The Royal Institute Public Events Programme January to April 2014

The Royal Institute’s public events programme will provide something for everyone!

Events spanning a wide range of fascinating and cutting edge topics will include crystallography, Einstein and quantum theory, mathematics and the cosmos, surgical technology, evolution and a light-hearted series that pits Art against Science.

This year the Institute will celebrate the achievements of women in science with its first ever women-only line up for the Friday Evening Discourses.

This year’s Life Fantastic theme will raise many more questions beyond the lecture titles: Where do I come from? Could I live forever? Am I a mutant?

The Ri are teaming up with the online science engagement event, I’m a Scientist, Get me out of Here, to extend the CHRISTMAS LECTURES discussion, by giving everyone all over the world the opportunity to have their questions on Life Fantastic answered by developmental biologists, online.

The site has been open for questions from the very first broadcast of the CHRISTMAS LECTURES on the 28th December and will run throughout January. Everyone can ask questions, and teachers can book their classes into half hour Live Chats with the scientists.

Find out how to ask your questions on Life Fantastic at

Also, the Life Fantastic Family Fun Day on Saturday 15th February will provide an opportunity to meet University of Oxford lecturer, Alison Woollard

For further information click on the link below.

Learning from extreme weather and flood news releases in Scotland

Over the festive period, persistent rain across Scotland has taken its toll on communities throughout the country. Areas such as Ayrshire, Borders and Dumfries and Galloway have been hit particularly hard, requiring people having to be evacuated from properties or rescued from areas where rising river levels have placed people in immediate danger.

A number of emergency meetings were been held by the Scottish Government resilience team before the new year – many involving ministers. Local multi-agency response arrangements have since been initiated in a number of places across Scotland to support those worst affected and to mitigate the impact.

The Scottish Government newsroom has released several articles in relation to the extreme weather. The following links can be used to access more information:

Flooding response continues:

Latest Weather warnings:

Vigilance urged as flood threat continues:

Flood Threat Continues:

Weather – Scotland’s Response:

More information can also be found from BBC news footage:

UK weather report – Sever warnings:

High tide in Ardrossan:

Dumfries and Galloway flooding:

A full account of 2013’s global weather and links to climate change can be also be found at:

For teaching and learning ideas related to extreme weather, flooding and climate change, visit the resources section of Education Scotland’s ‘Ready for Emergencies website’.

Also be sure to sign up for free flood warning in your local area through the SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) website:

Astrobiology Summer Academy 13th-16th July 2014

The Astrobiology Summer Academy is a four day CPD programme (Sunday to Wednesday) for Biology AND Physics teachers to learn about the science of Astrobiology and work with researchers and lecturers to develop CfE lesson plans for topics such as ‘extremophiles’ (CfE Higher Biology) and ‘life in the Universe’ (SCN-3-06a, SCN 4-06a).

During the four days you will learn about the origin of life, the possibility of life on other planets, and the study of life in Earth’s extreme environments, such as in the Antarctic ice sheets and deep ocean hydrothermal vents.

The expectation is that during the four days you will also take part in the development of distinctive lesson plans to be implemented in schools shortly afterwards and made available to teachers. These lessons plans will be consistent with the CfE curriculum and you will receive assistance in bringing them together.

 There are 20 places available for teachers and you can register your interest at

 Further details from

Charles Cockell,
Professor of Astrobiology,
Room 1502,
UK Centre for Astrobiology,
School of Physics and Astronomy,
James Clerk Maxwell Building,
The King’s Buildings,
University of Edinburgh,
Twitter: @UKAstrobiology

UK Centre for Astrobiology:

Higgs Prize Winners

First Minister Alex Salmond announced the very first winners of the Higgs Prize for physics.

The Higgs Prize is awarded on merit to two pupils from a publicly-funded school who have shown outstanding performance in the Advanced Higher Physics exam.

It was established in recognition of the impact Nobel Physics Prize winner Professor Higgs’ theoretical work has had on modern day particle physics. Its purpose is to reward and inspire Scotland’s best young school physicists. The award winners will visit the internationally renowned CERN research facility in Switzerland to take part in its summer school and a specially designed programme of events.

The inaugural Higgs Prize winners are:

Lucy Willets-White, formerly of Boroughmuir High School in Edinburgh, now studying Physics at Imperial College, London. At the moment she intends to stay in physics, either in industry or research.

Peter Rhodes, formerly of Madras College, St Andrews, and applying for further study starting September 2014. At the moment he is interested in a possible career in neurology and psychiatry.

The First Minister also confirmed that £4 million funding will be provided to support Professor Higgs’ legacy. This will include a £2 million contribution to the Higgs Centre at the University of Edinburgh, alongside an additional £2 million to support a new generation of young researchers in physics and mathematics at universities across Scotland, through the Scottish Funding Council.

Announcing the Higgs Prize winners, the First Minister said:

“Professor Higgs’ achievements are hugely inspiring for our young people and his commitment to encouraging our next generation of scientists is well-known. It’s very fitting that we mark his globally recognised work through the Higgs Prize.

Get pupils excited about reading with Book Trailers

Creating Book Trailers is a fantastic way to enthuse your learners about reading and develop their critical skills. This year, Scottish Book Trust are running our first ever book trailer competition for the Scottish Children’s Book Awards, and have published a wealth of resources to help you get creative with trailers. Closing date for entries is February 7.

Make your pupils’ voices heard in the Scottish Children’s Book Awards

Every year thousands of children of all ages vote for their favourite book in the Scottish Children’s Book Awards. Why not get them writing reviews of the books to help them make their decision? Our review competition is a great opportunity to win some fabulous prizes, including book tokens and a visit from one of the shortlisted authors. You can find more details in the Get Involved section of SCBA. Closing date for entries is February 7.

Scottish Education Awards 2014

Nominations for the 2014 awards are now open, visit the Scottish Education Awards website for more information and to submit your nomination.

The Awards celebrate the hard work and success in Scottish education. They recognise the achievements of people who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcase the value work and innovation in learning environments across Scotland.

There are 15 categories including new categories for Creative Learning, Innovation in Literacy and Numeracy and 2014 Commonwealth Games – Games Legacy Awards.

If you know of a school or teacher that deserves to be recognised for their hard work let us know and submit a nomination today. Nominations must be submitted by Friday 21 February 2014.

Game on Scotland – Maths and Numeracy

How can Game On Scotland support your planning in numeracy and mathematics?

Looking for inspiration for IDL projects to develop numeracy and mathematics in the context?

In this ‘Game On’ Glow session, we will spend time exploring what the Game On Scotland website has to offer to support your planning.

For the rest of the session, we will be joined by the Glasgow 2014 team, talking about numeracy challenges they have faced and setting two challenges for you to explore with your learners.

Join the Numeracy and Mathematics team for this exciting problem solving Glow meet on Tuesday 7th January at 4pm – sign up and join us in Glow TV.

Show Racism the Red Card Creative Competition

2013/2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the annual Show Racism the Red Card’s Anti-Racism/Anti-Sectarianism Creative Competition in Scotland. The Creative Competition is an integral part of the Show Racism the Red Card’s work in Scotland and has become a central feature in the calendar with almost 1 in 5 of Scotland’s schools having participated in the competition. Entries are welcome from both individuals as well as class groups and the closing date for all entries is Friday 31 January 2014.

To enter, school and college students must develop a piece of creative work that gets across loud and clear the important message that racism and/or sectarianism is not welcome in Scotland. This could be artwork, poetry, a short story, creative writing, music, a dance/drama performance, research project or multimedia presentation.

Competition winners will be invited to a star-studded award ceremony at Hampden Park in March, attended by the elite of Scottish football, to receive public acclaim for their work and receive their prizes.

For further information, please visit the Show Racism the Red Card Scotland website.

Power cuts and flooding after gales hit west coast. Are you Ready for Emergencies?

Severe weather has caused disruption through utility failures and signifiant flooding in various areas throughout Scotland.

Winds of up to 90 mph hit parts of the country last night causing power cuts, rough seas and heavy swells. Those regions partcularly badly affected include Glasgow, Aberdeen, the Western Isles, Shetland, Orkney and Dumfries and Galloway among others.

For further details go to:

The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) has been issuing regular flood warnings urging the public to take immediate action against the predicted flooding.

The ‘Ready for Emergencies’ website contains free teaching resources to help young people and their local commuitites to prepare and cope in extreme weather situations like these. For severe weather learning journeys go to:

Make sure you are signed up for SEPA’s free flood alert service. Register at:

Expressive Arts Conversation Day 1

The first Expressive Arts Conversation Day was held on 25th November 2013 at the Raploch Community Campus in Stirling. The event featured several stimulating practitioner inputs and lively discussion throughout.

