Evaluation is not a description or list of the things you do. It is a judgement or assessment of how effectively the things you do are in making a difference. In this case, evaluation focuses on how well partnerships impact on the quality of food in schools in Scotland and the difference made to improving outcomes for children and young people.

Following analysis of your evidence you should now know what you are doing well and what needs to be improved. By prioritising what needs to be improved, you can focus on the most important problems first.   A simple table such as the one below can help you keep track of progress. Add additional columns as required eg goals, responsibilities, timescales and measures of success. Alternatively, you may already have action planning approaches in place that work well for you. Regularly review your action plan and share updates of progress with partners. Remember to include success toward achieving your goals and any difficulties encountered. Goals change, whether achieved or altered, and the cyclical process of evaluation will identify other areas for improvement or a change of direction/approach. Some may be resolved instantly while others may take years depending on the complexity of the improvement required.


What is working well?


How do we know?


Areas for improvement and next steps

The following questions may help you with you with planning :

    • What outcomes do you want to achieve and what will success look like?
    • How clear are the associations between approaches and actions?
    • What examples can you give regarding consideration of potential barriers and necessary support to overcome these?
    • Who will be responsible for delivering specific actions?
    • How will you plan the timeframe in which actions will be undertaken to be achievable?
    • How do you plan to monitor progress?
    • Is your agreed review date realistic?
    • What does evidence gathered along the way tell you?
    • What aspect(s) does the evidence highlight for further improvement?

Illustration of Practice

For each Quality Indicator there is an illustration of what an evaluation of very good practice might look like. These are broad and generic.  They provide a benchmark or expectation in relation to a national standard.  The illustration and the six-point scale are intended to support discussion and reflection as part of self-evaluation. Very good equates to level 5 on a six-point scale. Further information is available in the Tools and Resources section.

Illustration of very good partnership working – level 5

    • Our vision for food in school is developed and shared with our new and many well-established partners.  It provides clarity about the role of partnerships in delivering positive outcomes for children and young people.
    • Staff in school are proactive in identifying and engaging key partners who can contribute effectively to the delivery of our vision for food in school.
    • Together they identify priorities, plan, evaluate and review the effectiveness and impact of working in partnership to demonstrate the added value of collaboration.
    • Staff and partners agree the purpose and style of communication and engagement which is regular, structured, supportive, efficient and accessible.
    • All staff and partners understand and are respectful of the contexts in which each works and the contributions they make.
    • At all levels, staff actively seek out opportunities within and beyond our school setting to develop and improve work with partners. This helps us to recognise, learn from and share the skills and expertise each has to offer.  We make well-judged and informed decisions when applying relevant aspects to enhance our own practice.
    • Staff and partners understand the significance of effective learner participation. An inclusive culture has been created that enables children and young people to express their opinions on what is working well and what could be improved.  This provide opportunities for them to influence whole school activities, their food experiences and food provision.