Maternal and Early Years Newsletter

Sign up for the Maternal and Early Years Newsletter and find out about up to date information and resources such as:

Early Years Image Bank CD

NHS Health Scotland has developed a photo bank of images for use across early years publications. The images include representation of parents from across Scotland from all the equalities strands. A CD is available containing a selection of these images for use by the early years and children and families workforce. The images are vibrant, expressive and appealing and include images of babies, children and their families, as well as of the early years professionals who work with them.

Themes include:

  • safety
  • bonding
  • play and interaction
  • food and nutrition
  • routine care
  • breastfeeding, and more

If you would like a copy of the CD, email and include your postal address.

Grounds for Learning – Parent Play

Following the success of its Nurturing outdoor play project, Grounds for Learning has compiled a series of 30 simple and low-cost outdoor play ideas for parents/carers for early years professionals to share with the families they work with.

This is a great way to continue to encourage parents to play outside with their children.Learning through Landscapes

National Science and Engineering week 2014

NSEW 2014 event registration is now open!

National Science & Engineering Week (NSEW) is a ten-day national programme of science, technology, engineering and maths events and activities across the UK aimed at people of all ages.

Anyone can organise an event or activity and the British Science Association supports organisers by providing:

  • Activity packs
  • Funding
  • NSEW Event Awards worth £600
  • National school poster competition
  • Mass participation in Flusurvey project
  • Case studies
  • How to guides

National Science & Engineering Week 2014 takes place from 14th – 23rd March.

This year organisers can celebrate anything related to science, technology, engineering and maths. The sky is the limit!

However, for schools, Explore the Future will be the common theme across competitions, new resources and online projects, to encourage teachers and other educators to look forward to the world their students will lead.

For further information and details regarding registration click on the link :

Choices for Life Live Is Back!

Choices for Life Online is pleased to announce its first event for the 2013 – 2014 school year!

The live broadcast is aimed at all P7 pupils and their teachers in Scotland with a focus around the risks and dangers of alcohol, negative peer pressure and substance misuse.
Choices for Life provides credible information to our young people on a range of important issues facing them in 21st Century Scotland in an inclusive, engaging and thought-provoking manner, to help them make positive lifestyle decisions and maximise their future potential.

Join us to see drama, video clips, music and have the opportunity to join a Glow Chat where pupils can comment on what they have seen in relation to key themes (drugs, alcohol and tobacco).

Watch ‘Liam’s Story’ which explores the issues around negative peer pressure and smoking. After this specially commissioned film there will be a chance for you to ask questions to a panel of studio guests examining the range of issues,including family,negative peer pressure, substance misuse, aspirations and regret.
There are also teaching resources available on the website to help you have a classroom discussion about Liam’s Story or do some further activities around the drama – Teaching Resources

The event will be live and presented by Mark Martin and Laura Marks from our very own Choices for Life TV studio and will also include some other fantastic video clips and messages from other inspirational role models and sporting stars.

The event will be delivered twice on the same day, to maximise and facilitate as many pupils as possible to view. Sign up for Wednesday 20th November – Morning Event at 10.30am OR Wednesday 20th November – Afternoon Event at 1.30pm.

We look forward to hearing from you on the day!

What is Remembrance?

As remembrance day approaches on 11th November join the staff from Poppyscotland and the Lady Haig Poppy Factory in this question and answer session exploring the theme of remembrance and what this really means. As well as the panel discussion, there will be a showing of “The Poppy Story” animated film and join in our interactive quiz.
“The Poppy Story” is an excellent introduction to the journey of the poppy and what it means to wear one.

This session is an ideal chance to explore remembrance and the Scottish Poppy Appeal.

Join us on Friday 8th November at 10.45am – Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

Daily What Newsround – Kelpies Special!

Kelpies special with internationally renowned sculptor, Andy Scott

If you are not too full of Hallowe’en sweets this morning then please join Andrea and guest presenter Michaela for a very special Daily What Newsround with Scottish sculptor Andy Scott.

P4-7 at Bothkennar Primary School wrote a report about their visit to The Kelpies which you can read here – Kelpies Report on Daily What

Thanks to them we are devoting a whole Daily What Newsround to The Kelpies and Andy Scott will be live in the studio to answer all your questions on Scotland’s newest and most ambitious public art project.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to speak to Scotland’s renowned artist!

Sign up and join us on Friday 1st November at 11am in Glow TV!

Authors Live – Storytelling Relay

To celebrate the Queens Baton Relay setting off on its journey around the Commonwealth the Scottish Book Trust has brought together storytellers, Peter Chand, Lari Don and Mara Menzies (India, Scotland & Kenya) to share traditional tales from their homeland in this storytelling relay. This event will be taking place on the BBC Author’s Live website on Thursday 31st October at 11am and is suitable for Primary 4-7 or 8-12 years.

Find out more about this exciting event in Glow TV.

SCHOLAR Homework Session – Tackling Translation

Glow TV is delighted to offer pupils the opportunity to join homework revision sessions on Modern Languages provided by SCHOLAR.

This session on Tuesday 29th October entitled Tackling Translation is for both Higher and Advanced Higher pupils and will be presented by Douglas Angus, SCHOLAR Online Tutor for Modern Languages.

Find out more about how to get involved these two sessions in Glow TV:

Tacking Translation – Higher Modern Languages 7.30 – 8.15pm
Tackling Translation – Advanced Higher Modern 8.15 – 9pm

Engineers Unchained 2

The Institute of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland is a multi-disciplinary engineering body, founded in Scotland, that provides a forum in which individuals from all engineering and related disciplines can discuss and exchange information, generate ideas and encourage young engineers.

IESIS and other engineering institutions have organised a talk to aspiring engineers by Ed McCann at the University of Strathclyde, on Wednesday 6th November at 4pm.

Using practical examples, demonstrations and in discussion with the audience Ed McCann will explain the role of the civil engineer in making civilized life possible.

This will be a great opportunity to hear about the career of a professional engineer and sample some of the variety that a career in engineering can bring.

Following the talk there will be an extended question and answer session that will be especially suitable for students who are working on the Leadership Award.

Please note that the event is free but registration is required.

For further information and registration details visit:

Science for the Newly Qualified Primary Teacher

SSERC, a Local Authority shared-service providing support across all thirty-two Scottish Education Authorities, is offering a practical hands-on CPD course for newly qualified Primary practitioners.

‘Science for the Newly Qualified Primary Teacher’ is a 2 part residential course, with part 1 on 31st January – 1st February 2014 and part 2 on 12th May 2014.

