Category: Health and Wellbeing

FVWL RIC Health and Wellbeing Survey

Health and Wellbeing is very much at the forefront of our minds in the light of our current situation. There is a plentiful supply of Staff Health and Wellbeing resources circulating currently and Forth Valley and West Lothian RIC want to find out your current knowledge of these, alongside how valid these are for you. We also want to know how you are interacting with these resources/initiatives.

The results of the survey will drive forward access to resources that are meaningful to you and provide a bank of relevant sources which will all be available, in one place, on our FVWL RIC HWB Blog Space. The results will also inform us of any CLPL that needs to be offered by our RIC, ensuring that it is bespoke to your health and wellbeing needs.

The closing date for the survey is 28th February 2022 and can be accessed using the link below. Your participation with this survey is very much appreciated.

Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award iDEA – mini course3rd Feb, 4pm shared from DigiLearnScot

The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA is helping people of all ages develop digital and enterprise skills, discover new talents and gain digital confidence, for free.

There are over 80 bite-sized modules available to try on iDEA which have been created with industry experts and innovative employers. iDEA enables learners to showcase their skills as they earn digital badges, certificates and Awards which can be added to LinkedIn profiles, CVs and applications to help them stand out from the crowd.

This is your opportunity to find out more about how iDEA works straight from the iDEA team and Mr Pyott, Principal Teacher of Computing Science at Grove Academy, Dundee.

Click here to book your place.

Education Scotland extend coaching offer to educational staff

We are delighted to announce that Education Scotland are offering an extension to the workforce support package offer to include group coaching sessions to support health and wellbeing.

Education Scotland coaching offer to support staff health and wellbeing 

One to one coaching sessions have been offered to the education profession since 2020 as part of the workforce support package funded by the Scottish Government to help practitioners in navigating the challenges caused by Covid-19. This offer has now been extended to include five additional group coaching sessions and a ‘Supporting the Supports’ group to ensure practitioners and local authority staff who are supporting others do not face isolation in the challenges of their role.

Please share this information with your network and if you have any questions about this then please don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form below:.


Our December FVWL RIC/Education Scotland SWAY Newsletter

FVWL RIC /ES December SWAY Newsletter

Just a reminder of our equity themed December SWAY Newsletter which showcases some of the amazing work going on across our Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative (FVWLRIC). You can see the work across our FVWLRIC workstreams, locally and nationally. This is #OurRIC so please get in touch if you would like more information, have any suggestions or if there is something you would like to share for upcoming February newsletter.


Professional Learning Video resources at your fingertips


The Education Scotland Professional Learning and Leadership Team recognise that educators, particularly now, are extremely busy and are likely to be engaging with professional learning in a different way.

They wanted to provide a library of previously recorded seminars and sessions, categorised by theme, to allow you to access professional learning at a time that best suits you.

Some of the themes discussed in these recordings will be expanded upon in their online professional learning activities that you may wish to explore. The themes are:

This library will continue to be updated and added to throughout 2022.

Click here to access the collection of recorded webinars and professional learning sessions led or supported by the Education Scotland Professional Learning and Leadership Team or on the clickable themes above.