
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

October 18, 2018
Comments Off on Would You Chance it All?

Would You Chance it All?

How often do you take a chance? The answer would be every day. Every day we take a chance, whether it be crossing the road, going to the gym or simply choosing to watch the TV. We cannot predict the potential outcome of doing something, yet, without even thinking, we create the factors that are […] Continue reading

October 18, 2018
Comments Off on Vita Brevis – Exploring the usage of Artefacts and Sources within Social Studies

Vita Brevis – Exploring the usage of Artefacts and Sources within Social Studies

Pickford, Garner and Jackson (2013, p.62) define artefacts as being valuable man-made or man-influenced objects that can encapsulate particular locations or sections of time within the world, which explains why they can serve as being strong backbones to particular contexts for establishing social studies learning. They can also vary greatly  in their appearance and purpose. […] Continue reading

October 17, 2018
Comments Off on Interest and Empathy Towards the Children During the War.

Interest and Empathy Towards the Children During the War.

In this blog post, I am going to talk about the learning experience of using artefacts to teach about the child evacuees during the war.  I am going to be writing this from the learners point of view as well as making reference to ideas for teaching from a teacher’s perspective. Although this workshop was […] Continue reading

October 17, 2018
Comments Off on The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci Sequence

After watching a TED Talk by Arthur Benjamin concerning Fibonacci numbers, I was intrigued, to say the least. I have never really heard much about different number sequences and haven’t ever thought about looking into them, until now. Benjamin talks about how there is a focus on children having to learn calculations that they will […] Continue reading

October 17, 2018
Comments Off on Maths and Art

Maths and Art

An input i found very interesting, and thoroughly enjoyed, from the Discovering Maths module, was about how maths can be creative. I have to admit, this thought had never really crossed my mind. We spent time talking about, and looking at, tessellation’s and different forms of islamic art. Although I have seen both of these […] Continue reading

October 17, 2018
Comments Off on Chance and Probability

Chance and Probability

What is the odds that you’ll win a toy playing the ‘claw’ arcade game? Probability, Odds and Random Chance. Probability is the likelihood or chance that something will happen. Probability is an estimate of the relative average frequency with which an event occurs in repeated independent trials. Probability:  The probability is how likely something is to … Continue reading Chance and Probability Continue reading

October 10, 2018
Comments Off on Does mathematics come easy to everyone?

Does mathematics come easy to everyone?

What can impact the learning of mathematics in the classroom? To truely understand this question we must delve into the minds of children today. Children today have the right to learn maths in their own time and at their own speed which means that it can be difficult to comprehend if some children truly find … Continue reading Does mathematics come easy to everyone? Continue reading

October 9, 2018
Comments Off on Makey Makey🕹

Makey Makey🕹

On the 26th of September we had a lecture with Derek. No one knew this lecture would lead to us being Derek’s most successful ‘Makey Makey’ class throughout his time teaching this module. Derek firstly spoke to us about using technology in the classroom, its benefits and purposes for real learning. He then introduced the […] Continue reading

October 8, 2018
Comments Off on What do you mean numbers don’t exist?!

What do you mean numbers don’t exist?!

Yes, you did see it right. Apparently, numbers do not exist. My mind is still trying to process how such a concept could even be possible after believing all my life that numbers are the fundamental basis of mathematics. After much time pondering and challenging this, it appears to be true… We use numbers everyday, […] Continue reading

October 8, 2018
Comments Off on Storytelling in Music🎼

Storytelling in Music🎼

Today we had a music workshop with Sharon. The workshop started with Sharon showing us how to introduce music to children through using your body and vocals for making sound. The advantage of this is that there is less mess and disruption than if you were to get musical instruments out in the classroom. This […] Continue reading

October 7, 2018
Comments Off on What is a Number?

What is a Number?

We come into contact with numbers every day. Time, working out how many portions of dinner we’ll need to make or simply “hey what’s your number?”. But have we ever taken the time to think, what is a number and why do we even use them? My first question is, why does the number three […] Continue reading

October 7, 2018
Comments Off on Bringing International Games in to the Classroom

Bringing International Games in to the Classroom

During a lecture, we were considering the games we played as a child and how they related to our country, the innate parts of being human and the impacts that some games had on our futures. It was interesting to see that the most prominent games played were schools (where we were all the teacher) […] Continue reading

October 3, 2018
Comments Off on Maths IS important!

Maths IS important!

“Is maths important?” my lecturer asked during a recent Discovering Mathematics workshop. My exam driven former self would have explicitly answered no to this question, as I had all sorts of weird and wonderful equations and rules drilled into my head at this point – none of which I have actually implemented within my everyday […] Continue reading

October 2, 2018
Comments Off on Can a raise in attainment within mathematics be created and maths anxiety destroyed?

Can a raise in attainment within mathematics be created and maths anxiety destroyed?

Discovering maths has really opened my mind and has got me thinking about how I want to teach maths in my future classroom and what kind of teacher in maths I want to be. After one of the discovering maths lectures it allowed me to begin to ask myself a series of questions around the […] Continue reading

September 29, 2018
Comments Off on the maths and creativity sandwich.

the maths and creativity sandwich.

Never would I have imagined that myself or anyone could sandwich together maths and creativity. Yet what a wonderful sandwich it is! Realistically, the majority of people would strongly argue against this opening statement, my self being one of them, however let me tell you that it is more than possible. Like most sandwiches it …

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September 28, 2018
Comments Off on Maths Ability Groups: Good, Bad or Ugly?

Maths Ability Groups: Good, Bad or Ugly?

After learning about the cognitive and affective domains with regards to learning in an input in my Discovering Maths module, I have been thinking about how maths groups based on ability and their seemingly neutral names may be affecting the way children feel about mathematics. Do ability groups still have a place in a modern classroom? Are there other options? We should have ability groups because… It is almost […] Continue reading

September 28, 2018
Comments Off on RRS Discovery⚓️

RRS Discovery⚓️

Today we had a day off from university, so Jennifer, Beth and I decided to use the time to do an education trip to the RRS Discovery ship in Dundee. Our aim was to learn about the history, geography and science of the exhibition and reflect on the suitability of the exhibition for children and […] Continue reading

September 28, 2018
Comments Off on The Power of Yet

The Power of Yet

Recently, through an input on math anxiety, I discovered the saying, “the power of yet.” Since this input this saying has really stuck with me. During my first year placement whilst teaching mathematics, specially time, one boy – who was more intelligent than he let on – decided through frustration and panic gave up on … Continue reading The Power of Yet Continue reading

September 27, 2018
Comments Off on The Art of Tessellation

The Art of Tessellation

When Jonathan first said the word “tessellation”, I immediately thought what on earth is he on about?! Yet, following this lecture I now understand that tessellation is something that surrounds us. Tessellation is the arrangement of identical shapes that fit together perfectly to create a pattern. These shapes have to fit precisely beside one another, […] Continue reading

September 26, 2018
Comments Off on A Different Way to Learn

A Different Way to Learn

I love maths. I find the subject to be so challenging yet so satisfying that I was able to enjoy my experiences of maths throughout my education. My love of maths began in my Primary 5 class when my teacher provided myself and my classmates an opportunity to learn maths in a different way, through […] Continue reading

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