 The course will offer recently qualified primary practitioners, including probationers, the opportunity to share good practice, explore some of the “big ideas” in science and develop a variety of strategies to support delivery of the sciences within a Curriculum for Excellence.

This course is supported by the National Science Learning Centre.  Delegates from Local Authority schools will be granted an ENTHUSE Award, which covers the cost of the course on completion of all tasks and requirements.

For further information download the flyer: PrimProb_flyer_v3

A complete listing of CPD opportunities can be accessed through the SSERC website:

Autism-friendly Disney’s The Lion King Performances

Disney’s THE LION KING is working closely with The National Autistic Society to create a friendly and supportive environment to enjoy this award-winning musical which is currently playing at the Edinburgh Festival Theatre.

The specially adapted performances will be suitable for people with autism, with trained staff on hand in dedicated quiet and activity areas should anyone need to leave their seats.

For more details about these performances please visit the The Lion King -Autism Friendly website.

Developing school play times to support the curriculum and nurture happy, healthy children: new Free CPD Resource launched

In recent years, a number of Scottish primary schools have developed innovative approaches to enabling child-led outdoor play in morning and lunchtime breaks.

This new training resource has been created with support from Education Scotland to share the learning from these schools. Its aim is to demonstrate how outdoor play in schools can support the curriculum and nurture happy, healthy children and to share practical, tested ideas and approaches to providing richer play experiences in primary schools.

This resource has 11 sections, each of which is based around a short film with accompanying discussion questions and links to useful online resources. It’s designed for anyone who is interested in pupil health and wellbeing but will be of particular relevance to playground support staff. In each film clip you’ll hear from support staff about why they have developed these new approaches and how they deal with the various practical issues that arise.

The films are on the Education Scotland website while further support is available at

Game On Scotland Glow Meet series

Join us for a series of 19 exciting montly Glow meets running throughout the academic year 2013/14. The themed sessions are being broadcast live for all Glow users and will provide a wide variety of stimulating opportunities to engage with the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Who are the Glow meets for?
The sessions will allow practitioners and learners find out more and get directly involved in educational opportunities related to the Commonwealth Games. Glow access is required to join the sessions.

What types of Glow meets are on offer?
There will be two types of session:
1. CPD : These are for educators who want the latest information about programmes and initiatives relevant to specific curriculum areas.
2. Learning Zone: These will provide interactive learning opportunities with a specific curriculum focus for learners across all age groups.

The Programme:

Full detail for each Glow Meet (programme, age group, participants etc.) will be available closer to the event.

How do I join?

To register for a specific session follow go to the Glow TV sign-up area . If you wish to join on the day simply enter the Game On Scotland Glow Meet Channel.

Missed a session?

Don’t worry. All sessions will be recorded and you can watch them again here.

Game On Scotland Inverness event: 18 November 2013

When? Wednesday, 18 November 2013

Where? Drumossie Hotel, Inverness

With around 300 days before the biggest multi-sport and cultural event ever to come to Scotland, we invite practitioners to join us and find out more on how the Commonwealth Games may provide help you to create stimulating learning opportunities across the curriculum and beyond.

It will showcase inspirational initiatives from schools across the board and highlight programmes available to teachers to ensuring that, together, we deliver a lasting legacy for learning. A variety of engaging workshops delivered by practitioners and organisations experienced in Games Legacy work will provide practical, hands-on exemplification on the impact of using the Games as a context for learning. Workshop sessions will include:

  • exemplification from primary and secondary schools,
  • inspirational address by people directly engaged with the Games and its legacy ,
  • international education and partnerships
  • funding opportunities around food education in the context of the Games
  • cluster and local authority initiatives.

View the Game On Scotland Event draft programme – 18 Nov, Inverness

Who should attend?

Teachers, lead staff and those with a whole school responsibility for Games Legacy, including cluster initiatives and wider curriculum remits related to the Games (e.g. active schools coorindator, health and wellbeing).

How to register:

We invite you to join us for an inspirational day of sharing and collaborative thinking around a variety of exciting opportunities by registering for the event on line or directly with Diane Carson:

Make a Local Champion feel like a Commonwealth Champion

Glasgow 2014 batonbearer recruitment image

Yesterday (9 October 2013), the Glasgow 2014 Queen’s Baton Relay was launched at Buckingham Palace by Her Majesty the Queen, beginning its epic journey around the 70 nations and territories of the Commonwealth. It won’t be long before the baton returns to Scotland – and organisers want you to be part of its final journey!

The baton holding the Queen’s Message will cross continents, terrains and time zones. Once its has been around the Commonwealth it will come home to Scotland on 14 June 2014 to spend 40 days visiting communities in all 32 local authority areas. On 23 July 2014 the baton will be handed back to Her Majesty at the Opening Ceremony where the 288 day relay will conclude and the Games officially begin.

Glasgow 2014 organisers need up to 4,000 batonbearers to help carry the baton around Scotland on the final leg of its journey, helping to ensure the Games reach every person and every community in Scotland.

Opportunities don’t come much bigger than this to be involved in the Games and your help is needed to find community batonbearers.

You can nominate a family member, friend or someone you know for a position. Organisers are looking for people who have:

• made a positive contribution to the lives of others through community sport;
• undertaken voluntary work or contributed to schools or youth organisations;
• contributed towards greater inclusion for disadvantaged or marginalised sectors of the community;
• been a role model or mentor to young people through sport;
• displayed a level of individual achievement against the odds;
• made a significant contribution to their local community.

Nominations are open to anyone 12 years of age or above and nominations close at 5pm on 22 November 2013.

To find out more and to nominate someone see here and give Scotland’s local champions a thank you they will never forget.

Secondary Schools to get their own batonbearer!

Game On Scotland is delighted to support the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Organising Committee in providing a unique opportunity for each secondary school, and each special school with pupils of secondary age, in Scotland. Each eligible school’s headteacher has been invited to nominate a pupil to carry the Queen’s Baton on behalf of their school, whilst the relay is in their Local Authority area. Find out more on the Game On Scotland website.

Scotland’s Environment Web Competition

Your environment, your views – get involved!

Scotland’s Environment Web is running exciting competition for young people with fantastic prizes!

What is the competition about?

What needs to change in your local community that will make a difference to your environment and what role can you play in making it happen?

We want you to answer the question above. Tell us how you could make your environment better. Planet Earth faces tough environmental challenges which will directly impact your future. Everyone can be a part of the solution to these challenges and Scotland’s young people have a key role to play.

Who can enter?

