My Need to Teach

After leaving school with grades for University but no guidance in that direction, I found myself wandering aimlessly from one form of employment to another. Bank worker, assistant paralegal, temp, lab technician to name but a few!  Eventually I entered into the care field running a Homeless Unit and working in a locked Residential Childrens Home before finding myself helping to teach Children with Special Needs in a primary school.  I knew from working within the Homeless Unit that my future was in helping people get the most they could out of life and to learn to help themselves. This was definitely my forte, as they say,  especially aiding those that were vulnerable or had special educational needs.

Through working with pupils with behavioural issues, autism, muscular dystrophy, profound and severe complex needs I felt compelled to understand more about child behaviour, how I can provide the greatest care for each individual, what measures can I  put in place to support each child, build their confidence and give them the best possible educational experience throughout their school lives.

Often you hear people outside the school gates casually write a child off commenting, “what hope have they got?”  Well I want to be that hope. I have witnessed many pupils believe from the word go that they “can’t do it!”,  many of whom have had poor early life experiences. I want to help turn that around. I believe that every child has a limitless potential, some just need more guidance than others, extra help, a confidence boost and care.  In order for me to do this justice, I know I have to become a primary teacher using the years of experience I have gained so far.  To fully understand how children learn and develop,  to pass on knowledge, practical skills and to show enthusiasm for them as an individual and for their learning journey.   I want to plan, deliver and create an enjoyable learning environment. I hope through teaching I can help my pupils grow into believing that the world really is their oyster and they can be anything they want to be.  This is why I want to teach.

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