The attached document is a collated record of the Implemento table discussion, which was designed to provide starting points for actions to address the key issue of the day – building practitioner confidence and capacity in relation to expressive arts:  Expressive Arts Implemento Session

The main themes we explored (identified during the morning session) were:

• Developing appropriate expressive arts CPD
• Providing appropriate support
• Developing an effective model that balances creative space with skills development
• Creating sustainable partnerships

If visitors to the site have further thoughts or ideas with regard to the issues raised/omitted from the initial conversation please use the blog to share them with colleagues across the country.

Working groups are currently being created to explore the actions suggested/required to take forward the themes listed above and also to identify further actions specific to each area of the expressive arts across all sectors.

Education Scotland will add information to the blog about progress in our partnership with primary colleagues to create and support a national expressive arts primary network. From the responses to the questions in the afternoon session, and to evaluation questions, it certainly seems the idea of a national network is one practitioners and education partners would endorse and support. The collated responses from the afternoon session about the networks are attached below:

National network responses

A second Expressive Arts Conversation Day is in the planning phase and we intend that it will probably take place in Inverness in February or early March to provide greater opportunity for our colleagues from further afield to attend. Once again, this information will be added to the blog.

You are welcome to contact me or any member of the team if there are aspects of expressive arts in general you wish to discuss in greater detail or examples of innovative practice you feel Education Scotland should see.

We look forward to continuing the conversation with you …

Magnificent Microbes

What is the Magnificent Microbes project?

The Magnificent Microbes project is a joint venture between the College of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee and Dundee Science Centre Science Learning Institute.  The project, run in 2010 and 2012, has been received very positively by children and teachers alike, being described as “exciting”, “inspiring”, “a great way to understand more about microbes”. Teachers described the impact on children’s learning, and enthusiasm for science as a result of taking part. Participation provided teachers with opportunities for professional learning which had built capacity and improved their knowledge, understanding and confidence in learning around the Body Systems and Cells organiser within Curriculum for Excellence.

The project includes:

–       pre-visit activity (supporting literacy)

–       visit to Dundee Science Centre to participate in Magnificent Microbes day (themes: hands-on science, positive role models, cutting-edge research on the doorstep)

–       post-visit learning (supporting, literacy, numeracy and encouraging creativity)

–       post-visit opportunities to have scientists visiting the school

–       Celebration Day (sharing learning, supporting literacy)

–       display of children’s learning about Magnificent Microbes in the Prism at Dundee Science Centre in May / June 2014

Where does the Magnificent Microbes project fit within Curriculum for Excellence?

“At second level (SCN 2-13a), through practical activities carried out in a safe environment, learners can explore examples of microorganisms that are beneficial and harmful e.g. the use of yeast in bread making and the importance of bacteria and fungus in the breakdown of waste in compost columns. This can be further developed… to include practical activities to safely test for the presence of microorganisms in the local environment. The effects on growth of microorganisms of a variety of factors, such as temperature and disinfectants, can also be investigated. This leads on to the exploration of the use of microorganisms and enzymes in industry at fourth level.”

Education Scotland (2009) Concept development in the sciences paper

“Through research and discussion I have an appreciation of the contribution that individuals are making to scientific discovery and invention, and the impact this has made on society”

Education Scotland (2009) Curriculum for excellence: sciences experiences and outcomes

Participation in the Magnificent Microbes project supports development of the capacities of Curriculum for Excellence:

Successful learners

Attributes: enthusiasm and motivation for learning; openness to new thinking and ideas

Capabilities: use literacy, numeracy and communication skills; think creatively and independently

Responsible citizens

Attributes: respect for others

Capabilities: develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it; evaluate environmental scientific and technological issues

Effective contributors

Attributes: resilience

Capabilities: communicate in different ways and in different settings; work in partnerships and teams; create and develop.

Involvement in the project includes starter activities for use with learners, prior to the class to Dundee Science Centre. The project will be completed in the classroom following the Magnificent Microbes day in March 2014. These activities have been designed to be used flexibly, to ensure that they can be used to meet the needs of children in their own context, and to develop skills in literacy and numeracy appropriate to second level.

Literacy across learning

Participation in the project provides opportunities for learners to developing literacy skills through:

  • explaining their thinking to others (Listening and talking for learning, Literacy across learning: principles and practice);
  • finding, selecting, sorting, summarising and linking information  from a variety of sources  (Reading for learning, Literacy across learning: principles and practice);
  • making notes, developing ideas and acknowledging sources within written work, and developing and using effective vocabulary (Writing for learning, Literacy across learning: principles and practice).

Creativity in Sciences

After the visit

Within the class, we would like the children to create a piece which represents and communicates their learning.  Scientists from the University of Dundee would be delighted to come to each school to talk about this with the children. This provides the opportunity for learners to share their thinking and use others’ contributions to build on thinking.

From each participating class we would invite the children who created the work(s) to join us, with their teacher(s) and their families, at a Magnificent Microbes Learning Celebration at the College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee.

Numeracy in sciences

 “Having discussed the variety of ways and range of media used to present data, I can interpret and draw conclusions from the information displayed, recognising that the presentation may be misleading.

I have carried out investigations and surveys, devising and using a variety of methods to gather information and have worked with others to collate, organise and communicate the results in an appropriate way.”

Education Scotland (2007) Curriculum for excellence: numeracy and mathematics experiences and outcomes

At second level learners have an extended range of presentation methods, including bar and line graphs, from which they can select the most appropriate for presenting the data/information they have collected.  They identify the relationship between the variables and use this to draw an appropriate conclusion, consistent with the findings.

Education Scotland (2013) Assessing Progress and Achievement in the Broad General Education in Sciences

After the visit

Within ten days of the visit, we will send a photograph for each child of the microbe growth from their hands. We would ask the children to carry out a class survey and select the most appropriate method for presenting their data / information from which they can consider whether or not it is possible to draw any conclusions about gender differences in microbe growth. This activity provides opportunities to develop numeracy through appropriate interpretation of numerical information, using it to draw conclusions and make reasoned evaluations.

Celebrating learning

At the Magnificent Microbes Learning Celebration at the University of Dundee, the team from Dundee Science Centre and the scientists and researchers involved with the project will be joined by children from all of the classes participating in the project. We will use the children’s work to create a display about their learning. At this celebration, the children will have the opportunity to explain to the scientists at the University of Dundee what their work shows, why they have chosen to do the work as they have done, and why they chose that particular aspect of the learning. Through this, they will have the opportunity to organise their ideas in an appropriate way for the purpose, using suitable vocabulary for their audience.

Sharing their work with a wider audience

Following the Celebration Day, we will use the display created as an exhibit in the Prism of Dundee Science Centre, for families, visitors and other school groups to see. The children’s microbe sample images, along with samples from members of the public will also be included as part of the display. We hope this display will help others learn about Magnificent Microbes and be inspired to learn more!

What does participation involve?


4 February 2014 Project familiarisation: meet the team and find out more about the hands-on activities in the project
14 March 2014 Schools visit Dundee Science Centre
21 March 2014 Schools receive microbe handprints from University of Dundee
21- 25 April 2014 Researchers from University of Dundee visit schools (optional)
25 April 2014 Schools to return data presentations on microbe growth to University of Dundee
25 April 2014 Children to select who to represent their class at the Learning Celebration
6 May 2014 Learning Celebration at University of Dundee
9 May 2014 Deadline for return of teacher evaluations

How many children, classes and schools can be involved?

We have capacity to include 180 – 210 children in the project. The participation cost of the project per child is £50. Of this cost, the University of Dundee and Dundee Science Centre have sought funding to cover more than 90%. The participation cost is therefore £3.50 per child. For children attending schools in Dundee City Council, funding is available to support this participation cost.

Where Scottish Government funding is available to support travel, we will provide a travel subsidy to cover the full cost of transport. This is determined by criteria set by the Scottish Government.

Interested? Get in touch

Sciences Conversation Day 2

Following the publication of the 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report for Sciences in September 2012 Education Scotland hosted a series of conversations to engage stakeholders in discussions around the findings of the report and to collectively identify priorities for action to secure improvements in science education nationally.

The second sciences conversation day took place in Bishopbriggs Academy, East Dunbartonshire and brought together around 25 participants from a wide variety of sectors.

Contexts for discussion included

  • recognising the importance of  Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Maths (STEM) to the Scottish economy,
  • appreciating the need to look beyond the economic picture to the importance of scientific literacy for young people in an increasingly fast-paced and technological society
  • recognising STEM  as a key area within Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)
  • SSEAG Report (Science and Engineering Education Advisory Group) published February 2012 and the Government response, October 2012
  • why this could be considered a ‘Time of Opportunity’ for improving science education nationally

Delegates discussed the key priorities for sciences education focussed around four themes:

  1. Equity in education – science for all
  2. The importance of planning across school clusters
  3. Career long professional learning and support for practitioners
  4. Partnerships

This post will address the first point, Equity in Education. The remaining key priorities will be highlighted in forthcoming posts.

Equity in education – science for all

It was recognised that there had been many initiatives and significant funding provided over the last few decades to make education more equitable but little progress had been made.