This competition is open to all young people throughout Scotland between the ages of 5-18, whether through your school, as part of a group or as an individual.

You can also enter the Young Reporters for the Environment competition if you are eligible.

Join our Glow meet too at 11am on 6th November to share your story and ideas and to have the chance to win a further exciting prize of £200 to purchase Citizen Science equipment for your establishment:

For more information, visit

Sciences Conversation Day 2

Delegates attending our second conversation day at Bishopbriggs Academy identified four priority theme for sciences:

  1. Equity in education – science for all
  2. The importance of planning across school clusters
  3. Career long professional learning and support for practitioners
  4. Partnerships

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views regarding the fourth priority which addressed partnerships.

Delegates viewed that:

  • Need to ensure STEM is added to local authority plans as a priority, with weight added by national government:
  • Competing demands of secondary schools is a particular issue – work on new national qualifications is a priority
  • Schools have been getting to grips with some of the key aspects of CfE, including the ‘responsibility of all’ areas
  • East Dunbartonshire had offered a presentation on the 3-18 Sciences report to its schools, which had then prompted primary schools to integrate sciences into their planning.
    • Need to consolidate all of our efforts and join up our business (especially in the context of dwindling resources).
    • Partnerships tend to depend on postcode lottery – need coherent approach and consistency across the country.
    • Partners should move towards provision of long-term support – in some areas they are already queuing up to be involved. They also need to move from promoting their own interests to promoting a common purpose.
    • Activity with partners still tends to be an add-on – we need to embed it within learning.
    • The business case is compelling but is not being communicated in terms of the impact on children.
    • We need to celebrate success stories from the STEM Ambassador network for instance.
    • Teachers are a vital source of career information but their knowledge about jobs in science in inconsistent – we need to address this.
    • It is important that everyone has a sense of the existing landscape – the new SSAC Coordinator can help with this task. This will bring coherence and a sense of common purpose to our activities.
    • Education Scotland has a role to help make connections between schools, partners and different organisations and needs to consider the validation or endorsement of providers.
    • We need to consider the role of specialists to support STEM activity within clusters:
      • Connection with STEM  Ambassadors
      • Work with the science centres and HE
      • Ensuring partnerships are meaningful and not ‘one-off’ – they should dovetail with on-going learning.
  • The example of the Department of Geosciences at Edinburgh University was cited as a model for partnership working – final year undergraduate students have been working with a school cluster. The schools have gained but also the university students have gained too in terms of employability skills, communication skills etc. This work provides them with 20 credits towards their degree qualification.

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.

The Queen’s Commonwealth Baton

As Glasgow eagerly awaits the start of the 2014 Commonwealth Games one very important element has already been completed – the Queen’s Commonwealth baton.

The baton carries the Queen’s message to all competing nations and territories of the Commonwealth. The concept was introduced in 1958 at the British Empire and Commonwealth Games.

On 9th October 2013,  the Glasgow 2014 Queen’s Baton Relay began its 190,000 kilometre journey, unifying the two billion people of the Commonwealth in a celebration of sport, diversity and peace.

The hand-crafted baton made of titanium, wood and granite embodies Scotland and Glasgow’s culture, combining cutting edge technology with artisan skills.

Click on the link below to learn more about how the design team, 4cDesign, effectively utilised science, technology, engineering, maths, art and design skills to create the Queen’s baton.

For further information regarding the Queen’s Commonwealth baton and the Queen’s baton relay, explore the official education programme, Game on Scotland:

Lantra Scotland Secondary School Awards

Launched in 2012 by Lantra Scotland, with sponsorship from Royal Highland and Agriculture Society of Scotland (RHASS), the new Lantra Scotland Secondary School Awards are aimed at any secondary school delivering an environmental, aquaculture or land based project.

Lantra Scotland are seeking nominations from schools participating in, for example, creating a school garden, working in a community woodland, working on a food and drink project or any other project or activity involving pupils in horticulture, forestry, aquaculture, agriculture or environmental works.

The Lantra Scotland Secondary School Awards run alongside Lantra’s successful Land-based and Aquaculture Learner of the Year Awards ’which are now in their 11th year.

Details of the awards can be found online at – Lantra Land Based Learner of the Year Scotland

The awards are open to all secondary schools and there will be a £250.00 prize for the winning school in each of the two categories- one for urban schools and one for rural schools. Closing date for nominations is Friday 8th November 2013.

Millennium Youth Camp 2014

Applications for the fifth international Millennium Youth Camp have begun.

The 2014 Millennium Youth Camp will be held during 3rd–11th June 2014 in the Greater Helsinki area in Finland

The one week camp takes place in Finland every summer and is organised by the Technology Academy Finland, the Finnish Science Education Centre LUMA (University of Helsinki) and Aalto University.

The camp offers young people from across Europe, aged between 16-19, who are interested in mathematics, the natural sciences and technology, an opportunity to learn more about Finnish expertise and top level research in these areas.  It’s also a great opportunity to meet other young people who share similar interests.

In addition to lectures, workshops and visits to Millennium Youth camp partners, the project includes project work supervised by experts and carried out in small multi-national organisations.

There is a two phase application process and applicants choose their preferred topic area from the 10 listed on the application form: applied mathematics, climate, ICT and digitalization, water, renewable natural resources, energy, bio-sciences and -technology, food sciences and technology, material sciences and technology, and urban planning.

Application for the first phase begins on 15th October and ends on 15th December.

On 3rd February 2014, 200 young people will be chosen from these applicants for the second phase.

On 17th March 2014 the names of 60 participants chosen for the camp will be published.

For further information please contact:

Professor Maija Aksela, chairman of Millennium Youth Camp steering group
Finland’s Science Education Centre LUMA, University of Helsinki
maija.aksela(at), tel. +358 50 514 1450

Caroline Korhonen, Project Coordinator, Technology Academy Finland
caroline.korhonen(at), tel. +358 40 5569 999

A link to the application form and additional information about the application process can be found on the Millennium Youth Camp website.

NOW LIVE! Ready for Winter Launch Week Activities 2013/2014

As promised, the activities to promote the Scottish Government’s ‘Ready for Winter’ 2013/2014 launch next week are NOW AVAILABLE to access.

Key messages for this year include: ‘Thinking Ahead’ and ‘Taking an Hour’ to prepare for severe winter weather in the community, at home, on the move and in the workplace. With the clocks moving back one hour on the 27th of October, let’s use this extra time pro-actively! Education Scotland are therefore working in partnership with the Scottish Government to ensure that Scottish schools are as ready as possible for winter.

