
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 13, 2018
Comments Off on Einstein was wrong…

Einstein was wrong…

Einstein once said: “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education”. An odd quote, perhaps. However, I have never claimed to be Einstein and will never claim to be. To me, Einstein was wrong. Education inspires, enlightens and drives children to prosper and be the best they can be and as an […] Continue reading

September 13, 2018
Comments Off on My Need to Teach

My Need to Teach

After leaving school with grades for University but no guidance in that direction, I found myself wandering aimlessly from one form of employment to another. Bank worker, assistant paralegal, temp, lab technician to name but a few!  Eventually I entered into the care field running a Homeless Unit and working in a locked Residential Childrens […] Continue reading

September 13, 2018
Comments Off on My Reasoning for Becoming a Teacher

My Reasoning for Becoming a Teacher

For as long as I can remember, my one main ambition has been to become a primary school teacher. I have always enjoyed being a part of a school environment from a young age and to me, it only seemed right to continue on, not only to further education but to become a teacher at […] Continue reading

September 13, 2018
Comments Off on Finding Direction

Finding Direction

I left school not really having a clue what I wanted to do. It was quite a lonely and daunting period as all my friends were prepared and had every detail of their plan down to a T. I have always had a great interest in working with children, but as a mere 17-year-old, I […] Continue reading

September 13, 2018
Comments Off on To teach or not to teach?

To teach or not to teach?

During my years at school I quickly realised that teachers had a large impact on my school experience. One teacher in particular inspired me, during my primary years, to want to teach children. She always encouraged me to do my best and reach my full potential, which showed me the type of teacher I aspire […] Continue reading

September 13, 2018
Comments Off on What teaching means for me

What teaching means for me

What teaching means for me: Leigh Douglas Ever since I was younger I had always known that I wanted to pursue a career that involved working with children. To begin with I wanted to be a paediatric nurse but decided this wasn’t for me as I feel my emotions would have got the better of […] Continue reading

September 12, 2018
Comments Off on Why I want to be a teacher

Why I want to be a teacher

For a few years I have really enjoyed working with and helping children as well as building relationships with them.  I want to make school fun for them and help to change some of the negativity that surrounds education. I personally loved primary school and always had great relationships with my teachers and loved turning up […] Continue reading

September 12, 2018
Comments Off on My Experience with School/Teaching

My Experience with School/Teaching

When I look back on my own experience throughout school, I was very lucky to enjoy every year of it. I think about the teachers who inspired me and helped me find confidence within myself, and I think about the lessons that have continued to stay with me even after leaving. I’ve always wanted to […] Continue reading

September 12, 2018
Comments Off on My inspirations for becoming a teacher.

My inspirations for becoming a teacher.

I strongly feel that teaching is in my blood. My family has been passionate about education through many generations. I am positive this has made me decide to pursue a career in teaching to follow in the footsteps of these very inspiring family members, but also has influenced my affinity with children. Due to my […] Continue reading

September 4, 2018
Comments Off on PYP and CfE – similarities and differences

PYP and CfE – similarities and differences

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) of the IB has a lot of similarities in terms of encouraging self-reliant learning as CfE. There are some slight differences in curricular areas however. The PYP curricular areas are as follows: Language Mathematics Science Social Studies Arts Personal, Social, and Physical Education These curricular areas seem to be a […] Continue reading

September 3, 2018
Comments Off on Which of the IB’s progressive educational trends align with CfE?

Which of the IB’s progressive educational trends align with CfE?

Trends in education and they way in which children and young people are taught in schools is constantly evolving, and has changed a fair bit in recent years. Teaching and learning used to be centred around test scores and strict academic ability, with very little flexibility within learning methods to allow children to achieve to […] Continue reading

September 3, 2018
Comments Off on The IB Learner Profile attributes and the four capacities of CfE

The IB Learner Profile attributes and the four capacities of CfE

The Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) has four main capacities, which are as follows: Successful Learners – encouraging students to reach their highest possible standards of personal achievement by being open to new ways of thinking/learning, and to be motivated and enthusiastic about their own learning. Successful Learners are able to use communication, literacy, numeracy […] Continue reading

September 2, 2018
Comments Off on How do the IB aims align with the main aims of CfE?

How do the IB aims align with the main aims of CfE?

Upon initial research into the International Baccalaureate (IB), it seems very clear to me that the main mission of the programme is to help shape children and young people into caring, respectful, and knowledgeable individuals who will be able to work seamlessly with people from all over the world without barriers such as language or […] Continue reading

May 8, 2018
Comments Off on Identification of further learning

Identification of further learning

Over the past two months I have learned a lot thanks to the learning from life experience. However, one of the main things I have learned from working in a French primary school is the importance of teaching and learning a foreign language from a young age. Being submerged in the French culture has allowed […] Continue reading

May 8, 2018
Comments Off on End of Placement Review

End of Placement Review

May 7, 2018
Comments Off on The Final Wrap Up

The Final Wrap Up

This placement has provided me with several learning opportunities and I am developing my own educational philosophy and teacher style. I was fortunate to have such a wide range of experiences during the six weeks with school trips, sports competitions and one to one observations. Gaining insight into these aspects has allowed me to grow […] Continue reading

May 5, 2018
Comments Off on The Multi-Cultural Evening at ISS

The Multi-Cultural Evening at ISS

On Friday (4th of May 2018), ISS held its yearly event known as the Multi-Cultural Evening. I had been waiting for this day with anticipated joy because so many people had told me in the run up to it that it was a night that could not be missed at ISS! What the multi-cultural evening […] Continue reading

April 20, 2018
Comments Off on Placement Reflection

Placement Reflection

Learning from Life has been a truly amazing experience. I have loved every aspect of my placement and would not change a thing. I am so happy that I decided to come to France and did something I have never done before. Working in a French primary school allowed me to see how the Education […] Continue reading

April 15, 2018
Comments Off on alle kleiner Kinder – Week 5 in Stuttgart Reflection

alle kleiner Kinder – Week 5 in Stuttgart Reflection

First week back at ISS after the Easter break last week and I feel that I have been able to get back into the structure of working at the international school of Stuttgart and gain new knowledge once again in terms of professional development. Before the holidays, I had worked my way down the grades […] Continue reading

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