The discussion generated views that

  • A different perspective was required to close the attainment gap particularly for those from the most deprived background.
  • Science education is about promoting scientific literacy for all, preparing learners for STEM careers and inspiring all learners – not just those who intend to pursue science at university level.
  • The language of learning needs to be explained to parents to help them appreciate the importance of STEM – Bishopbriggs Academy has run open evenings for parents to engage them in the school science programme.
  • The broad general education (especially early years and primary) should be a priority since this is where all learners have the biggest exposure to science.
  • More than one career pathway is available – not just school, further study then work. Many STEM careers are at Technician 3 Level – degrees are not the only way. Awareness of this must be promoted.
  • Science should be seen as a skill for life.
  • Initial teacher education (ITE) establishments have introduced concurrent degrees – more primary teachers will have the opportunity to study STEM subjects at undergraduate level but there are timetabling issues to be addressed to enable student teachers to access courses in other faculties.
  • Good science coordinators in local authorities play an essential role in brokering effective links between schools and between schools and partners.

If we are to attract greater number of learners into STEM, gender bias within subjects, such as the prevalence of boys in Physics, must be addressed. There must be consideration given to the influence of female teachers, positive role models for learners choosing science (from industry and HE) and misunderstanding the subject and maths connection, which may put some learners off.

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views about the report and its findings. Visit the Talk with us blog to share your thoughts.

Dancing for diversity!

Education Scotland is taking forward capacity building activities to promote diversity and equality. At the end of November we held a very successful national conference on this in Glasgow, which was attended by over 150 participants.

The agenda included 13 workshops of best practice in eliminating discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations; several displays and stalls; an update from Education Scotland; and a keynote address from the Minister for Learning Dr Alasdair Allan, welcomed and introduced by Mary Hoey.

David Watt, Lead Officer for Diversity and Equality in Education Scotland said, ‘The day proved a great success for all who attended. Education Scotland was very pleased with the quality of the workshops and the tremendous range of equality issues featuring across the 13 workshops from early years to further education. Education Scotland’s corporate plan sets out our aim of eradicating inequity. The workshop presenters promoted the set of inclusive practices that contribute to this aim’.

Stalls exhibited materials from a number of our key groups such as Black and Ethnic Minority Infrastructure in Scotland (BEMIS), Scottish Traveller Education Programme (STEP) who act on behalf of Gypsies and Travellers, EIS Equalities Committee, Show Racism the Red Card and Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People.

Highlights of the conference included children and young people giving their views of how they are successfully gaining the capacities of Curriculum for Excellence in the context of promoting diversity and equality. Young people from Bellahouston Academy set out a wide range of peer support, children from St Stephen’s Primary mentioned their pride in their International Day, children from Thorntree Primary highlighted the positive contribution they make as children of Showpeople and young people from Broxburn highlighted how they educated the educators about LGBT issues in their community.

As well as the children and young people contributing, delegates were able to choose from a truly diverse set of workshops from early years to colleges and communities. St Peter’s Primary Early Years staff shared their practice in working with the Polish community in Edinburgh and workshops from staff and students from further education mapped out their successes with learners who benefitted from more chances in their education. Bridging the Gap from Glasgow indicated their work with its underlying consideration of social justice in the south side of Glasgow. Kyle Academy staff and partners showed the impact in closing the gap and reducing the effect of inequalities. Grange Academy spoke and signed their approaches to inclusive practices for diverse groups of learners including young people who are deaf. Our conference was accessed by a number of participants through the provision of BSL interpreters.

As well as workshops delegates were treated to the dance performance from young people from Pilrig Park School in Leith. The young people’s enthusiasm, grace, intensity and pride was evident in their performance which was around the theme of Children’s Rights. They danced the dance of putting Children’s Rights into action! Their next show in June in the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh will draw inspiration from the Commonwealth Games.

Evaluations and tweets from participants were very positive and many commented that they looked forward to the next event.

Sciences Conversation Day 3

Delegates attending our third conversation day at Millburn Academy were asked to reflect on the findings of Education Scotland’s Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report and, through group discussion, identify what they saw as the key priorities for action.

In the final session of the conversation day participants were encouraged to write down ideas and suggestions as to how science education could be further improved nationally. Suggestions included:

  • Resources – Raise awareness of support and resources available from external partners to support and enhance science learning and teaching in schools and how to access these. Create a cohesive bank of locally and nationally available resources including easy-share resources, equipment, ideas and teaching materials
  • Industry links – Supporting teachers to make industry links – identify particular areas of the curriculum where industry could input
  • Rural outreach – Support outreach by science education providers such as science centres, Edinburgh Zoo etc. to remote and rural communities to deliver and facilitate programmes. Financial support would be required for this
  • Assessment – A continuum of assessing and moderation in relation to significant aspects of learning
  • Skills – Progression of skills for life, and thinking skills, for 3-18 in context of the sciences e.g. investigation, fair tests and no gaps in first level Es and Os. Looking at progressive methods to build up skills – models from various schools/authorities to view and discuss. Need to explore more opportunities for embedding higher order thinking skills and ways to evaluate the pupil/staff recognition of their learning in the broadest sense
  • Exemplification – a clear, easily-searchable database of good practice is required which is regularly updated. Include pupil-voice section
  • Local authorities – Education Scotland should promote and support professional learning communities within authorities. If science is a national priority, funding should reflect that to ensure all authorities have a science QIO to increase teacher confidence, help moderation, sharing and development of practice etc.
  • Pupil voice and citizenship – discovering “pupil voice” as a meaningful constructive tool in improving learning. Develop Informed participation – recognising right to learn in United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Valuing wider learning also. Take on board message from young people about problems. Focus on citizenship
  • Time/Finance to help make science a national priority – Scottish Government should support this financially to take science forward. Financial input should also be sought from sponsorship from public/private sectors to invest in in the future of STEM.
  • High quality CPD programme for practitioners which is not generic but science specific and accredited. SSERC do a fantastic job but we need more info about available courses as we don’t all know what’s available – what about a central info point? We need access to web -based learning resources through Education Scotland courses. Need to support teachers in a coordinated way to develop skills, resources, links, assessment methods…
  • Public engagement – need outreach programmes involving all stakeholders in activities that are science based e.g. parents invited in to take part with their pupils
  • Sharing – we need a good way to share expertise, (written and physical) resources and course materials across Scotland with feedback inbuilt into the system. For instance, need a feedback mechanism built into the NQ Glow site so schools and authorities can improve their materials. Need more collaborative working. Develop primary as well as secondary science sharing.
  • Education Scotland – need to simplify the quantity of advice on its websites and make sure that new glow is user friendly. Also, should ask the whole science profession via survey monkey about views on improving science education
  • National qualifications – Can we have clear, agreed timings for Nat 4 and Nat 5 courses please! Can we have guidance on how teachers are to deliver Nat 3/4/5 in the same class? Sadly, this is the reality in our school.
  • Science in the news blog page – items in news, press releases are good to use in lessons but access to a ‘schools version’ on Education Scotland website would be a huge benefit. This would need good links between Education Scotland and industry. Visits to schools are not always possible and there is regular items in the news that can be used as a hook for learning.
  • More choice – access to wider range of courses through online resources to improve choice and access for learners. Being aware that one size doesn’t fit all.
  • Remove layers of bureaucracy! Decide what can go to create space we need.

STEM North of Scotland – web links to resources and programmes available for schools in the North of Scotland provided by Pat Kieran, STEM Ambassador who participated in the conversation day.

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment

Sciences Conversation Day 3

Delegates attending our third conversation day at Millburn Academy were asked to reflect on the findings of Education Scotland’s Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report and, through group discussion, identify what they saw as the key priorities for action.

In the second session of the day, participants were given the opportunity to use the Implemento planning tool to further explore one of the main themes emerging from the group activity in the morning. The following action was chosen as focus for this activity:

Ensure learners are empowered to determine how they learn.

Participants identified the following as the worst outcomes that could arise should this action not be implemented:

  • The status quo persists
  • Negativity and lack of motivation coupled with poor behaviour – time and opportunities are wasted and learners don’t enjoy or value science and are not given a choice in their learning. Don’t develop as global citizens
  • No aims/goals resulting in learners not achieving their potential and schools failing to raise attainment and ensure progression
  • Disillusioned students and teachers coupled with detrimental effect on health and well-being
  • Learners are disengaged and lack independence and are wholly dependent on quality and enthusiasm of the teachers. See science as not being relevant to them and take no responsibility for their learning! Maybe then not accountable either and learners become unable to make informed choices
  • Sausage machine approach to learning – one size fits all
  • Learners don’t develop necessary skills for leaning life and work resulting in national skill shortage – learners not opting for STEM career. Advances in technology may be slower and economy suffers. Society becomes more divided.
  • Unsuitable tertiary courses.