Throughout next week (Monday 21st – Friday 25th October 2013), Education Scotland and the Scottish Government are asking teachers to run health and wellbeing sessions ranging from simple class lessons to larger projects. Everything you need to complete the free downloadable activities can now be found on the ‘Ready for Emergencies’ site:

Show how ready you are!! Don’t forget to leave feedback on the activities you try throughout the week in the ‘contact us’ section of the ‘Ready for Emergencies’ website:

Remember, remember the 6th of November!! SEWeb Glow Meet

Scotland’s Environment – Glow Meet

11am – 12pm, Wednesday 6th November 2013

Calling all citizen scientists!!!

Trying to change, protect and improve your local environment for the better? Collecting information to contribute to our knowledge of the natural environment?  Ready to share your research, data and ideas with us?

Scotland’s environment is world-famous and draws tourists and visitors from across the globe. It needs to be protected but many of the challenges facing our environment are complex, and can only be solved in partnership; a partnership which involves children, young people and adults working together as citizen scientists.

This Glow meet will explain how you can get involved and to better understand, care for and improve Scotland’s environment. We want to hear about:

  • All the ways you have been collecting, measuring, observing and recording information about your local environment
  • Your views and ideas on what needs to change to improve our environment and what role you are playing making it happen.

You will be able to question and share you information and ideas with our panel of experts and the school which most impresses the judges will win a superb prize!

The session will be led by:

  • Debbie Bassett, Head of the Biodiversity Team in Scottish Natural Heritage
  • Martin Marsden, Head of Environmental Quality in the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. 
  • Nick Wright, Scottish Wildife Trust

Visit to register and join the Glow meet on the day.

Further links:

Scotland’s Environment website

Scottish environment youth discussion

Competition details :

Sciences Conversation Day 2

Delegates attending our second conversation day at Bishopbriggs Academy identified four priority theme for sciences:

  1. Equity in education – science for all
  2. The importance of planning across school clusters
  3. Career long professional learning and support for practitioners
  4. Partnerships

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views regarding the third priority which addressed career long professional learning and support for practitioners.

Delegates viewed that:

  • More emphasis needs to be placed on recognition of lifelong learning for all practitioners:
    • Need to provide support from FE, HE and industry
    • There should be a clear opportunity for teachers to extend learning to master’s-level
    • Drawing together of HE and other organisations to facilitate a move towards accreditation.
  • Specialist support for teachers may be of benefit – potentially in the form of a visiting specialist.  Children age 9 + would be appropriate target audience.
  • There is often an artificial connection between formal and informal science education – and a recognition that the structured/rigid way which science is taught in secondary schools needs to change to reflect the realities of the wider world.
  • Promoting science in the classroom is not solely about teaching resources – teaching method (pedagogy) and leadership are key to success:
    • Need to ensure that there is a focus on STEM skills, rather than just content
    • Role of interdisciplinary learning is important – Bishopbriggs Academy has been undertaking an interdisciplinary project on the Commonwealth Games which connected with science learning.
  • Initial Teacher Education has to recognise importance of STEM specialism – primary schools need access to teacher specialism
  • Important to influence the work of the National Implementation Board to ensure needs of education system in relation to sciences are met
  • Need to ensure that newly qualified teachers (NQTs) have appropriate level of support to ensure their practice aligns to principles of CfE
  • Teacher support in sciences:
    • How does a leader create an environment for a practitioner to thrive?
    • Need to involve learners in prioritising improvements
    • We need to move away from tick box approach in identifying outcomes.
  • Practitioners in primary schools are mostly not science graduates but the question was raised whether practitioners need a science background to be able to teach science effectively?
  • CLPL in science needs to be targeted at all staff – not single practitioners.

 Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.

National Tree for Scotland

Scotland boasts truly wonderful trees, woods and forests.

Some trees are native to Scotland, while others have found a home here after being introduced for the purposes of tourism, recreation or the timber industry. These trees fulfil vital roles in our environment – all whilst locking away millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere.

It has been suggested that Scotland should have a national tree to symbolise the importance of our forests and woodlands.

Forestry Commission Scotland is running a National Consultation for a National Tree for Scotland on behalf of Paul Wheelhouse, Minister for Environment and Climate Change.

The consultation aims to find out the public’s opinions via two questions;

  • Should there be a national tree for Scotland? And why?
  • If you would like a national tree for Scotland, what species would you like and why?

The consultation runs until 3rd December and the Minister would like to engage with as many schools and education establishments as possible.

There are two main ways for schools to get involved:

There are a range of connections to the curriculum that could be made depending on what angle teachers wish to make: political literacy, studying Scotland, learning for sustainability for example.

All details, including interesting facts can be found at

For further information click:   


Sciences Conversation Day 2

Delegates attending our second conversation day at Bishopbriggs Academy identified four priority themes for the sciences:

  1. Equity in education – science for all
  2. The importance of planning across school clusters
  3. Career long professional learning and support for practitioners
  4. Partnerships

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views regarding the second priority which addressed the importance of planning across school clusters.

Delegates saw cluster working as being important for a number of reasons:

  • It is a key way of ensuring primary and secondary colleagues can learn from each other, and also build an understanding of learning and expectations for learners in each sector
  • It provides opportunities to support the professional development of practitioners
  • Issue of priorities – will clusters have science on their list of subjects to cover?
  • Pressures of resource and time to establish and continue effective clusters.  Teacher cover can be an issue, despite local authorities provide funds to pay
  • Need to give teachers adequate time for professional learning. Could an allocation be offered for a ‘block’ of cover for science?
  • Stronger cluster work could help address lack of consistency in primary experiences across a local authority – benefits for secondary in terms of ensuring good pupil progression.

 Primary and primary/secondary transition should be seen as a priority for cluster working:

  • STEM needs to be on school improvement plans
  • Will see benefits for learners once they reach secondary school in terms of seamless transition/progression
  • We need to avoid the fresh start approach in secondary schools – a greater focus on transition and progression is required
  • More time is required for secondary teachers teaching S1 secondary classes to work with primary counterparts
  • How can we encourage schools to use exemplification, and build on what is already being done?
  • Pressures of asking primary schools to take on development of all subjects
  • Signposting of support needed – what’s the best use of school funds and time?
  • Important to ensure smooth transitions, not just from primary to secondary, but also beyond school education into HE/FE or work.

 Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.

Inspiring Scotland Funding Opportunity

Go2Play Capacity Building Fund for Scottish Charities

Inspiring Scotland are offering Scottish charities an opportunity to bid for support to develop innovative projects which are play based. This capacity building fund is offering up to 12 months of tailored capacity building support and up to £15,000 for Scottish charities to develop new work which will help children benefit from more play.

