and CE2 classes are on a residential school trip for the week. This means that there is only around 70 pupils in the school, which is very little compared to what I was used to at my primary school in […] Continue reading

April 16, 2018
Comments Off on Grade 5 Exhibition – Examining the PYP

Grade 5 Exhibition – Examining the PYP

I have successfully worked my way through all of the grade levels during my first month at ISS and have been able to teach and assist in all of the levels of progression that are offered at the Lower School… except for Grade 5. This was done purposely during planning because it is now the […] Continue reading

April 16, 2018
Comments Off on Week 6: Monday

Week 6: Monday

I can’t believe that that this was my final Monday of placement. Going into my last week I was overcome by different emotions. I was sad to be leaving the school, however, I was also very happy about completing my learning from life placement having had such an amazing experience. I truly believe that this […] Continue reading

April 16, 2018
Comments Off on Week 5: Friday

Week 5: Friday

I can’t believe that I have reached the end of my penultimate week in the French primary school. Time has gone so quickly, and it is surreal that I only have one week left with my classes. I was looking forward to this day as I knew I would be kept very busy teaching various […] Continue reading

April 16, 2018
Comments Off on Week 5: Thursday

Week 5: Thursday

I went into school today prepared to teach a lesson on Scotland as well as the going shopping topic with the other CM2 class. I was very excited to have the opportunity to have the chance to tell the children all about Scotland and Scottish culture. Having been in France for nearly five weeks now […] Continue reading

April 16, 2018
Comments Off on Week 5: Wednesday

Week 5: Wednesday

I didn’t have any teaching planned for this day as it was the half day. I don’t usually do much on this day because school finishes so early. Most of my teaching takes place in the afternoon, therefore I don’t have the opportunity to do much. However, when I went into school I was pleasantly […] Continue reading

April 16, 2018
Comments Off on Almond Valley Heritage Centre

Almond Valley Heritage Centre

  When attending University to become a Primary teacher, you don’t expect to have a placement that is not in a school, but when you attend the University of Dundee, this is the case for second year. My placement is in Almond Valley Heritage Centre, and I have been designing an entire topic plan around […] Continue reading

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