Category: Career Long Professional Learning

Online professional learning opportunities

FV&WL RIC CLPL workstream – online professional learning opportunities

For those practitioners who are looking to engage in CLPL during this time, the Forth Valley & West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative Career Long Professional Learning workstream have reviewed and developed this list of professional learning opportunities originally posted on Twitter by @lauratsabet.  Where a course is included it is not an endorsement by the FV&WL RIC – this list is intended to signpost to a range of opportunities available and is by no means exhaustive.  This resource is a result of a collaborative effort between colleagues in Clackmannanshire, Falkirk, Stirling, West Lothian, Education Scotland and the Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative.

Resources for professional learning 1

Tom Sherrington is a former Headteacher whose  book ” The Learning Rainforest: great teaching in real classrooms”  explores how education can transform lives, even in the most challenging settings.

Listed here are resources that he has  provided free for practitioners to use during school closures.

Great advice for setting tasks and keeping in touch with learners during an extended  period of e-learning  

Learning and teaching research summaries: a collection for easy access

Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction:workshops and masterclasses via  video

Professional learning : blog links

Deeper learning for all: five things to do more of

Please share via @fvwlric and @fvwlriclit  how you will use what you have gained from this resource!

Mindfulness: keeping calm in times of difficulty


Mindfulness -keeping calm during difficulty (Pearson )

Feeling a certain amount of concern or worry is natural when we encounter difficult or unsettling times. This video gives an introduction to mindfulness and explains how it can help rewire the brain to work in calmer and more positive ways. It links to the accompanying audio file of the guided introductory practice (Breath and Body) which you can listen to here. See also our Mindfulness PDF (PDF | 166.93 KB), as well as support for exam and revision stress.

Feeling a certain amount of concern or worry is natural when we encounter difficult or unsettling times. This video gives an introduction to mindfulness and explains how it can help rewire the brain to work in calmer and more positive ways. It links to the accompanying audio file of the guided introductory practice (Breath and Body) which you can listen to here.

See also our Mindfulness PDF (PDF | 166.93 KB), as well as support for exam and revision stress.

Video support for NQs


This website was created by Philip Ford, an English Teacher from Glasgow. A few years ago he started making YouTube videos for the kids in his classes, to help them revise and retain the knowledge that they needed to succeed in their SQA exams. When he discovered that his students were also being helped by lots of other teachers across Scotland who were doing the same thing, he thought that it would be a good idea to bring all these useful videos together on one website.

On this site you will find links to short videos that explain key concepts for the most popular National 5 and Higher qualifications. They have all been made by Secondary School teachers to help students to understand their chosen subjects, and ultimately get the best possible grades.

FV&WL RIC Workstream Plans 2019-2020

We have set out our vision and priorities. In this document workstreams provide a detailed overview of their aims, priorities and plans set out in short, medium and long term timescales for implementation.


FV&WL RIC Workstream plans 2019-2020


The underpinning workstreams are Improving Performance, and Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL), which support the work of the core priority work streams: Numeracy, Literacy and Early Learning and Child Care (ELC). New workstreams have also been introduced this session: Health and Wellbeing (HWB), and Curriculum including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

We work in close partnership with colleagues in Community Learning and Development (whose plan is included in this document) and the RIC Educational Psychology team who are supporting the CLPL plan. The
RIC Education Scotland team have worked collaboratively with the RIC Strategic Board and the Connect workstream leads to develop an offer of support that ties with local authority and national plans.


Driving forward and embedding whole school digital solutions for Headteachers and Depute Headteachers

Dear colleagues, please sign up for the FV&WL RIC CLPL session here. We only have 40 places available.

If you are a Falkirk employee please sign up directly on CPD Manager

If you are a Clackmannanshire, Stirling or West Lothian colleague please sign up using the form below.

This course is designed for Headteachers and Depute Headteachers in Primary and Secondary centres. We are working on CLPL opportunities for Early Years and CLD colleagues in the future.

Intentions and success criteria of the course:
-Recognising the crucial role of Headteachers to support and enable their staff in the use of digital technologies.
-Equipping Headteachers and Depute Headteachers to use digital tools to support efficient workflow and reduce workload for staff.
-Develop understanding of strategies to further embed use of digital technologies that support learning and teaching.
-Increase awareness of digital solutions which could be applied in schools to reduce workload and increase workflow, making use of online collaborative platforms.