The following actions were suggested to help recover from these negatives outcomes:

  • Create courses that are relevant and interesting to pupils – learners need flexibility and choice to experience all types of learning in order to know what they’re good at
  • To ensure learners are empowered to determine how they learn, participation in planning learning must be structured and iterative. Needs to be part of constant cycle of improvement. Supporting pupils to make choices is necessary – building their capacity so they are aware of their skills and can identify next steps in learning. Need to create opportunity for choice e.g. research questions, how to present, peer tutors, methods of gathering info and so on
  • Teachers need training in order to offer these opportunities and are updated with current/real life science so that it is relevant. They must deliver on promises of learner engagement and be honest with what is possible
  • Negotiated and competence-based assessment is required as are more opportunities for collaborative learning
  • Use role models to show case relevant use of science
  • The John Muir Award offer learners a flexible approach to learning
  • Speak to wider community/customer about what they need/want to learn
  • Provide further opportunities to get back to education in later life (more advice/awareness).

Participants saw the following as the best possible outcomes of the action to empower learners:

  • Highly professional, confident teaching workforce able to maximise potential of empowered learners by guiding/facilitating learning rather than being the centre of attention
  • Less stress and more positive classroom ethos. More time spent learning resulting in better progress, achievement, attainment and results! Balanced partnership between teachers and pupils with ethos of mutual respect
  • Relevant, useful learning at school resulting in improved health and wellbeing, better community links and spirit and more parent helpers.
  • Systematic approach to offering professional learning opportunities to school science educators at all levels supported by the appointment of a science officer for every authority
  • Aspirational students with tools to get there. Pupils would know more about how they learn best as individuals. Every learner values themselves and their skills/abilities. And develops as responsible and independent citizens who are lifelong learners with a positive, can-do attitude.
  • Scotland will be globally competitive with a skilled workforce which brings inward investment and creates new business. There will be less unemployment with better prospects and equity in society
  • More flexible resources and approaches to learning (incl. online resources) with an increase in peer support across the school.

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.

Sciences Conversation Day 3

Delegates attending our third conversation day at Millburn Academy were asked to reflect on the findings of Education Scotland’s Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report and, through group discussion, identify what they saw as the key priorities for action.

Priority areas for action

The priorities below are listed in order of prevalence. Those mentioned more frequently in group responses appear closest to the top of the list.

  1. 1. Cluster approach – Local cluster science improvement plans should be developed – early years/primary/secondary school links, including links with further and higher education institutions, should be further developed to allow staff access to specialist equipment and expertise and to facilitate dialogue between practitioners.
  2. Primary science – There is a lack of specialist knowledge in primary schools. There is a need to increase access to and quantity of science learning pre-secondary by building confidence of primary practitioners. Science should be made explicit in primary schools – not just taught through interdisciplinary learning. There is a role for science champions in primary.
  3. Transitions between early years, primary and secondary and into work/FE/HE need to be improved. There should be planned progression through increased dialogue within and between centres and clear maps of learning and contexts.
  4. Leadership for sciences within schools at every level, including learners, should be developed to ensure support is in place and to facilitate good communication.
  5. Pupil voice should be strengthened at departmental and whole school level – the experiences of learners, and their involvement in decision-making, can be used to drive improvement. There is a need to develop a culture of talking to learners and including them in evaluation of learning. Facilitation of informal feedback should be encouraged and programmes of learning should be explained to learners.
  6. Better and more accessible links with industry, including STEM ambassadors, are required – it is essential to secure the involvement of people with real experience of STEM subjects. A coherent approach, and mapping process, is required to pull together different agencies and employers to ensure support structures are in place and to make young people aware of job opportunities.
  7. Learning and teaching in sciences needs to be dynamic and up to date so that learners understand the relevance and applications of their learning. More outdoor learning and interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary learning (IDL) should be encouraged to put science into context. There should be consistency in terms of the provision of high quality learning and teaching in sciences.
  8. Increased opportunities for science related career-long professional development, including through initial teacher education, should be made available to develop enthusiastic, confident and skilled practitioners who employ effective teaching strategies.
  9. Resources – Practitioners need to know about the resources out there. Funding to local authorities and partner agencies should be prioritised to ensure all centres are well equipped. Effective dissemination of available resources is required including online resources, outdoor spaces for learning etc. Education Scotland should consider developing a resource bank with download log and feedback.
  10. Practitioners would benefit from increased sharing of good practice at all stages.
  11. Skills – There is a need to improve knowledge and expectations in terms of wider skills development.
  12. Science a priority – Raising the awareness of education leaders, directors of education, head teachers, councillors of the importance of science is necessary. They should all recognise that science and STEM is a priority.

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.

Sciences Conversation Day 2

Delegates attending our second conversation day at Bishopbriggs Academy identified four priority theme for sciences:

  1. Equity in education – science for all
  2. The importance of planning across school clusters
  3. Career long professional learning and support for practitioners
  4. Partnerships

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views regarding the third priority which addressed career long professional learning and support for practitioners.

Delegates viewed that:

  • More emphasis needs to be placed on recognition of lifelong learning for all practitioners:
    • Need to provide support from FE, HE and industry
    • There should be a clear opportunity for teachers to extend learning to master’s-level
    • Drawing together of HE and other organisations to facilitate a move towards accreditation.
  • Specialist support for teachers may be of benefit – potentially in the form of a visiting specialist.  Children age 9 + would be appropriate target audience.
  • There is often an artificial connection between formal and informal science education – and a recognition that the structured/rigid way which science is taught in secondary schools needs to change to reflect the realities of the wider world.
  • Promoting science in the classroom is not solely about teaching resources – teaching method (pedagogy) and leadership are key to success:
    • Need to ensure that there is a focus on STEM skills, rather than just content
    • Role of interdisciplinary learning is important – Bishopbriggs Academy has been undertaking an interdisciplinary project on the Commonwealth Games which connected with science learning.
  • Initial Teacher Education has to recognise importance of STEM specialism – primary schools need access to teacher specialism
  • Important to influence the work of the National Implementation Board to ensure needs of education system in relation to sciences are met
  • Need to ensure that newly qualified teachers (NQTs) have appropriate level of support to ensure their practice aligns to principles of CfE
  • Teacher support in sciences:
    • How does a leader create an environment for a practitioner to thrive?
    • Need to involve learners in prioritising improvements
    • We need to move away from tick box approach in identifying outcomes.
  • Practitioners in primary schools are mostly not science graduates but the question was raised whether practitioners need a science background to be able to teach science effectively?
  • CLPL in science needs to be targeted at all staff – not single practitioners.

 Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.

Sciences Conversation Day 2

Delegates attending our second conversation day at Bishopbriggs Academy identified four priority theme for sciences:

  1. Equity in education – science for all
  2. The importance of planning across school clusters
  3. Career long professional learning and support for practitioners
  4. Partnerships

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views regarding the second priority which addressed the importance of planning across school clusters.

Delegates saw cluster working as being important for a number of reasons:

  • It is a key way of ensuring primary and secondary colleagues can learn from each other, and also build an understanding of learning and expectations for learners in each sector
  • It provides opportunities to support the professional development of practitioners
  • Issue of priorities – will clusters have science on their list of subjects to cover?
  • Pressures of resource and time to establish and continue effective clusters.  Teacher cover can be an issue, despite local authorities provide funds to pay
  • Need to give teachers adequate time for professional learning. Could an allocation be offered for a ‘block’ of cover for science?
  • Stronger cluster work could help address lack of consistency in primary experiences across a local authority – benefits for secondary in terms of ensuring good pupil progression.

 Primary and primary/secondary transition should be seen as a priority for cluster working:

  • STEM needs to be on school improvement plans
  • Will see benefits for learners once they reach secondary school in terms of seamless transition/progression
  • We need to avoid the fresh start approach in secondary schools – a greater focus on transition and progression is required
  • More time is required for secondary teachers teaching S1 secondary classes to work with primary counterparts
  • How can we encourage schools to use exemplification, and build on what is already being done?
  • Pressures of asking primary schools to take on development of all subjects
  • Signposting of support needed – what’s the best use of school funds and time?
  • Important to ensure smooth transitions, not just from primary to secondary, but also beyond school education into HE/FE or work.

 Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.

Physical Activity & Health Alliance Awards

PAHA is delighted to announce that the Physical Activity and Health Alliance Awards are being offered for a fourth year.

We are seeking nominations for physical activity programmes from your setting, sector and profession.

NHS Health Scotland is committed to sharing practice that improves health and reduces health inequalities across Scotland. More specifically, the Physical Activity and Health Alliance (PAHA) is focused on supporting the ongoing implementation of the National Physical Activity strategy ‘Let’s Make Scotland More Active’ (2003) and encouraging others to embed inequalities into their work.

PAHA are seeking nominations of physical activity programmes from a range of settings, sectors and professions in Scotland.  This is the opportunity to raise the profile of local work, as well as help build capacity by sharing inspirational practice and experiences with others.

The awards will be celebrated at the Annual National PAHA Conference on 24 April 2014.  Award winners will be given the opportunity to hold a stall at the marketplace of the Annual National Conference and will also feature as case studies on the case study section of the PAHA website.

