
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Racism and Discrimination: My View Before and After

Racism and Discrimination: My View Before and After

After receiving an input on race, ethnicity, patriarchy, discrimination and prejudice as part of the Values module, my understanding of the topic has significantly changed. Before, I believed that was racism was becoming a ‘thing of the past’, which we had acknowledged as a society in order to see past the views of those less […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
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Social Hierarchy – Resource Allocation Task

As part of the first Values Workshop, we were split into 5 groups, each of which received an envelope containing stationary items. The aim of the task was to produce a pack, using the resources in your envelope, for new MA1 students. This would be given to them at the start of their University journey. […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
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Resource allocation task.

Last week I had my first workshop as a student at the University of Dundee and it opened my eyes to an issue I have, until now, overlooked; the impact poverty can have on a child’s education. In the workshop we were split into groups, given envelopes filled with materials and told to make a […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
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Resource Allocation Workshop

Last week we participated in a workshop as part of our values module. We were separated into small groups and then each group was given a large brown envelope containing various stationery. Although we did not know at the time, some envelopes contained next to nothing, while the others were packed full of pens, paper, […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
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Values: As Embodied and Culturally Specific

Prior to Tuesday’s input and engaging with the materials on MyDundee, I had a rough idea of race, ethnicity, prejudice and discrimination, with my main understanding including the idea of people belonging to some sort of group, or being confined to some sort of group. I perceived initially that race was something to do with […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
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Perceptions on Race, Ethnicity and Discrimination (MA1)

Perceptions on Race, Ethnicity and Discrimination Before the input and reading, my thought and perceptions about race, ethnicity and prejudice were somewhat vague. I know in general what these terms meant and could give examples of what I thought each one entailed. After learning more, I have found that race as a concept is extremely […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Understanding Ourselves Racism Input

Understanding Ourselves Racism Input

Prior to this lecture I had watched the materials and in particular felt the TED talk about growing up black was very empowering. I had the stereotypical definitions of what race, ethnicity and discrimination were however I was shocked to find out just how much they influence people’s everyday lives in that lecture. Originally I […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation

Resource Allocation

”Use the resources in the envelope to create a useful tool for a new student at the University of Dundee”. The instruction sounded pretty straightforward, but after the task, I had an enhanced understanding of the variables that affect how easy it is to complete a given task. Our group was split up into 5 smaller […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
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Racism Input

Discrimination is a concept that I’ve never really understood. I just don’t see the need for it to exist. Why does it matter which country you come from or what colour your skin is? Why should one life be worth more than another? I find it very easy to see how easy it is for […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on TDT – Racism

TDT – Racism

The understanding ourselves lecture based on Racism explained how racism is still an ongoing issue in today’s modern society. At the start of the lecture we are asked to write down our understanding of race, ethnicity and discrimination. My thoughts on these terms were: Race – A shared physical trait of a group Ethnicity – […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Input

Resource Allocation Input

After Derek’s input on Resource Allocation the theme became significantly clearer. We were put into 5 groups and each given an envelope filled with resources and asked to create a resource out of the material we were given for first year students to use – basically a survival kit for new students. My group created a […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on What would you do?

What would you do?

Everybody’s life’s are different, someone may look the same as you and feel the same as you but the worries and struggles we all face are different. We shouldn’t take what we have for granted when others are struggling. What would you do if you knew somebody was struggling with money, food, clothes, house, rent, […] Continue reading

September 26, 2017
Comments Off on Resources Task- The Value of Equality

Resources Task- The Value of Equality

During our most recent values seminar, we were divided into five groups. We were then given resources, such as paper, coloured pens and paperclips, in which we had to use to complete a creative task. I was in group three and found that as soon as we were given our resources, we were aware that […] Continue reading

September 26, 2017
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Learning a new skill is sometimes daunting. Applying the skill gives you that wee bit more confidence then showing others gives a degree of confidence in the skill. This week I learnt how to upload a video from my iPhone to YouTube then to my eportfolio, in a somewhat seamless manner. Although I am not […] Continue reading

September 25, 2017
Comments Off on (19.09.2017 Values) Better Off

(19.09.2017 Values) Better Off

From the moment you are born, you are invited into a world that you never asked to be born into and an environment you never chose. Everyday thousands of children are born into poverty just as some are born into wealth. These children will live very different lives but what ones will put in more effort […] Continue reading

September 25, 2017
Comments Off on Resources Allocation Workshop

Resources Allocation Workshop

On Tuesdays values seminar, we were split into 5 groups and given a task to come up with, and then create, something that we thought would help a new student starting university. Each group was given a packet of stationary and arts and crafts supplies to help make and present their idea. My groups packet […] Continue reading

September 24, 2017
Comments Off on The resource allocation task – 19th Sept 2017

The resource allocation task – 19th Sept 2017

Our first tutorial was on September 19th 2017. For this particular task our year group was split in half in order for us to get the best from this society linked activity. Within the two sections we were separated into five different groups and each given a pack. Inside the pack was resources which we […] Continue reading

September 24, 2017
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Resource Allocation Task

Our resource allocation workshop last Tuesday, as part of our values module, reiterated a very important message to me; no matter a child’s background, social standing or economic wealth, they should all be given the same resources and opportunities. It also taught me that even if we realise a situation is prejudiced we may do […] Continue reading

September 24, 2017
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Resource Workshop

On Tuesday last week during our Values Lesson the class was split up into five different groups, with each group being handed a large envelope, including a number of resources.  The lecturer informed us we must come up with an idea of a helpful and resourceful tool for somebody just starting out on the course […] Continue reading

September 24, 2017
Comments Off on The first valuable lesson of many

The first valuable lesson of many

The other day we had our first tutorial, for this we were put into 5 different groups. Each group was given a packet of resources, everyone would later come to find out that the resources in these packets extremely varied – some groups had lots whereas other groups had practically nothing. We were instructed to […] Continue reading

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