This will be one of a sequence of four sessions held over the school year specifically for school leaders in FV&WL RIC. These sessions are designed to be sequential and each will build on the previous session. There will be a session in each term, but each session will be duplicated within that term so that you will be able to choose the date which suits you best in each term.

Meetings take place from 4-5.30pm at schools on rotation within the collaborative.

The dates are as follows:
Autumn Term – choose either Tuesday 10 September OR Thursday 12 September
Winter Term – choose either Wednesday 30 October OR Wednesday 6 November
Spring Term – choose either Tuesday 11 February OR Thursday 13 February
Summer Term – choose either Thursday 23 April OR Wednesday 29 April

Please bring with you a device e.g. tablet / laptop / iPad and have the Microsoft Teams app installed on the device you use or, if using a laptop, via web browser if you choose. Participants will be given access to a Microsoft Teams area. Please ensure you are able to log into your Glow account.

If you have any further questions about the course please contact Malcolm Wilson by clicking on this link

Stefan Wyroslawski will be in contact with you to confirm your place on the course.

Sign up here:


CLPL opportunity – Driving forward and embedding whole school digital solutions for Primary and Secondary practitioners who lead/support the digital journey across their school.

This course would be suitable for Primary and Secondary practitioners who lead/support the digital journey across their school.

This progression of 4 sessions will build practitioner digital skills by:

improving own digital skills using online collaborative platforms as Professional Learning Communities

improving colleagues’ Digital Skills by looking at ways to involve staff in an online PLC, for a real life practical application

exploring how we can use the collaboration skills we’ve learned to enhance and support Learning and Teaching. What’s the potential impact for our learners?

exploring how Digital Solutions, including Glow, can help us engage and collaborate with parents/carers or the wider global community

It was the great automotive engineer Caractacus Potts who said, “Teamwork makes the dream work,” but in the 21st Century, what does teamwork even look like? How can we embed collaboration across the curriculum to support and enhance Learning and Teaching in our schools? Indeed, how do we prepare our learners for life, learning and work in an increasingly digital global community?

There is an expectation that participants will set goals for their own school and work towards them between sessions. Participants will also collaborate and support each other in meeting their goals.

Camelon Education Centre, 2-4pm, 10/10/19, 12/12/19, 30/01/20 and 19/03/20 – participants are expected to attend all 4 sessions.

Sign up details will follow in September.

Prof Ferres Laevers comes to the Forth Valley and West Lothian RIC

The FVWL RIC are very proud to present…

Early Childhood Education – Where Life Takes Shape with Prof Ferres Laevers

5th November 2019 in Albert Halls, Stirling

Target audience: practitioners working with children 3-6 years

Details about how to sign up will be shared in September. 200 places will be available in total and will be open to Clackmannanshire, Falkirk, Stirling and West Lothian. In the spirit of collaboration and building strong future partnerships we are also offering seats to our cousins from other regions. If you are interested in attending and you come from a different region please make contact with your collaborative.

Participants should be prepared to share the learning from this course with colleagues who are unable to attend. Waiting lists are not open yet so hold your horses but watch this space!

We are also hoping to live stream the event through our new YouTube channel which is under development as we speak.


2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment

3.1 Wellbeing

3.2 Securing Children’s Progress


Participants will:
• Explore the emotional needs of young and how these are best met within an enabling environment.
• Learn how to identify children’s learning behaviours: curiosity, exploration, investigation, problem solve and to think creatively.
• Examine the features of high quality play to allow deep level learning to take place.
• Work with the Leuven Scales as a means of measuring quality.


A full-day conference comprising 7 parts including: environments; power of experiential adult style; monitoring quality

Prof Ferre Lavers and Julie Moon will provide direct teaching with aspects of group work and tasks.

Course summary

Lunch will be provided

Parking is limited so please consider a car pool

National Induction Resource

This resource has been developed to support you in your induction to delivering ELC –whether that is funded ELC or ELC that families choose to purchase themselves. It has been developed specifically to support staff working in ELC centres rather than in childminding settings. It sets out how you can expect your employer to support you in your new role and includes links to the range of national resources which are available to support you. It has been developed collaboratively with the range of national organisations supporting the profession.

national induction resource