This year, there are 6 categories covering the broad range of people, activities and environments pertinent to physical activity in Scotland.

  • Community Wide Programmes
  • NHS Scotland
  • Education
  • Active Travel & Planning
  • Sport and Recreation
  • Physical Activity Awareness

Anyone can nominate a person, programme or organisation for a PAHA Award.  The nomination form and supporting guidance note can be found on the PAHA website.

If you have any questions, send us email at or call us on: 0131 313 7527

All nominations must be received by noon 20 December 2013 (noon).

Scotland’s Environment Web Competition – extended entry

Scotland’s Environment Web is running an exciting competition for young people, with fantastic prizes, and the closing date for entries has now been extended until 31st March 2014.

What is the competition about?

What needs to change in your local community that will make a difference to your environment and what role can you play in making it happen?

We want you to answer the question above. Tell us how you could make your environment better. Planet Earth faces tough environmental challenges which will directly impact your future. Everyone can be a part of the solution to these challenges and Scotland’s young people have a key role to play.

During our recent Glow Meet, which you can access through Watch Again T.V. at , you told us how you are already getting involved in caring for and improving Scotland’s environment. 

The extended closing date of 31st March 2014 will provide more opportunity for young people to participate. The awards ceremony will be held in June.

Who can enter?

This competition is open to all young people throughout Scotland between the ages of 5-18, whether through your school, as part of a group or as an individual.

You can also enter the Young Reporters for the Environment competition if you are eligible.

For more information, visit






Further links:

Scotland’s Environment website

Scottish environment youth discussion

Natural Partners: Forests and Education

Forests, trees and woodlands, and all aspects of wood as a material,  offer fantastic opportunities for learning. Explore a number of hands-on activities suitable for all ages e.g. working with wood to  make presents to take away, building bee hives, forest bridge design  and testing, digital games exploring forest  stewardship.

There will be samples of work in progress, by student teachers, in the theme of  STEM: Natural Partners exploring teaching and Learning for  Sustainability.

This event is hosted and designed by students from Moray House  School of Education (Edinburgh University), and staff from Forest  Research and Forestry Commission Scotland. Please do come along and drop in!

Time: 12.30 pm-3.30 pm
Location: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Venue: Real Life Science Studio, John Hope Gateway
Booking: No booking required

For further information regarding this event and the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh:

Natural posters (1)

To access last year’s student units of work:

Languages and STEM skills – opening doors!

SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, is working with businesses and schools in Scotland to promote languages as a key skill for employment.

Operating effectively in a global economy relies on many skills and includes the right language skills. People who can communicate, at least conversationally, can make all the difference in the conduct of business, consolidating relationships with existing suppliers and customers and opening the way to new overseas contacts. When combined with STEM skills, the career opportunities in a vast array of sectors widens.

Key facts from the CBI Education and Skills Survey 2013

Seven out of ten (70%) businesses value foreign language skills among their employees

  • French(49%) and German(45%) are the leading languages in demand, but those geared to businesses in China feature increasingly prominently – of those valuing staff with foreign language skills, 28% value Manderin and 16% Cantonese
  • STEM skills are in high demand and nearly two in five firms (39%) are having difficulties recruiting staff. 41% expect this to persist over the next three years
  • Shortages of STEM qualified technicians (29%) and graduates (26%) are widespread among firms in engineering, hi-tech/IT and science areas
  • Businesses recognise that they have a key role in encouraging more young people to study STEM subjects, enthusing young people about STEM (55%) and working with Universities to ensure the business relevance of the course (50%).

Read about people who have combined their STEM and language skills in the pharmaceutical industry, technologies and the Scottish Football Association and find out why they consider that learning a language is really important.


Bringing Sustainability to Life

Year of Natural Scotland: working in partnership to bring sustainability to life at Dundee Science Centre Science Learning Institute.

Last Friday, Dundee Science Centre were joined by over 200 children from P6/7 at Kinross Primary School, St Mary’s RC Primary School Dundee and St Vincent’s RC Primary School Dundee. Children experienced an informative, hands-on day of learning about renewable energy and low carbon living.

Renewable energy scientists from Marine Scotland took the children on a journey from ancient Greece, through the discovery of electricity, to renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Children learned about the differences between renewable and non renewables, and explored amazing new technologies being developed to tap into our natural wind, tidal and wave energy sources. A Pelamis wave snake, and functioning model wind turbine really grabbed their attention.

Sustrans attended with their electric bikes and all children took part with great gusto in an energy challenge with Solar Cities Scotland. Taking it in turns, the children attempted to use muscle power to charge a capacitor to make music and smoothies, learning about the cost of power the hard way!

Dundee Science Centre is delighted to be working in partnership as part of Year of Natural Scotland to bring sustainable, low carbon technologies alive for children.

The Royal Institution Christmas Countdown

Inspired by this year’s CHRISTMAS LECTURES with Alison Woollard the Royal Institute has launched a Chromosome-themed advent calendar. Each day between 1 December and Christmas Eve they will release a new video working through the 23 pairs of human chromosomes and the mitochondrial DNA that make up the building blocks of human life.

Over 24 days they will look at ‘junk’ DNA, raise awareness of a range of genetic disorders and the research behind the latest treatments, learn about blood donation and visit Alison’s lab in Oxford to find out about genetic ageing. Join the Royal Institute to investigate male baldness, explain Nobel Prize winning science, take a trip to the zoo, delve into the mysteries of ginger hair and much much more…

Explore the advent calendar at

Plus, follow #Riadvent on Twitter or like us on Facebook to be the first to find and watch the videos and enter our competition to win a prop from the set of the CHRISTMAS LECTURES.

iSpot, You Spot, We all Spot Together! is the place to learn more about wildlife and to share your interest in a friendly community.  iSpot, developed by The Open University, allows you to upload photos of your observations and get help identifying what you have seen.

It’s perfect for those plants, fungi or mini-beasts that you’ve seen whilst outdoors whether it be in the playground or on a school trip, but are not sure what they are.  iSpot can be used as an aid to educating children and adults alike.  Just make sure you have a camera with you and then at home, the office or school, the photos can be uploaded on to iSpot. 

The website also has handy keys to help aid identification, once you register gain points as your reputation grows, and use the forums for discussions.  iSpot is your place to share nature. What have you spotted today?

iSpot is part of The OpenScience Laboratory. Follow us on twitter @ispot_uk

CfE Tackling Transition Events Series

HEA Scotland: CfE tackling transition events series – Biological Sciences

3rd Dec 2013, 17.45-20.15  

This event, which forms part of the Higher Education Academy Scotland CfE Tackling Transitions Series, will facilitate networking and dialogue between school, college and university Biological Sciences educators, to best support students throughout their learner journeys.

It is crucial that educators delivering university programmes have an in-depth understanding of developments and seek to build on these to achieve long-term improvements in the quality of the student experience in Scotland.

 The HEA is keen to facilitate dialogue, to promote greater understanding of the developments that are taking place, and to assist university staff in preparing to meet the changing needs of future students.

 The event will include contributions from the HEA’s Curriculum for Excellence Scholars in the Biological Sciences, who will be presenting outcomes from their work. 


The event will be held in Level 7 Conference Room in the Sir Duncan Rice Library at the University of Aberdeen, Tillydrone  Avenue , Scotland, AB24 2TZ and a buffet reception will be provided. The event will begin at 17.45 and conclude at 20.15.

Event costs

This event is free of charge to attend


Please book a place on this event at

Sciences conversation day, Aberdeen 12th Dec 2013

Improving Science Education – Conversation Day

10:00 – 15:30, Thurs 12th Dec 2013

Venue: Bucksburn Academy, Kepplehills
Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB21 9DG


Education Scotland has been holding a series of face-to-face
conversations this year with the Scottish education community to engage schools
and stakeholders in the findings of the
3-18 Curriculum Area Impact Project
report and
to determine key priorities for sciences education. The three events that have
already taken place have engaged a wide variety of people from all
school sectors as well as industry, colleges, universities, parent groups, and
science organisations.


Places are still available for the event on the 12th
December for those who would like to join discussions and help shape the future
of sciences education in Scottish schools. Please contact Jennifer Moore on
to book your place.

Scottish Water – Play safe around water this winter!

Scottish Water is reminding teachers and learners of the importance of playing safe this winter.

In recent years Scotland has witnessed some of the coldest winters for generations, so there’s no telling what the coming weeks may bring. Scottish Water is advising customers that they should remain vigilant and should not take any risks around freezing cold watercourses.

While it’s important that youngsters enjoy their school holidays and that people across Scotland take pleasure in the country’s beautiful lochs, rivers and reservoirs, it is also vital that they stay safe. Latest figures show 22 people died accidentally or from natural causes around water in Scotland last winter, but there are easy ways to prevent tragedies, and equipping yourself with the knowledge of what to do in an emergency can save a life.