Go2Play capacity building fund is a small fund looking to support innovative and exciting people within the play sector. Through this fund they are offering tailored capacity building support to help turn great ideas from a concept into a reality, positively impacting upon the lives of children and supporting the development of play in Scotland.

The next deadline date is Friday 25 October 2013 at 5 pm.

The criteria document and application form are now live on the Inspiring Scotland website.

Ready for Winter 2013/2014 – Are You Ready?

The 2013/2014 ‘Ready for Winter’ campaign will be launched by the Scottish Government on the 21st October. Key messages for this year include: ‘Thinking Ahead’ and ‘Taking an Hour’ to prepare for severe winter weather in the community, at home, on the move and in the workplace. With the clocks moving back one hour on the 27th of October, let’s use this extra time pro-actively! Education Scotland are therefore working in partnership with the Scottish Government to ensure that Scottish schools are as ready as possible for winter.

To promote the launch of ‘Ready for Winter’ and its rich links to resilience education, teachers are being asked to run health and wellbeing sessions (21st to 25th October) ranging from simple class lessons to larger projects. Web links and free downloadable activities will soon be made available for schools to access from Education Scotland’s ‘Ready for Emergencies’ website

Further details and links to activities will follow shortly. In the meantime, general information about ‘Ready for Winter’ and resilience education can be found at and

Ready for Emergencies? – Resilience Education Web Resource

Have you ever been affected by difficulties such as severe winter weather, flooding, utilities failures or pandemics (amongst others)? What would you do if you were? Would you know how to cope in an emergency situation and what procedures to follow? How could you ensure that you and your community were fully prepared for times of crisis?

The ‘Ready for Emergencies’ website provides information on all of the above and is a valuable resilience education resource to help develop resilient attitudes and pro-active strategies among young people to prevent and deal with emergency situations.

The site contains a wide range of links to free downloadable teaching and learning materials including learning journeys, challenges and media files covering numerous real-life emergency contexts linked to the experiences and outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence.

For further details – visit:

Scottish Water – Science/Resilience Education Resources and Volunteer Programme

The Scottish Water organisation provides a range of educational resources through their website These include:

Scottish Water Volunteer Programme – Launched in Spring 2011, Scottish Water has a team of enthusiastic volunteers located across different locations in Scotland to deliver a range of talks and presentations to schools and organisations. The programme is highly rated and praised by local communities who have benefited from its input to date.

Teaching and Learning Modules – Recently developed teachng ideas in relation to experiences and outcomes from Early to Fourth level of CfE, covering topics ranging from water safety to climate change and pollution.

All About Water Factfiles – Teaching notes to help practitioners deliver learning around water themes. These contain useful links to other relevant websites, downloadable posters and other resources to enhance practice.

Discover More Section – Further edcuational resources including water films and links to the Water Ways exhibit at the Glasgow Science Centre.

Partnership Work with Go Safe Scotland

Scottish Water has also been recently working in partnership with Glasgow City Council and Go Safe Scotland to launch an education programme and resources in conjunction with members of the emergencies services. Find out more at

Resource Guide for the Sciences

Following on from the STEM programme of events at the Scottish Learning Festival Education Scotland has produced a resource guide for the sciences.

The guide provides links to useful websites, relevant documentation, on line resources and methods of communicating about the sciences.

For example:

access the updated 3-18 sciences impact report

visit STEM Central to explore a wide variety of activities and learning experiences

keep up to date with STEM news through our twitter feed

To access and download a copy of the science resource guide click  Education Scotland Sciences Resource Guide

Sciences 3-18 curriculum impact report 2013 update

This week Education Scotland published an update of the 3-18 Sciences Impact Report. The updated report evaluates current practice, supplements the good practice exemplars, reports on progress made regarding aspects of development in the 2012 report and highlights important areas for discussion and further development.

The evidence presented in this report tells us that children and young people are developing a range of knowledge, understanding and skills in the sciences and achievement is strong and improving.

The report is intended to continue to help practitioners reflect on how well they are developing these capacities, how much more needs to be done and act as a hub for ongoing professional dialogue and development.

There is a summary of the report written specifically for children and young people and, in response to practitioner feedback, there is now a separate document outlining the examples of good practice.

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views about the report and its findings. Visit the Talk with us blog   to share your thoughts on how best we can improve sciences education for all learners in Scotland. 

To download the report and associated documentation visit: The Sciences 3-18

A Cross Sector Approach to Science

For the past 3 years the 16 schools in Perth High School Local Management Group (LMG) have been working collaboratively to develop learning and teaching in science. The aim of their partnership working has been to:

  • Support primary/secondary transition
  • Provide a progressive, cohesive science experience for all learners
  • Build staff partnerships and understanding across primary and secondary
  • Build staff confidence in teaching science
  • Promote science as being exciting and fun
  • Promote interdisciplinary learning
  • Support eco work and careers education.

A comprehensive science programme has now been produced comprising of rich tasks from Early to Second Level as well as a skills progression framework, a science glossary and teachers’ guide. The science programme that has been produced also incorporates a number of the learning journeys from STEM Central.

Each rich task suggests a range of activities that teachers can choose from to enable their pupils to learn about science through active learning and practical hands on experiences.

Perth and Kinross Local Management Group report positive benefits from the collaboration including the development of leadership capacity and growth in confidence amongst practitioners with regards to the sciences.

Learners have reported enjoying science, seeing its relevance to their everyday lives and felt they had a better understanding of their strengths and next steps in science.

All resources can be downloaded from Glow. See folder entitled A Cross Sector Approach to Science PHS LMG in the national Sciences Glow Group

Some of the work undertaken by the cluster has also been awarded a Quality Mark for moderation and can be downloaded from the Education Scotland NAR

Daily What – Deep Fried Mars Bar Special!

Have your say on Scotland’s favourite (or should that be least favourite?) snack.

And and learn some new healthier Mars recipes too with guest presenter and kitchen gourmet Graeme Kerr, S6 from Springburn Academy.

Plus our usual round-up of top stories from the Daily What News.

Hope you can join us on Friday 4th October at 11am – Daily What Newsround Friday 4th October 2013

Generation Science Schools Programme 2014

Edinburgh International Festival is an educational charity. Each year it delivers one of Europe’s largest science festivals, a primary school education programme and a variety of international projects.

 A key part is Generation Science.

