
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

November 2, 2017
Comments Off on Yan, Tan, Tethera

Yan, Tan, Tethera

Number systems and place value was not something which I had thought about or realised to be so complex until now. When I was in school and learning how to count or about place value and systems, I understood it straight away and that was it. I never questioned the mathematics behind it or considered […] Continue reading

October 30, 2017
Comments Off on When in doubt, change your answer?

When in doubt, change your answer?

Have you ever taken a test and put one answer down but the more you think about it, the more you think you should change your answer? Should I stick with what I originally thought or should I change it? What if I change it and my first answer is the right one, that would […] Continue reading

October 27, 2017
Comments Off on Basis Behind Belief?

Basis Behind Belief?

In our country there would have been a period in which whatever the Pope said was what should be obeyed. For many centuries, the Ten Commandments were the ground rules. Has there not been a century when the king’s word was the final word (ever heard of Henry the 8th)? A few weeks ago in […] Continue reading

October 25, 2017
Comments Off on Maths anxiety in children

Maths anxiety in children

Maths anxiety Heart beats faster and faster. Sweaty palms. Puzzled and confused. Everyone has some type of fear or anxiety. Imagine how you would feel when being faced with a maths question that leaves you in this state, the cause? Maths anxiety. What is maths anxiety? Maths anxiety is defined by Mark H. Ashcraft (2002) as […] Continue reading

October 25, 2017
Comments Off on Cornelia Clark Fort

Cornelia Clark Fort

STORIES FROM DRAMA: Writing in Role (2 hours) Choose a character from the past (it doesn’t have to be a famous person). Research that character and the time that they lived. Use the drama convention visualisation to explore what it would be like to be that character. What would they hear? What would they see? Smell? Experience? […] Continue reading

October 18, 2017
Comments Off on Maths Anxiety

Maths Anxiety

Looking back to seven years ago, I was in primary seven getting ready to start secondary school. Maths was something I loved and a subject I felt confident in. Six years ago I remember sitting through a maths class in S1 looking at the teacher who was desperately trying to teach me how to do […] Continue reading

October 18, 2017
Comments Off on “Everyone is different…”

“Everyone is different…”

“But that means everyone can fit in” (Paddington The Movie, 2014) Just from one quote, Paddington the Movie could stem a lot of lessons about inclusion, respecting diversity and expressing feelings. However, this was not the reason behind watching this film. We had been told about Paddington the Movie in our social studies elective as …

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October 17, 2017
Comments Off on Embracing my Inner Child (and the wind)!

Embracing my Inner Child (and the wind)!

Ok, so all my friends from the Central Belt of Scotland talked of great trips of the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh for class trips. Being a ‘Northern’, I had never been and was a little jealous. So, with the elective as a great excuse, Katie and I set off to Edinburgh for a day …

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October 17, 2017
Comments Off on Win with maths?

Win with maths?

Chance and probability link to the basic ideas or concepts of mathematics (Ma, 2010, p. 104). The basic understanding of probability is that it is the “[L]ikelihood or chance that something will happen.” (Tuner, no date, p.5). The “Probability of an event happening = Number of ways it can happen over the total number of […] Continue reading

October 14, 2017
Comments Off on Po-Value-rty and Education

Po-Value-rty and Education

Our lives are constantly changing – and so must our values. It’s not something I’ve ever really stopped to ponder about until now. I know I am only eighteen – and that according to society, I should be living up my youth- but reaching the age of majority has added a new dimension of seriousness. … Continue reading “Po-Value-rty and Education” Continue reading

October 12, 2017
Comments Off on I know the caterpillar is hungry but do I need to know why?

I know the caterpillar is hungry but do I need to know why?

Another fun filled expedition with my Ruby to delve into the world of science. This time it was another impromptu discussion brought up by the world around us. The location was the cycle path along by Barry Buddon (army base), a lovely contrast of environments: golf and a train track on one side and gunfire […] Continue reading

October 12, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Input

Resource Allocation Input

When we first arrived in the seminar we were told to disperse ourselves among the tables so that we would be equally divided into 5 groups. The task to complete in our groups was to create an item which students like us would be able to use on welcome week to help guide us throughout …

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October 11, 2017
Comments Off on Express yourself!

Express yourself!

“Thinking too much or too hard can get in the way of creativity.” (Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2001, p27). This is something that really resonates with me as I am a very creative person, however I am also a person guilty of over thinking and putting a lot of pressure on myself. It is at these […] Continue reading

October 11, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Workshop Reflection

Resource Allocation Workshop Reflection

Walking into the Values workshop hosted by Derek, I didn’t know what to expect. When Derek announced that we were going to make ‘Student Starter Packs’, initially I was a bit confused as to what relevance this would have in relation to the values module. We were split into five groups and each group was given […] Continue reading

October 11, 2017
Comments Off on A Memorable Learning Experience

A Memorable Learning Experience

Reflecting on my time at school, I have had various memorable learning experiences in and out-with the classroom environment. One which I remember particularly well, was the way in which we were introduced to our new class topic – “The Bermuda Triangle. “ We entered the classroom after interval, to an audio playing on the […] Continue reading

October 9, 2017
Comments Off on Art in Maths and Maths in Art

Art in Maths and Maths in Art

Art and artistic expression both have connotations of creativity, freedom and exploration for those that are deemed artistically imaginative to delve deep into their own vivid minds. One must be capable of thinking outside of the box of convention when viewing artwork, for example, to be appreciative of the emotions or message an artist is […] Continue reading

October 7, 2017
Comments Off on Can animals count?

Can animals count?

Can animals count? This question I posed to my friend. She responded with, “Yes! No! Wait… maybe?” I had the same reaction to this question. In this blog post I will share my thoughts and findings with you and maybe you too might wonder, can animals actually count? Horses? In the 1900’s, there was supposedly […] Continue reading

October 6, 2017
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Can animals count?

I must admit, I have never properly thought about whether animals can count or not. I always knew animals like chimpanzees and apes were particularly clever, but I never focused on the mathematical aspect of their intelligence. This is mostly likely because when I think of maths I always think of equations and algebra. I […] Continue reading

October 4, 2017
Comments Off on Reading, Writing and Listening in the Early Years

Reading, Writing and Listening in the Early Years

In my previous post (Early Years and Language), I spoke about how children recognise speech from birth, and how complicated the English language is. In a sort of ‘part 2’ of Early Years and Language, I thought I would speak about how I have struggled with speech myself and the struggles I am having personally …

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October 4, 2017
Comments Off on Are We Professional?

Are We Professional?

Within our Peer Learning Workshop on Monday, the main point of discussion involved whether or not we possess similar values and attributes that would be classed as professional. It cannot be argued that we are all exactly the same. In my opinion, it would not necessarily be a good thing if we were. Individuality and […] Continue reading

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