For further details of Scottish Water’s recent release and advice on how to stay safe around water this winter, go to:

Climate Change in Scotland – Reflecting on Typhoon Haiyan and the impact of global climate change

The number of people confirmed dead in the Philippines from Typhoon Haiyan now stands at in excess of 4000, and a further 4 million people have been forced to leave their homes since the storm hit.

At a recent conference at the Royal Society in central London, the Prince of Wales claimed that the typhoon is a ‘direct result’ of climate change and that ‘the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events has increased, and is set to increase even further’.

In the face of global warming and it’s possible impact closer to home, Scotland has set world-leading greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, and has plans in place for how to reduce further by 42% by 2020.

Adaptation Scotland provides advice and support to help ensure that Scotland is prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts of climate change. Find details of key messages, climate information and adaptation suggestions in light of climate change in Scotland.

Junior Saltire Prize 2014

Schools across Scotland are invited to make a splash by entering the Junior Saltire 2014 marine renewables competition.

Last year over 130 primary and secondary teams rose to the challenge.  For 2014, the brief is to design a simple hydrokinetic generator – a turbine to produce electricity when submerged in flowing water.

Great prizes of up to £750 as well as Junior Saltire medals are up for grabs and the competition is open to teams of four in three age groups – P5/7, S1/S3 and S4/S6.

Click here for further information and links to the brief and registration form.  NB The closing date for team registrations is Friday 20 December 2013.  Multiple entries per school welcome!

The Queen’s Baton Design

Game on Scotland : Learning Zone Glow Meet: The Queen’s Baton Design

This session allows learners to:

  • hear from the Queen’s Baton designer Will Mitchell (4cDesign) & share their own a baton design ideas
  • find out more about the challenges of producing lawn bowls from Grant Heron Taylor bowls
  • learn how they can get involved in the Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award from Angela Greene from Primary Engineers.

In order for your learners to get involved most effectively in this session why not:

  • set your class a baton design challenge
  • prepare a 2 minute pitch of your idea to Will Mitchell from 4cDesign (Dragons’ Den Style) on the day.

Register for the Glow Meet either before Tuesday 26th November or join us on the day, 11 am – 12 noon, for the second of our Game on Scotland Technologies Glow Meets.

Glow meet sign-up:

For more information email Kirsty McFaul (DO Technologies)

National Competition Helps Pupils Bring History To Life

Primary schools in Scotland have until December 1, 2013 to sign up to a national competition that will see pupils turn detective to uncover the real life stories of ex servicemen and women.

The Scottish Primary School War Memorial competition, run by the Royal British Legion Scotland, will see hundreds of pupils investigating stories of soldiers – whose names are on local memorials – and their families from World War One and conflicts since.

Pupils will bring history to life as they work with local veterans from RBLS branches as part of the project. And they will get a chance to trace living relatives of war heroes as part of their research, which starts with a visit to the local war memorial.

Newburgh Primary School in Fife won the first competition in 2007. Head Teacher, Susan Mitchell said: “As a result of their research they spoke to living relatives of local boys and former pupils of the school, killed in action at 19. They also won a community award and Friends of the Forces.

She added: “The competition opens up so many opportunities. Pupils develop skills across the curriculum from literacy to IT. And ultimately it helps pupils learn the real value of history, as young citizens of their local community.”

To enter, pupils need to research a local war memorial within the school’s area and find out as much information as they can about the servicemen and women, the battles they were in and the stories of their service.

A great prize is up for grabs too – the winning school will win a trip for ten pupils to London to tour and sleep on board World War Two warship HMS Belfast moored on the Thames. Pupils will also present their winning entry to veterans from across Scotland.

To enter, teachers need to visit and fill in the entry form.

The Royal College of Surgeons Christmas Lecture

RCSEd Christmas Lecture :

“The work of the Sports Doctor; Tales of the Unexpected”

Join Dr James Robinson in a Glow meet  on Monday 2nd December, 1.55pm-2.55pm, where he will outline the role of exercise in health, both to the individual and the population.

Dr Robson has been team doctor on the last six consecutive tours by the British and Irish Lions. He joined the Scotland team as doctor at the start of season 2002/2003 and has now been team doctor for more than 100 Scotland Test matches, including the Rugby World Cup competitions in 2003, 2007 and 2011. 

He will endeavour to bring to life through his own experiences, over many years of International rugby, the life and times of the team doctor. From the lows of injury, to the highs of sporting victory, the lecture will touch on some moments of drama for those whose work is sport, and for those who care at pitch side.

For further details regarding registration:

Reminder – Make your booking today! Free interactive urban flood model visits and workshops.

Not to be missed! Heriot Watt University still have availability for schools interested in receiving a visit from the interactive flood model and flood experts.

For a flavour of what you can expect, see the flood model in action at:

What is it?

An interactive, free workshop has been developed to explain the processes involved with urban flooding and flood prevention. It also introduces the concept of community resilience and the role that individuals can play in protecting themselves and their neighbours.

The main element of the workshop is an interactive physical model, representing a typical town with a river, houses, shops, industrial units, roads and parks. The model simulates rainfall, with water being fed to sprinklers and the river via a system of pumps. Workshop participants are able to change certain elements of the urban fabric to help reduce the severity of flooding.

Is it any good?

Since 2009, over 5000 people have participated in the workshop, most of whom were young people. Independent evaluation of the workshop “…yielded strong evidence for the learning that took place during audiences’ interaction with the project”.

Work with the Scottish Government and SEPA has supported on-going flood risk awareness raising, and again the feedback has been very positive.

Can it come to my school?

Sure. The Scottish Government have commissioned Heriot-Watt University to take the workshop to Scottish schools in 2013/14.

We can visit you to run our interactive workshop for your pupils for free; all you have to do is provide us with some space to run the workshop and some interested children. We will also leave you with a follow up lesson plan to reinforce some of the key workshop messages

Contact Grant Wright to arrange a visit (Tel: 0131 4518261, Email:

For more information go to

Engineering Academy

A new collaboration between the University of Strathclyde, partner colleges and industry will provide a pathway to BEng Honours or MEng-level programmes in an engineering discipline within one of the Faculty of Engineering’s participating departments.

Through the Engineering Academy, students will initially undertake an HNC within partner Colleges and those who achieve the required performance will be guaranteed transfer to an undergraduate degree within one of the following Faculty of Engineering departments:

As well as continuing their studies, students will benefit from industry-funded scholarships and paid summer placements during the course of their undergraduate programme.There will be 80 funded places per year.

For further information access: or contact

The Engineering Development Trust

The Engineering Development Trust provides STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) enrichment activities for UK youth.

Work related learning schemes provide opportunities for 11-21 year olds to enhance their technical, personal and employability skills through industry-led projects, industrial placements and specialised courses.

EDT develops partnerships, build links between education and industry and helps organisations reach talent and connect with young engineers and scientists across the UK.

The EDT portfolio includes:

First Edition Hands-on STEM activity days for Year 7-11 & S1-S5 (11-16 yr old) students. Providing opportunities for under-represented groups (girls, ethnic minorities, first in family to consider higher education).

Open Industry Curriculum focused in-company educational experiences for students of all ages.

Go4SET Environmental themed 10 week STEM projects for Year 8/9 & S2 (12-14yr old) pupils.

Engineering Education Scheme (England & Scotland) Real life 6 month STEM projects for Year 12 (16-17yr old) students.

Headstart STEM experience courses at university for Year 12 & S5 (16-17yr old) students.

The Year in Industry  Paid career development work placements for students completing

A levels/Scottish Highers/equivalent qualifications or as part of a university sandwich year.

Download further information regarding EDT’s events programme:

EDT Schools Programmes 2013-14                               

edt scotland events calendar 2013-14 

To access EDT’s website:


Free SEPA flood alerts to your phone.

SEPA can provide free flood alerts to your home or school.

To sign up to the Floodline direct warning service you will need to have the postcode for the property that you wish to receive flood messages for.

SEPA can provide two different types of warning messages depending on your property location. When you enter your postcode, the system will check and confirm which warning service is available for your area.

  • If your school/property is within an area covered by a SEPA flood monitoring system, you will be able to sign up to receive a targeted Flood Warning message for your local area;
  • If your school/property is not within a Warning target area, you can sign up to receive a more general Flood Alert message for the wider geographical area, usually representing Local Authority boundaries.

For more information on Flood Alert and Flood Warning areas please click here.

To register your post code for flood alerts go to:

If you would like to register more than one property address, or you require any further assistance in registering, please call Floodline on 0845 988 1188 for more information.

Education Scotland promoting political literacy for all

Scotland’s new curriculum, Curriculum for Excellence, places political literacy at the heart of citizenship education. By doing so it aims to ensure that young people acquire the skills, knowledge and understanding that will help them become responsible citizens who participate actively in society’s decision-making processes.