Generation Science shows tour all over Scotland bringing educational and entertaining performances and hands on activities to the classroom.

Shows are constantly developed to meet the needs of teachers in line with the Curriculum for Excellence, with the aim of  helping to improve the teaching of Science in Scottish primary schools and support teachers in delivering the curriculum. Schools can be supported thorugh science weeks, transition projects or individual science days.

This year Generation Science  are presenting two revised versions of the popular Fizz, Boom, Bang workshop so it can be enjoyed by younger pupils and older pupils alike, as well as introducing the Space Base show as a brand new edition to the programme.

You can find further information on these activities alongside some Generation Science favourites like Little Giants and Body Builders, in the schools programme brochure.

Click on the link below to view and download the  Generation Science  Schools Programme 2014 brochure:

Tell-a-Story Day on 25 October 2013

What is Tell-a-Story Day?

Tell-a-Story Day is the national celebration of oral storytelling, when people all over Scotland make, share and listen to stories in schools, libraries, community centres, churches, hospitals, homes, gardens – and some more unusual venues!

Tell-a-Story Day is a great way of taking part in the Scottish International Storytelling Festival wherever you are and is a fun way of spending time with family and friends whatever your age.

Enter a magical world of enchanting fairy tales, scary Halloween stories or treasured family legends, and bring your community, workplace or family closer together on Tell-a-Story Day. Organising a storytelling event is easy, and the team at Scottish Storytelling Centre is at hand to help you with your planning. Find tips and advice from their professional storytellers, and download free resources and tales to help you prepare for the big day.

Register your TASD event here

Book a professional storyteller

Everyone is a storyteller and anyone can run a Tell-a-Story Day, but if you want to make your storytelling event extra-special you can book one of their professional storytellers to host your event, tell tales and encourage participation. Have a look at their Schools and Communities Outreach Programme to find out more.

Happy planning!

For more information and support in organising your event, please contact Davide Panzeri a call on 0131 652 3272.

GIRFEC Survey for Parents

For parents within your early years establishment!

What does the national ‘Getting it right for every child’ approach to children’s health and wellbeing mean to parents?

‘Getting it right for every child’ (GIRFEC) is the national policy for improving the lives, health and wellbeing of all children and young people and for ensuring that services such as education and health work together, focussing on the needs of children and young people. The wellbeing of children and young people is at the heart of GIRFEC which asks whether children are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.

We have been asked to help in gathering parent views on their current understanding of GIRFEC and would be very grateful if you could encourage parents to take a couple of minutes to complete the short questionnaire.

This survey is anonymous. Individuals and individual responses will not be identified in the reporting of these findings

Parents will find the survey at

The survey will close on 1 November 2013 .

RHET/ Clydesdale Bank National 5 Business Management Project

As a Curriculum for Excellence reaches 4th year in secondary education, RHET, working with schools, wishes to contribute to the real life scenarios that students will be working with for the new National 5 in Business Management.

RHET is looking to recruit 12 secondary schools from across Scotland to use real life farming and agriculture examples to enhance learning in the National 5 Business Management course during this academic year 2013-14.

We would do this by working with the schools concerned to:
a) Have a trained classroom speaker visit school to address one of the business management scenarios:

Human Resources
Tertiary food industry
Working as a co-op

b) Introduce the pupils to the business by taking them to a farm/agri -business where they can see the variety of roles on farm to appreciate the business case for the farm. This can be from any of the above business models.

c) Visit a second part of the same farm, or if this is not appropriate another type of farm business (from the types of business above) to allow pupils to see multiple facets of business.

In many schools the Business group is relatively small, and so costs for transport (fully funded by this project for one year only) should be minimal.

The schools concerned will represent a variety of socio-economic conditions and the businesses involved will be chosen with respect to their location and local impact. The project will be evaluated with each school, farm hosts and processor and taking part.

Further details about this project can be downloaded here – Teacher’s notes – Business project.

Interested? What to do now.

Email RHET at by the 11th October 2013 (no later) requesting to take part.

Mark your email clearly “Clydesdale Bank National 5 Business Management pilot”

You will be informed if you have been successful in late October 2013

Royal Horticultural Society – The Edible School Garden

Royal Horticultural Society

The Edible School Garden
Dumfries House, KA18 2NJ – Tuesday 19th November 2013, 10 am – 3 pm

Kilbarchan Primary School, PA10 2LA Thursday 28th November 2013, 10 am – 3 pm
To give teachers of all age groups the skills to confidently grow and manage a simple productive garden throughout the year. To ensure that produce is used in tasting, cooking and enterprise activities. Every school should be a food growing school.
At the end of this course you will:
a) Have the knowledge and skills to sow and grow the RHS top 14 fruits, vegetables and herbs for the school garden, to provide a range of fresh, healthy produce throughout the school year
b) Get hints and tips on tasting and cooking with the produce, outside in the garden and in the school canteen
c) Know how to add value to your produce through correct harvesting and storage, preserving and other simple enterprise ideas.
Experience: Suitable for beginners and those with some experience.
CPD Provider

Angela Smith

RHS Development Officer for Scotland

Quality Assurance and Moderation – Professional Learning Resource

A Professional Learning Resource for Quality Assurance and Moderation is now available from Education Scotland.

The resource provides an overview of assessment materials relating to quality assurance and moderation. It brings together, in a single location, a range of existing support materials to help meet the diverse professional learning requirements of individual practitioners, establishments and local authorities.

Sections include:

  • key messages in quality assurance and moderation;
  • National Assessment Resource (NAR) support;
  • relevant guidance papers;
  • Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN);
  • assessing progress and achievement 3-18;
  • support for curriculum areas
  • research and international perspectives.

This online resource is available on the Learning, Teaching and Assessment area of the Education Scotland website.

We are looking for your feedback on this resource and would appreciate any comments that you would like to make below. Many thanks – The Assessment Team.

Development Officer – Children and Families Team

Secondment Opportunity

An exciting opportunity has become available for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with proven track record within Children and Families to work as part of a team to promote effective and innovative approaches to improving outcomes for children and their families. They will support and deliver professional learning opportunities for the Early Years and Family Learning workforce and contribute to guidance relating to the Early Years, children and families.

Candidates should possess a degree, or equivalent, have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and sound knowledge of Curriculum for Excellence.

The successful candidate may be based at any Education Scotland office however this will be dependent upon availability. The post is being offered on a 23 month secondment basis. For further information and to apply please go to The completed application should be returned to

The closing date for applications is Friday 4 October 2013.

National Poetry Day 2013

Scottish Poetry Library have announced National Poetry Day will take place on Thursday 3 October 2013.

