
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

March 25, 2018
Comments Off on Monday 19/03/2018

Monday 19/03/2018

I went into my second week of placement very enthusiastic and excited about the week ahead. Having already spent a week in a French school environment I was eager to get back into the school routine. This was my first Monday in ‘l’ecole Romain Rolland’ and I was interested to see if the Monday routine […] Continue reading

March 25, 2018
Comments Off on 2nd Week of Placement 19th – 23rd March 2018

2nd Week of Placement 19th – 23rd March 2018

Week 2 – 19th to 23rd of March My daily timetable:   CP CE1 CE2 CM1 CM2 8:45-9:30     x     9:30-10:00         x                                                                             BREAK 10:30-11:30 x                                                                                     LUNCH 13:30-14:45       X                                                                               BREAK 15:00-15:30   x         Monday […] Continue reading

March 23, 2018
Comments Off on Week 1 Reflection

Week 1 Reflection

Wednesday Wednesday is a half day in France meaning that the children finish school at half past eleven. This is very different to Scotland as school runs to and from the same time every day. It felt very strange leaving the school at this time. However, it did allow me to recharge and go into […] Continue reading

March 22, 2018
Comments Off on First Day in a French Primary School

First Day in a French Primary School

I was both anxious and excited going into my first day of placement. Arriving at the school was surreal, I couldn’t quite believe I was going to be teaching English in a French primary school. After entering the school with my host Nina, I was given a very warm welcome by both staff and my […] Continue reading

March 21, 2018
Comments Off on LfL – Section 1: Identification of Learning Opportunities

LfL – Section 1: Identification of Learning Opportunities

I will be learning constantly throughout this placement. For example; I will be constantly updating my knowledge of science, especially animals and plants as well as handling animals, cleaning them out, feeding them and taking general care of the animals. I will be constantly learning from the staff and teachers around me taking from them […] Continue reading

March 21, 2018
Comments Off on LfL – Section 1: Identification of Skills and Knowledge to be Developed

LfL – Section 1: Identification of Skills and Knowledge to be Developed

Skills to be Developed Confidence; I must be confident throughout my placement, especially when teaching environmental education to the children. Showing confidence allows the children to see that I am confident in what I am teaching them. I must also be confident in my own ability to teach the children and lead activities, as I […] Continue reading

March 21, 2018
Comments Off on LfL – Section 1: Reflection of Experiences to Date

LfL – Section 1: Reflection of Experiences to Date

In terms of experiences which have equipped me with the skills for this placement, my MA1 school placement would probably have had the biggest impact. This is because it has allowed me to identify the areas which I am successful and confident in, and which areas I need to work on. For example, one area […] Continue reading

March 19, 2018
Comments Off on 1st Week of Placement 13th – 16th of March

1st Week of Placement 13th – 16th of March

Tuesday 13th of March 2018 – Day 1 On Tuesday, I had my first day of placement at my assigned Primary School, École Les Guernazelles in the South of Orléans in France. I was picked up from the halls of residence and driven to the school by Nina, our guide, alongside Briony, as our schools […] Continue reading

March 19, 2018
Comments Off on Reflection on Experiences

Reflection on Experiences

Prior to the learning from life placement I have had one professional practice placement. This took place in a Scottish primary school. I was in my first year of the MA (Hons) Education course and it was my first experience of teaching in a Scottish primary school. I had the best experience on my first […] Continue reading

March 18, 2018
Comments Off on Learning from Life (LfL) – My Placement

Learning from Life (LfL) – My Placement

Learning from Life’s core purpose within our course, is for us to gain a new insight and develop new skills out with a mainstream Scottish primary school. In doing so, this will allow us, as future practitioners, to broaden our knowledge, experiences and skills in different settings, which we can then use in the classroom. […] Continue reading

March 15, 2018
Comments Off on Perspective


Semester 1 of my first year in the teaching journey could be summed up like this: late nights trying to untangle the web of Harvard referencing; dabbling in a fifth language to add to my repertoire (hablo inglés, francés, alemán, holandés y un poco español); trying not to rub in the fact that home-cooked meals […] Continue reading

March 15, 2018
Comments Off on Smile!


After an input on the importance of relationships and another input which mentioned body language and classroom presence I decided to go on a little CPD (continuing professional development) journey. These are the statements and facts I discovered: “One of the most effective ways of encouraging brain development in a child is to smile at […] Continue reading

February 27, 2018
Comments Off on LfL – Section 1

LfL – Section 1

This post contains the information needed in section 1 of the portfolio. This section of the Learning from Life portfolio should be completed prior to going on placement, which will allow a strong basis for continual reflection points during the placement. Audit of Skills Rating of skills (1=Not very developed; 3= very developed) Skills and […] Continue reading

February 19, 2018
Comments Off on Evolutionary Experiences

Evolutionary Experiences

My learning experience (so far) has been examined under a microscope, with the results below. You’ll also learn a little on behaviour (but only if you are eager to)! When a word in a dictionary ‘spots’ a new reader: Hello, my name is Floccinaucinihilipilification.Nice to meet you – what’s yours? The reaction when the reader … Continue reading “Evolutionary Experiences” Continue reading

February 12, 2018
Comments Off on Learning from Life – A Month to Go…

Learning from Life – A Month to Go…

1 Month. 4 weeks. 28 days. Time is passing quicker with each passing day. One specific date is highlighted in my calendar as having great significance and it is coming closer. 12th of March 2018. Today, specifically, marks a month until I will working in a school in Stuttgart, Germany. Before this, however, we still […] Continue reading

February 11, 2018
Comments Off on Waving 2017 A Goodbye

Waving 2017 A Goodbye

It is now 2018 and this year promises to bring a very exciting semester with so many opportunities. Although I am looking forward, it is important to look back at 2017 and my very first semester at University. 2017 has been a very hectic, crazy yet fun year. It has brought me a new sense …

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February 9, 2018
Comments Off on RME Reflection – What is Special to Me?

RME Reflection – What is Special to Me?

Ever since I was little, I LOVED birthdays. Not just my birthday, but all of my friends and families birthdays too. All the presents, balloons and cake was the most exciting thing ever, and I started to get excited for birthdays weeks before the actual day. However, ever since last year when I moved to […] Continue reading

February 5, 2018
Comments Off on Reflection


Reflecting on this first semester I have realised that I, as a person, have changed professionally and personally. I used to be quite an anxious person and found the thought of starting University quite daunting. But now, I am relishing in the fact that I am here, and I should be enjoying every moment! Which […] Continue reading

February 3, 2018
Comments Off on Providing a Structure to Eliminate Fear – The Drama Lesson

Providing a Structure to Eliminate Fear – The Drama Lesson

Drama is one of the curricular areas in which many teachers fear teaching. They don’t want to take the risk that if they bring their class onto the school stage, chaos will erupt, and behavioural management becomes more difficult to implement than ever before. With these assumptions, I ask how are we to encourage children […] Continue reading

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