Political literacy is one of the foundations of modern democracy. It is the means by which citizens make informed choices about the kind of society they want to live in. Being politically literate helps everyone to understand political decisions and how they affect their own lives, and it ensures that evidence and reasoned debate trump unsubstantiated assertion and hyperbole. Political literacy matters in a society whose values are wisdom, justice, compassion and integrity, one which demands equalities and fairness for all, and in which the right of all citizens to develop and express their own views is respected.

In Education Scotland we are committed to helping educators develop young people’s political literacy to the full.  Below is our position so that everyone understands our role and responsibilities which have been agreed with the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES), the Electoral Commission, the Electoral Management Board for Scotland and School Leaders Scotland as outlined in the briefing published jointly by us in June 2013. We want young people to engage in political processes in an active and well-informed way, whilst we are entirely impartial about how individuals’ might vote on any specific issue.

As Scotland’s 16 and 17 year olds will be eligible to vote for the first time in the Constitutional Referendum next year, it is now even more important to ensure that young people develop the skills they need to participate in an informed way. Young People need to be aware of the political process and the key issues at stake and have the confidence and skills they need to participate in a way which enables them to exercise an informed choice.

The development of political literacy should not be left to chance nor be dependent on the particular set of subjects that learners have chosen to study. Rather it needs to be mainstreamed into the curriculum for all. With that in mind Education Scotland is working widely with a range of partners to provide teachers with support for approaches that will enable them to help young people develop the skills, without guiding them towards any particular point of view.

We have already published ‘CfE Briefing 14: Political Literacy’ which provides clear guidance on approaches to promoting political literacy in an impartial way.  In the coming months we will also promote more resources, guidance, case studies and links to information on the referendum which teachers and those working with young people will have the option to use for teaching political literacy, if they are appropriate to their context. We will only promote resources which support the teaching of political literacy in a completely impartial and unbiased way.

Our aim is to ensure that all young people acquire political literacy skills and are well prepared to engage constructively with democratic processes such as the forthcoming Referendum. In any political process our aim is to ensure that all eligible young people are prepared to cast a well-informed vote after engaging in balanced and well-informed consideration of the issues at hand. That is what being a ‘responsible citizen’ is all about.

For more information please visit The Electoral Commission website.

Ancient Egypt – Ask the Curator

Join us for the second in the Ancient Egypt Glow TV series on Monday 18th November at 1.30pm at with the National Museum of Scotland. Meet our ancient Egypt curator who will reveal some exciting stories, help you explore some real artefacts and answer your questions about life in Ancient Egypt. Sign up and join us in Glow TV.

Before joining the experts and asking your questions on the day why not take part in some of the following activities?

Land of the Egyptians
Explore the Egyptian landscape using an interactive map and learn more about life and death along the Nile.

Can you read hieroglyphics?
Discover more about the stela and its meaning.

Dress like an Egyptian
Dress like an Egyptian queen or craftsman and learn about Egyptian clothing.

Build a pyramid
How quickly can you help the craftsmen find their basic supplies?

The Three Pyramids
Can you prepare our high priest for the afterlife before the sun rises? Navigate around the pyramid maze in a race against time to collect up everything you need to mummify his body and send him on his way

Egyptian tomb adventure
Become an online archaeologist excavating an ancient tomb.

Coffin and mummy-masks
Explore the detail of coffins and mummy-masks from Ancient Egypt.

FREE to your school!! Urban Flooding Model Workshops

What is it?

An interactive, free workshop has been developed to explain the processes involved with urban flooding and flood prevention. It also introduces the concept of community resilience and the role that individuals can play in protecting themselves and their neighbours.

The main element of the workshop is an interactive physical model, representing a typical town with a river, houses, shops, industrial units, roads and parks. The model simulates rainfall, with water being fed to sprinklers and the river via a system of pumps. Workshop participants are able to change certain elements of the urban fabric to help reduce the severity of flooding.

Is it any good?

Since 2009, over 5000 people have participated in the workshop, most of whom were young people. Independent evaluation of the workshop “…yielded strong evidence for the learning that took place during audiences’ interaction with the project”.

Work with the Scottish Government and SEPA has supported on-going flood risk awareness raising, and again the feedback has been very positive.

Can it come to my school?

Sure. The Scottish Government have commissioned Heriot-Watt University to take the workshop to Scottish schools in 2013/14.

We can visit you to run our interactive workshop for your pupils for free; all you have to do is provide us with some space to run the workshop and some interested children. We will also leave you with a follow up lesson plan to reinforce some of the key workshop messages

Contact Grant Wright to arrange a visit (Tel: 0131 4518261, Email:

For more information go to

Young Engineers & Science Club Scotland

The Young Engineers & Science Clubs Scotland is a Scotland wide primary and secondary programme run by the Scottish Council for Development and Industry and supported by many of its members including BP, Skills Development Scotland and the Lloyd’s Register Foundation.

Through a network of over 700 science, engineering and technology clubs throughout Scotland, from Orkney to Dumfries, pupils from P5-S2 test their problem-solving skills on a number of themed investigations. So far 12,000 members have worked alongside their teachers, real engineers and scientists on a variety of STEM projects.

Projects include:  

  • Junior Saltire Awards – 2014 Marine Energy Challenge
  • Science on the Menu – experiments and investigations to explore the world of food and drink through science  
  • Carbon Capture and Storage – S1/S2 interdisciplinary project to engage learners in the global challenge of limiting CO2 emissions
  • Ping Pong Pentathlon – STEM sporting challenge to mark the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games

Participating schools are fully supported by YESC in the form of start-up grants, free resource kits, advice and assistance.

Further information, advice and contact details can be accessed through the YESC website:


Choices for Life Live Is Back!

Choices for Life Online is pleased to announce its first event for the 2013 – 2014 school year!

The live broadcast is aimed at all P7 pupils and their teachers in Scotland with a focus around the risks and dangers of alcohol, negative peer pressure and substance misuse.
Choices for Life provides credible information to our young people on a range of important issues facing them in 21st Century Scotland in an inclusive, engaging and thought-provoking manner, to help them make positive lifestyle decisions and maximise their future potential.

Join us to see drama, video clips, music and have the opportunity to join a Glow Chat where pupils can comment on what they have seen in relation to key themes (drugs, alcohol and tobacco).

Watch ‘Liam’s Story’ which explores the issues around negative peer pressure and smoking. After this specially commissioned film there will be a chance for you to ask questions to a panel of studio guests examining the range of issues,including family,negative peer pressure, substance misuse, aspirations and regret.
There are also teaching resources available on the website to help you have a classroom discussion about Liam’s Story or do some further activities around the drama – Teaching Resources

The event will be live and presented by Mark Martin and Laura Marks from our very own Choices for Life TV studio and will also include some other fantastic video clips and messages from other inspirational role models and sporting stars.

The event will be delivered twice on the same day, to maximise and facilitate as many pupils as possible to view. Sign up for Wednesday 20th November – Morning Event at 10.30am OR Wednesday 20th November – Afternoon Event at 1.30pm.

We look forward to hearing from you on the day!

Daily What Newsround – Children in Need Special

Fraser Falconer, head of Children in Need Scotland will be in the studio on Children in Need Day 2014 on Friday 15th November at 11am to answer questions from viewers. And pupils from St Bernadette’s Primary School in Larbert will be sharing all their enterprising ideas live in the studio.

Stephen English from Kingspark Academy and Lauren Muir from St Aiden’s High School in Wishaw are co presenting this week’s Children in Need Special.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to share your fundraising plans with other schools and to tell Fraser all about what you have been doing.

And you can quiz him on how all the money will be spent this year, as well as catch up on a few stories from last year.

Plus we’ll have the usual guess the headline quizzes and we’ll announce our caption competition winners!

Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

Commonwealth Live

From Australia to Zambia, Heads of Government from across the Commonwealth will meet in Sri Lanka this week to discuss the important issues of the day.

What do you think they should be discussing?

Join us for a special international Glow meet on Thursday 14th November at 9.45am as we welcome pupils from Holy Trinity College in Sri Lanka to discuss the Commonwealth Games and Scotland’s role as a good global citizen.

Hear from our very own Minister for Commonwealth Games and Sport Shona Robison and the president of the Commonwealth Games Federations HRH Prince Tunku Imran as we explore ways in which we can build strong friendships with our Commonwealth neighbours.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

Sciences Conversation Day 3

Delegates attending our third conversation day at Millburn Academy were asked to reflect on the findings of Education Scotland’s Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report and, through group discussion, identify what they saw as the key priorities for action.

In the second session of the day, participants were given the opportunity to use the Implemento planning tool to further explore one of the main themes emerging from the group activity in the morning. The following action was chosen as focus for this activity:

Ensure learners are empowered to determine how they learn.