The theme for this year is ‘Water’, and they are delighted to be working in partnership with Scottish Water to provide a great range of teaching resources to support.

Online resources are now available free on and include:

a set of teaching notes for each poem

a pdf poster of each poem (doubles as a larger print text) to download and print

a pdf poster to advertise National Poetry Day

Scottish Water’s updated education materials, including a range of activity-based modules all about water for early, first, second, third and fourth level are now available free on

Themed water-related resources for teaching activities – images, audio & film clips on subjects ranging from Puddles, Ponds, Reflections or Ripples to Waterfalls or Waves can be sourced free to establishments on

Edinburgh International Book Festival / SottishPower – Calling All Writers Of The Future

A search is on to find the school with the most creative minds.

The annual Story Generator competition is a national writing competition which invites young people across Scotland to collaborate and create their own stories.

This year, budding young writers from S1 and S2 are being asked to create a digital picture book about what life might be like in the future, using the first line of the George Orwell classic, 1984, as their inspiration: ‘It was a bright, cold day in April…

The school that has written the best book will win a collection of books from the Edinburgh International Book Festival, with a printed copy of their Storybird online book included. The Pupil who devises the best page wins a Kindle which will come loaded with their own online book.

To find out more and to register your school, visit

National Early Years Network

The National Early Years Network is hosted by the NHS to provide information for all professionals working in the early years sector. NHS Health Scotland are conducting a  review of the information needs of early years professionals,  this review will help them to tailor the support they offer to professionals in all sectors.

They will be conducting telephone interviews lasting approximately 30 minutes during September – November 2013. The telephone interviews will explore your thoughts on information currently provided to support you in your role, your preferences on the information you would like to receive and how this information is provided to you.  There will also be an opportunity to respond via email if this would be your preference.

In order to help us support the needs of early years professionals working in different areas it is essential that we hear for as wide a range of people as possible.

If you would be willing to contribute please contact Laura Martin ( for more information.

LearnCat Tell a Story – Journeys At the Scottish Storytelling Centre

Join us in Glow TV for the third of our Tell a Story events with the Scottish Storytelling Centre. This event lets you find out more about ‘Journeys’

‘Tell a Story Day’ is celebrated across Scotland in October. In the 3 weeks leading up to this national event join Storytellers in the ‘bothy’ at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh via Glow TV.

Enjoy listening to the storytellers share tales about nations and territories within the Commonwealth, about personal challenge and achievement and memorable, adventurous and incredible journeys. ‘Journeys’ is the theme for this year’s event.

While listening, learn how to tell and perform oral stories. Then take the opportunity to ask the storytellers questions about their ideas and techniques to help you plan and hold your own ‘Tell a Story Day’ event. On ‘Tell a Story’ day we plan to broadcast your stories across Scotland via Glow TV. Find out more here:

This Glow TV event is part of the Learning Experiences catalogue and a series of opportunities for Scottish learner to learn, create, make, build, bake, grow, collect, code tell stories and more. Learning experiences are set within contexts and many themes are interdisciplinary and take the form of learning spaces to connect learners and allow them to share, collaborate as well as a series of live events. Find out more about the Learning Experiences Catalogue here:

Join us on Thursday 19th September at 11am – sign up and join us in Glow TV – LearnCat Tell a Story – Journeys At the Scottish Storytelling Centre.

Dinosaur Discovery

What kind of dinosaurs do you know about? Which was the largest, which was the smallest, which had the most horns, or longest neck, or which at the most food? How can we learn more about the dinosaurs that ruled the earth using evidence and fossils and what they can tell us about the history of the earth? What type of dinosaurs roamed the planet and where did they go?

Visit the National Museum of Scotland through Glow TV to be inspired and amazed by the fossil and bone evidence and go on a Dinosaur discovery. Explore some dino data to find out what we can tell about dinosaurs, their size, what they ate and who would be predator or prey. Meet the 12 metre long life-sixed cast of a T.rex to see the scale and power of the real thing and share your own dinosaur creations. Find out more here:

Play the Transformasaur game before the Glow TV event and adapt your dinosaurs characteristics and get your questions ready for the experts at the National Museum of Scotland!

This Glow TV event is part of the Learning Experiences catalogue and a series of opportunities for Scottish learner to learn, create, make, build, bake, grow, collect, code tell stories and more. Learning experiences are set within contexts and many themes are interdisciplinary and take the form of learning spaces to connect learners and allow them to share, collaborate as well as a series of live events. Find out more about the Learning Experiences Catalogue here:

Curriculum links
SCN 2-01a
I can identify and classify examples of living things, past and present, to help me appreciate their diversity. I can relate physical and behavioural characteristics to their survival or extinction.
SCN 2-20a
I can report and comment on current scientific news items to develop my knowledge and understanding of topical science.
LIT 2-05a
As I listen or watch, I can make notes, organise these under suitable headings and use these to understand ideas and information and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate.

This learning experience is suitable for learners at second and third levels.

Join us on Friday 20th September at 1.30pm live in Glow TV – sign up and join us on our Dinosaur Discovery!

SCCYP – The 7 Golden Rules for Participation

The Golden Rules for Participation are a set of principles designed to help anyone working with, and for, children and young people.

Their purpose is to remind adults of what participation means from the point of view of children and young people, and to encourage children and young people to think about what they need from adults to support them to participate.

They have been developed by Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People through consultation with children and young people from across Scotland. They are also informed by research, reflecting the knowledge and experience of those working to promote participation. Every school received a pack of these Golden Rules, in April 2013.

Join us for a Glow TV event on Wednesday 18th September at 11am to see how children from Lawmuir Primary School in North Lanarkshire are using the Golden Rules. Your pupils can take part in the activities or they can make up their own to share. The session will be developed and led by pupils.

First of all find your golden rules. If they are hidden somewhere in school go to The 7 Golden Rules for Participation and download a set or phone 01315583733 and order a replacement copy.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV On Wednesday 18th – SCCYP – The 7 Golden Rules for Participation

Getting the right help in school – two new guides from Enquire explain young people’s rights

Getting the most out of education can be difficult if you are looked after or struggling to be in school. That’s why Enquire have produced two new guides to help young people understand their rights to support in school.

“What happens when you can’t go to school?” will help young people understand their rights to get support so they can carry on with their learning even when they are not at school. The guide considers a number of reasons young people might be away from school including being ill, caring for a family member, being excluded, home schooled from a travelling community or a refugee.

