
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

August 29, 2017
Comments Off on Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

I can hardly believe it! 3rd year is almost here, and this is the point where all my hard work starts to count towards my final qualification! My first 2 years at university have been brilliant so far, and I have learned so much – not only about the course content, but also about myself. … Continue reading Looking Ahead Continue reading

May 12, 2017
Comments Off on Mathematics – Year 3 – Week 6

Mathematics – Year 3 – Week 6

Unfortunately, this was my last ever lesson with Year 3N and it was devastating to say my goodbyes to them. I was genuinely nearly in tears when they all started clapping and shouting “3 cheers for Miss Whitham, Hip Hip Horray”. I could sob here and now writing this but I won’t I’ll just talk […] Continue reading

May 10, 2017
Comments Off on Science Lesson – Year 4 – Week 6

Science Lesson – Year 4 – Week 6

Monday’s lesson was my second science lesson within the school and I am really confident that it went well and know that the boys enjoyed it. Unfortunately there was no real opportunity for the teacher to observe me but did give me some informal feedback that was really positive. I think something that I can […] Continue reading

May 5, 2017
Comments Off on Moulsford’s Matron

Moulsford’s Matron

I honestly have to say, when I was at school one of the places I frequented the most at school was the sick bay what with whooping cough, a bad back and then the general clumsyness of falling over. So when I came to Moulsford and found that they have their own matron, I knew […] Continue reading

May 5, 2017
Comments Off on Boarding Life at Moulsford

Boarding Life at Moulsford

Here at Moulsford, boarding is offered for boys Year 5 and up, Monday to Friday, 4 nights a week. It is flexible and boys can choose to stay for 1, 2, 3 or 4 nights in a row if they choose. There is also the opportunity for some boys to actually stay until 8pm if […] Continue reading

May 1, 2017
Comments Off on Week 4 – Reflection

Week 4 – Reflection

Most people moan about Monday mornings and having to get up at quarter to 7 to get to school on time, but I am having such a fantastic time that when my alarm goes off I seem to get straight up! Monday of my week 4 was great with me attending an English lesson with […] Continue reading

May 1, 2017
Comments Off on Moulsford. History. Common Entrance.

Moulsford. History. Common Entrance.

Its no news to anyone back home, at university or even here at Moulsford that I love my history and its definitely an area I am really interested in teaching. Mouslford are about to go through a whole curriculum change which will happen in the next few months, but for the next few weeks I […] Continue reading

April 24, 2017
Comments Off on Week 3 – Reflection

Week 3 – Reflection

Week 3 has been a 4 day week due to Easter Monday being a bank holiday. I’m so used to being in Scotland where most people work and most things are open on a bank holiday but down here in England everyone closes up shop and takes the day as a proper holiday for family […] Continue reading

April 20, 2017
Comments Off on Religious Instruction

Religious Instruction

Moulsford, as with many other schools across England prides itself in being a Church of England school. This means that during assembly the boys are expected to pray, sing religious hymns and uphold christian values. I have myself observed this in practice and remember prayers and assembly singing, well from my own school days in […] Continue reading

April 20, 2017
Comments Off on Inset Day – Purple Pens and Labelling Lads

Inset Day – Purple Pens and Labelling Lads

Yesterday’s inset day was a lovely relaxing first day back for the teachers before the madness of the children arriving! Moulsford had booked a local teacher to talk to us from a private school in Oxford who are changing their curriculum, like Moulsford, to a more skills based curriculum. As he started I already liked […] Continue reading

April 18, 2017
Comments Off on Week 2 – Reflection

Week 2 – Reflection

Each week on this placement, I must right a short reflection on my time at Moulsford and link it to the GTCS Scottish Standards for Provisional Registration. It was the last week of the Spring term before they boys go off on their Easter break and there was a lot of random days and lessons […] Continue reading

April 17, 2017
Comments Off on Bringing Scotland to Dallas

Bringing Scotland to Dallas

It’s Monday again… but it’s my last Monday with Tracy Locke! I seriously cannot believe I only have a matter of days left here. Today I did a presentation about my life in Scotland which it seemed like everyone really enjoyed! It was so good to be able to tell them about my life in […] Continue reading

April 17, 2017
Comments Off on Week 1 – Reflection

Week 1 – Reflection

Each week on my placement I will be writing some short weekly reflections about what I have been up to and what I have learned whilst linking it up to the GTCS (2012) Standards for Registration. My week started out rather nervously on Monday with my first day and I honestly don’t think I have […] Continue reading

April 5, 2017
Comments Off on I want to be part of it. New York, New York.

I want to be part of it. New York, New York.

Today I have been lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to go to New York City and visit the Tracy Locke office there on Madison Avenue (as previously stated this is known as TLNY). This have given me a good opportunity to, yet again, to meet more new people and tell them a […] Continue reading

March 31, 2017
Comments Off on We’re half way there! (Weekly Reflection 3)

We’re half way there! (Weekly Reflection 3)

Happy Friday! It’s pretty scary to think that I have just finished my third week with Tracy Locke for my Learning from Life placement. I continually say it but I am so happy I chose to undertake my placement here and in an industry which three weeks ago I was completely clueless on. This week has […] Continue reading

March 27, 2017
Comments Off on Back to Work!

Back to Work!

This weekend I went down to Austin, TX with my Uncle Hugh and Auntie Mary to celebrate their friends’ son’s first birthday. Austin is 217 miles away and it took us 3 and a half hours to get there and a little longer to get back. I’d heard the saying “100 years is not long […] Continue reading

March 23, 2017
Comments Off on Learning for Support and Support for Learning

Learning for Support and Support for Learning

I want to learn about schools from all aspects from the kitchen to the classroom If you are keeping up to date with my blog and reading it daily, you will be familiar with my third goal for this placement quoted above. Today’s main learning focus for myself was Learning Support in my fantastic placement […] Continue reading

March 21, 2017
Comments Off on First Time at Phonics

First Time at Phonics

Phonics at Moulsford has become part of the curriculum from pre-prep up to Year 5 over the past couple of years. For those of you reading this who are unsure of what phonics are, they are the first strategy that children should be taught to help them learn to read by using words that are […] Continue reading

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