
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

May 7, 2018
Comments Off on The Final Wrap Up

The Final Wrap Up

This placement has provided me with several learning opportunities and I am developing my own educational philosophy and teacher style. I was fortunate to have such a wide range of experiences during the six weeks with school trips, sports competitions and one to one observations. Gaining insight into these aspects has allowed me to grow […] Continue reading

May 6, 2018
Comments Off on Die Zeit ist so schnell – Week 8 in Stuttgart Reflection

Die Zeit ist so schnell – Week 8 in Stuttgart Reflection

The end of placement is nearing and the weeks are rolling by at an alarming rate. This week was a shorter school week because of the bank holidays on Monday and Tuesday in Germany, therefore, we only had a 3-day school week. However the days were packed with lots of work due to the grade 5s’ […] Continue reading

May 5, 2018
Comments Off on Transferrable Skills Record

Transferrable Skills Record

At the start of placement I really wanted to work on the following skills: Skill Halfway Through Placement End of Placement Effective relationships with others I feel I have developed a good relationship with both staff and pupils. I do think I am quite quiet in the staff room but I believe this is partly […] Continue reading

May 5, 2018
Comments Off on The Multi-Cultural Evening at ISS

The Multi-Cultural Evening at ISS

On Friday (4th of May 2018), ISS held its yearly event known as the Multi-Cultural Evening. I had been waiting for this day with anticipated joy because so many people had told me in the run up to it that it was a night that could not be missed at ISS! What the multi-cultural evening […] Continue reading

April 24, 2018
Comments Off on 4 weeks down, 2 to go!

4 weeks down, 2 to go!

I found myself in shock the other day as I sat down and counted how many days of placement I had completed and how many I had left. The time is going by in a flash. This week has given me experience and understanding of more elements of teaching. I have been given the responsibility […] Continue reading

April 18, 2018
Comments Off on Exhibition Topics – A.Is in Education, Hacking and Warfares – My Inquiry

Exhibition Topics – A.Is in Education, Hacking and Warfares – My Inquiry

I have first explored what the actual purpose behind the Grade 5 exhibition is, however, I also want to write a particular entry into my portfolio where I explore some of the main topics that have interested me; the topics that the children have chosen to explore, I mean. One of the biggest one I […] Continue reading

April 15, 2018
Comments Off on Eggs Up for Relevant Learning Activities

Eggs Up for Relevant Learning Activities

The egg has (almost) reached the bottom of the holiday hill. Typically, we never compare climbing hills to something relaxing – but remember, the downwards incline is always thrilling. Yes, my Easter holidays have been glorified with chocolate, cheer and catch-up chats with family and friends. For many others – who have had a vacation […] Continue reading

April 15, 2018
Comments Off on French Handwriting

French Handwriting

One of the first things that I noticed when I began my placement at L’Ecole Guernazelles, was the children’s handwriting. I was so impressed with my CM1 class and how neat and sophisticated their handwriting was. I compared it to my Scottish primary 5s last year, and considered that this was very impressive for their […] Continue reading

April 15, 2018
Comments Off on Week 5 of Placement – 9th to the 13th of April

Week 5 of Placement – 9th to the 13th of April

Week 5 of Placement – 9th to the 13th of April Monday 9th CE2 – this morning I went into the class but they were not quite ready for me to begin as there was some registration issues that Madame Delaroche had to deal with. I began as usual by asking for the date and […] Continue reading

April 15, 2018
Comments Off on alle kleiner Kinder – Week 5 in Stuttgart Reflection

alle kleiner Kinder – Week 5 in Stuttgart Reflection

First week back at ISS after the Easter break last week and I feel that I have been able to get back into the structure of working at the international school of Stuttgart and gain new knowledge once again in terms of professional development. Before the holidays, I had worked my way down the grades […] Continue reading

April 11, 2018
Comments Off on Week 4 of Placement – 3rd -6th of April

Week 4 of Placement – 3rd -6th of April

Tuesday 3rd CE2 – I began the lesson the same way I usually do with asking for the date and the weather in English. The class are getting the hang of this although they seemed to get ‘it is windy’ and ‘it is cloudy’ confused. This could be because they both end the same way […] Continue reading

April 4, 2018
Comments Off on Week 3 of Placement – 26th – 30th of March

Week 3 of Placement – 26th – 30th of March

Monday 26th CE2 – I began by asking one of the pupils to write the date in English on the board. They usually know how to say the word properly but their spelling is often wrong so I have to help them with this using the French alphabet. I continued with the topic of feelings […] Continue reading

March 18, 2018
Comments Off on Multi-Cultural Assembly – Understanding the Background of Our Peers at ISS

Multi-Cultural Assembly – Understanding the Background of Our Peers at ISS

On Friday, the lower school of the International School of Stuttgart held an assembly that aimed to showcase and celebrate the various heritages and backgrounds that are evident within ISS. The children at ISS all come from different backgrounds and ISS believe that it is their mission to not only celebrate their development in the […] Continue reading

February 27, 2018
Comments Off on LfL – Section 1

LfL – Section 1

This post contains the information needed in section 1 of the portfolio. This section of the Learning from Life portfolio should be completed prior to going on placement, which will allow a strong basis for continual reflection points during the placement. Audit of Skills Rating of skills (1=Not very developed; 3= very developed) Skills and […] Continue reading

February 19, 2018
Comments Off on Evolutionary Experiences

Evolutionary Experiences

My learning experience (so far) has been examined under a microscope, with the results below. You’ll also learn a little on behaviour (but only if you are eager to)! When a word in a dictionary ‘spots’ a new reader: Hello, my name is Floccinaucinihilipilification.Nice to meet you – what’s yours? The reaction when the reader … Continue reading “Evolutionary Experiences” Continue reading

February 17, 2018
Comments Off on Baby Steps, Big Dreams: Journey to my mental health recovery

Baby Steps, Big Dreams: Journey to my mental health recovery

So I haven’t posted in a while (a year and a half ago eek!) but I have been taking time to blog on my own personal life. Truth is, this year really hasn’t been easy and to know I have made it through and to still be at university is a blessing. A lot has […] Continue reading

February 11, 2018
Comments Off on Scientific Literacy and Education

Scientific Literacy and Education

AC1 – Explanation of the concept of scientific literacy; Scientific literacy is an often-misunderstood term and in recent years, with the increasing demand to make scientific literacy more known in schools, it is more important now than ever to ensure we have the correct understanding of what it means to be scientifically literate. In this …

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February 11, 2018
Comments Off on Waving 2017 A Goodbye

Waving 2017 A Goodbye

It is now 2018 and this year promises to bring a very exciting semester with so many opportunities. Although I am looking forward, it is important to look back at 2017 and my very first semester at University. 2017 has been a very hectic, crazy yet fun year. It has brought me a new sense …

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February 9, 2018
Comments Off on Management and Organisation in the Classroom

Management and Organisation in the Classroom

Organisation and Management: Having tables of 4 or 6 helps avoid noise during the lessons. I would also make sure children get to sit with people they get along with, but if it becomes too chatty it is good to mix the groups to ensure children are focussed and so that they also get a …

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February 9, 2018
Comments Off on RME Reflection – What is Special to Me?

RME Reflection – What is Special to Me?

Ever since I was little, I LOVED birthdays. Not just my birthday, but all of my friends and families birthdays too. All the presents, balloons and cake was the most exciting thing ever, and I started to get excited for birthdays weeks before the actual day. However, ever since last year when I moved to […] Continue reading

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