“Extra help at school when you are looked after” will help looked after pupils understand their rights to extra support and what that support might be. It explains how they can be involved in making decisions about their learning and the planning that should be in place for them as they prepare to leave school.

Created with help from children and young people, the guides are an essential tool for all those working with young people who aren’t in school or who are looked after. Short and easy to read, like all Enquire’s resources, it has been accredited by the Plain Language Commission.

The guides can be used as a teaching resource for a whole class or with individual pupils.

Both guides can be downloaded from the website

STEM at the Scottish Learning Festival

Raising the Bar in Scotland – transforming lives through learning.

Science, technology, engineering and maths are key priorities within Curriculum for Excellence.

The Scottish Learning Festival 2013 provides numerous opportunities for practitioners to engage in meaningful discussions and attend seminars and workshops relating to STEM.

 A select showcase of innovative practice will demonstrate how STEM skills are being developed in creative, exciting and thought provoking ways.

Come along and watch learners from Hamilton College demonstrate how Lego Mindstorm robots helped develop their problem solving skills, take the I-pad journey with Bellshill Academy pupils and find out how to bring science into your school community through Citizen Science activities.

Download the STEM programme of workshops and seminars detailing dates and times:

STEM at the Scottish Learning Festival 2013

To book and register for the Scottish Learning Festival follow the link below:  

Outdoor Learning with the National Parks Inspiring Landscapes – Inspiring Learning

Senior Leaders Professional Learning Event – Dounans Centre, Aberfoyle: Friday 20th September 2013

A one day event for head teachers and deputy head teachers, focusing on whole school approaches, inspection and self-evaluation for school managers. Delegates will hear from senior managers, education officers and others with experience of outdoor learning in the context of school improvement.

Staff Professional Learning Weekend – Dounans Centre, Aberfoyle: Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd September 2013

This opportunity is aimed at staff from all schools and settings within the partner authorities, and will provide inputs from project and centre staff, from the National Park ranger service, and from Education Scotland staff to support you in embedding Curriculum for Excellence through Outdoor Learning in your school or nursery. As well as a variety of ‘sharing good practice’ sessions run by teachers across all sectors.

The weekend will provide staff with practical tools, ideas and inspiration for developing progressive and frequent outdoor learning opportunities for pupils which will support and enrich all aspects of their learning.

Spaces are still available on these programmes for further information contact

Workshops Staff Professional Learning Weekend

Staff CLPL residential weekend 2013 – info for schools

Final Programme Staff PL Weekend

Final Programme School Leaders

Food and Gardening

Creating a Prairie Garden

24th September 2013, Aileymill Primary, Greenock

8th October 2013, Blackfriars Primary, Glasgow

Develop a Prairie flower bed in your school garden, richly planted with drifts of perennials and self-seeding annuals, punctuated with grasses. An everlasting, low maintenance style of naturalistic planting, a haven for bees, butterflies and all others that fly!


1st October 2013, Perth Academy

To give teachers of all age groups the skills to confidently grow and manage a simple productive garden throughout the year. Also, to ensure that produce is used in tasting, cooking and enterprise activities. Every school should be a food growing school.

Flushed with Success!

Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People has launched a new campaign Flushed with Success: Setting the Standard for Scotland’s School, which seeks to address the fact that standards of school toilets for pupils need to improve and the quality of the facilities must be monitored and guaranteed in the same way as in workplaces for adults. A recent survey of over 2000 Scottish pupils (Ipsos MORI) found that 56 percent of secondary school pupils never used school toilets or only used them if they ‘really had to’.

As well as working with influential organisations and leaders to explore how this problem can be properly addressed, Tam would like all schools in Scotland to sign up to supporting pupils to take part in the ‘Flushed with Success?’ Active Enquiry and Self Assessment Project. This special Glow TV session on Wednesday 11th September at 4pm will allow you to learn about how your school can now take part in this highly participative 8 step project which will help 1) identify where best practice and success already exists and 2) the actions school pupils, teachers and managers – working in partnership – will take to improve standards where the need for change is identified.

Sign up and join us on Wednesday 11th September at 4pm – Flushed with Success.

Twig Summer Challenge – winning school announced!

Congratulations Bo’ness Academy!

Professor Robert Winston has selected Team Eco-Option from Bo’ness Academy, Falkirk, as the winners of the Twig Summer Challenge! 

Professor Winston praised all the shortlisted entries, highlighting ambitious filmmaking, relevant science and a sense of humour! 

Congratulations to the following schools who were runners-up in the Twig Summer Challenge:

2nd place: Millburn Academy, Inverness

3rd place: Whitehill Secondary, Glasgow 

Highly commended: 
Arbroath High School
Mearns Primary
Mearns Castle High

View the shortlisted films 

Many congratulations to all those schools who entered the challenge last term.

We hope you enjoyed making your short films!

Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award Challenge 2013

SCOTTISH ENGINEERING SPECIAL LEADERS AWARD CHALLENGE – “If you could be an engineer in Scotland – what would you do?”

 Scottish Engineering and the Leaders Award are challenging Primary and Secondary school pupils in Scotland to consider what they would do if they were an engineer.

The challenge addresses many of the Experiences and outcomes within Curriculum for Excellence and, at secondary level, the project will meet the requirements of level 4/5 National Qualification in Engineering Science. 

 To participate, research engineering in Scotland, download resources from, talk to practicing engineers and complete an annotated illustration answer to the challenge question. Discover the numerous career paths an engineer can follow.

 Already there are over 60 primary and secondary schools registered to be a part of the challenge, many of which have already put in their requests for help from engineers. 

 Closing date for all entries is 20th November 2013, with the best entries going on display on 20th December 2013 in Glasgow City Councils Banqueting Hall.

 Register here.

At the Scottish Storytelling Centre – My Story

Join us in Glow TV for the first of our Tell a Story events with the Scottish Storytelling Centre. This event lets you find out more about ‘My Story’

‘Tell a Story Day’ is celebrated across Scotland in October. In the 3 weeks leading up to this national event join Storytellers in the ‘bothy’ at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh via Glow TV.

Enjoy listening to the storytellers share tales about nations and territories within the Commonwealth, about personal challenge and achievement and memorable, adventurous and incredible journeys. ‘Journeys’ is the theme for this year’s event.

While listening, learn how to tell and perform oral stories. Then take the opportunity to ask the storytellers questions about their ideas and techniques to help you plan and hold your own ‘Tell a Story Day’ event.

On ‘Tell a Story’ day we plan to broadcast your stories across Scotland via Glow TV. Find out more here: Learning Experience Catalogue.

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