Participants identified the following as the worst outcomes that could arise should this action not be implemented:

  • The status quo persists
  • Negativity and lack of motivation coupled with poor behaviour – time and opportunities are wasted and learners don’t enjoy or value science and are not given a choice in their learning. Don’t develop as global citizens
  • No aims/goals resulting in learners not achieving their potential and schools failing to raise attainment and ensure progression
  • Disillusioned students and teachers coupled with detrimental effect on health and well-being
  • Learners are disengaged and lack independence and are wholly dependent on quality and enthusiasm of the teachers. See science as not being relevant to them and take no responsibility for their learning! Maybe then not accountable either and learners become unable to make informed choices
  • Sausage machine approach to learning – one size fits all
  • Learners don’t develop necessary skills for leaning life and work resulting in national skill shortage – learners not opting for STEM career. Advances in technology may be slower and economy suffers. Society becomes more divided.
  • Unsuitable tertiary courses.

The following actions were suggested to help recover from these negatives outcomes:

  • Create courses that are relevant and interesting to pupils – learners need flexibility and choice to experience all types of learning in order to know what they’re good at
  • To ensure learners are empowered to determine how they learn, participation in planning learning must be structured and iterative. Needs to be part of constant cycle of improvement. Supporting pupils to make choices is necessary – building their capacity so they are aware of their skills and can identify next steps in learning. Need to create opportunity for choice e.g. research questions, how to present, peer tutors, methods of gathering info and so on
  • Teachers need training in order to offer these opportunities and are updated with current/real life science so that it is relevant. They must deliver on promises of learner engagement and be honest with what is possible
  • Negotiated and competence-based assessment is required as are more opportunities for collaborative learning
  • Use role models to show case relevant use of science
  • The John Muir Award offer learners a flexible approach to learning
  • Speak to wider community/customer about what they need/want to learn
  • Provide further opportunities to get back to education in later life (more advice/awareness).

Participants saw the following as the best possible outcomes of the action to empower learners:

  • Highly professional, confident teaching workforce able to maximise potential of empowered learners by guiding/facilitating learning rather than being the centre of attention
  • Less stress and more positive classroom ethos. More time spent learning resulting in better progress, achievement, attainment and results! Balanced partnership between teachers and pupils with ethos of mutual respect
  • Relevant, useful learning at school resulting in improved health and wellbeing, better community links and spirit and more parent helpers.
  • Systematic approach to offering professional learning opportunities to school science educators at all levels supported by the appointment of a science officer for every authority
  • Aspirational students with tools to get there. Pupils would know more about how they learn best as individuals. Every learner values themselves and their skills/abilities. And develops as responsible and independent citizens who are lifelong learners with a positive, can-do attitude.
  • Scotland will be globally competitive with a skilled workforce which brings inward investment and creates new business. There will be less unemployment with better prospects and equity in society
  • More flexible resources and approaches to learning (incl. online resources) with an increase in peer support across the school.

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.

Scotland’s Environment Website




Get Interactive with data

A whole range of new tools and resources to view, analyse and visualise data and information have been launched on Scotland’s Environment Web.

  • Map View where you can look at any combination of 165 published map layers,
  • Discover Data applications for the latest Household Waste and Water Classification data
  • Resources produced by different organisations providing interactive data
  • Environmental Games that make finding out about the environment more fun. 

The team at Scotland’s Environment Web are always interested to hear about new ideas for links to resources, games, data visualisation applications, map layers or even mobile app’s that record observations about Scotland’s Environment.

Contact with your ideas.

Sign up for regular information through Scotland’s Environment Web newsletter

Scottish Power Foundation Challenge Days

National Museums Scotland and The Scottish Power Foundation have joined together to offer 3rd and 4th Year students studying for National Physics Qualifications a unique opportunity to apply their classroom studies to challenges in real life.

Five Challenge Days will take place during National Science and Engineering Week, 14th-25th March 2014, bringing students together with experts from science and industry to design, build and test their ideas for meeting Scotland’s future electricity demand through renewable energy sources.

The Challenge Days are free to all participating schools.

The winning team will receive equipment for their department, a framed certificate and publicity for their school’s achievement. There will also be runner up prizes in a range of categories.

For further information regarding venues and how to apply download:  Get Energised schools marketing



NHS Health Scotland Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Event

Thursday 12th December, 10am- 3.30pm, IET Teacher Building, Glasgow This event is aimed at those with an interest in supporting improvement in children and young people’s mental health and reducing inequalities which impact on their mental health. The event will combine presentations with workshops, leading to opportunities for discussion and debate. Key note presentations will raise awareness of a variety of national developments in the field of children and young people’s mental health and showcase illustrations of innovative projects being taken forward by local area partnerships. Workshops and the market place will provide an opportunity for discussion and debate about emerging developments and issues. Speakers will include – The current picture of Children and Young people’s Mental Health in Scotland – Dr Jane Parkinson and Elaine Tod (NHS Health Scotland) The impact of Mental Health and Wellbeing within the Curriculum for Excellence – Lesley Kirkwood and Suzanne Hargreaves (Education Scotland) Building capacity and confidence to address Young people’s needs – Erica Stewart-Jones (NHS Health Scotland) Support for Young People – Pathway development – NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Project 99 – Youth Mental Health and Social Media – Young Scot/Snook/NHS GG&C To register for this event, please visit the eventbrite website.

More play for Scotland’s children – Play Strategy Implementation Fund

In response to the newly launched Play Strategy Action Plan, Inspiring Scotland has launched a Play Strategy implementation fund to support Scottish charities bring the strategy to life for Scotland’s children.

Inspiring Scotland has played a key role in supporting the development of the Play Strategy for Scotland and will continue to support the sector through this small focused implementation fund which will become available in 2014.

Speaking at the launch of the Play Strategy Action Plan, the Minister for Children and Young People, Aileen Campbell, MSP said:

“Children need to be active and playing regularly sets the foundations for a healthier lifestyle as they grow older and contributes to brain development. Research has also shown how vital play is in encouraging imagination, coordination and confidence to get youngsters ready for nursery and school and the new experiences that holds.

“I have been lucky enough to have visited many events supported by Inspiring Scotland and its partners and it is wonderful to see parents and children, ranging from the very young to teenagers, really having fun together. What comes across so strongly is that often time and a little imagination are all you need to have an excellent time together and get active.”

The Play Strategy Action Plan highlights the long term physical, social and educational benefits of inspiring youngsters to play. In launching the Plan, the Minister committed to the establishment of the £90,000 implementation fund to help charities deliver play opportunities.

Speaking following the launch event, Head of Funds at Inspiring Scotland, Celia Tennant, said: “The Go2Play Play Strategy Implementation Fund builds on our commitment to support the Play Sector, helping to develop and nurture play opportunities and ideas which will ultimately help to deliver the Play Strategy Action Plan.  We are delighted to be able to build upon the success of our Go2Play capacity building fund and respond to the needs of the play sector.  £90,000 will be available in 2014 from this fund which we are confident can lead to significant social impact when supported by our unique venture philanthropy model.”

Inspiring Scotland will launch the process for applications at end of 2013 which will consist of three funding rounds during 2014.

Inspiring Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Government, have been developing the capacity of the Play Sector since 2009 and significantly increased free play opportunities for vulnerable children across Scotland.

If interested in this fund, please contact Julia Abel or Paul Dickson to register your interest in the fund.

Chick and the Egg

Emerging scientists in Kilwinning Early Years Centre have been learning about biological science, through experiencing the life cycle, growth and development of a chick. The centre sourced the embryo eggs from an online company which were just a few days away from hatching. Chick eggs were housed in an incubator and the children cared for each egg and then nurturing the chicks once hatched. The children recorded their prior knowledge of chicks and chickens through mind maps, researched information about how to care for the eggs and chicks using the internet and gained knowledge and understanding of the concept of a particular life cycle. Observations and discussions about the life cycle of the chick were recorded on cameras and iPads. The project has enhanced their skills in enquiry and investigation and encouraged their curiosity about the world around them.

Sciences Conversation Day 3

Delegates attending our third conversation day at Millburn Academy were asked to reflect on the findings of Education Scotland’s Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report and, through group discussion, identify what they saw as the key priorities for action.

Priority areas for action

The priorities below are listed in order of prevalence. Those mentioned more frequently in group responses appear closest to the top of the list.

  1. Cluster approach – Local cluster science improvement plans should be developed – early years/primary/secondary school links, including links with further and higher education institutions, should be further developed to allow staff access to specialist equipment and expertise and to facilitate dialogue between practitioners.
  2. Primary science – There is a lack of specialist knowledge in primary schools. There is a need to increase access to and quantity of science learning pre-secondary by building confidence of primary practitioners. Science should be made explicit in primary schools – not just taught through interdisciplinary learning. There is a role for science champions in primary.
  3. Transitions between early years, primary and secondary and into work/FE/HE need to be improved. There should be planned progression through increased dialogue within and between centres and clear maps of learning and contexts.
  4. Leadership for sciences within schools at every level, including learners, should be developed to ensure support is in place and to facilitate good communication.
  5. Pupil voice should be strengthened at departmental and whole school level – the experiences of learners, and their involvement in decision-making, can be used to drive improvement. There is a need to develop a culture of talking to learners and including them in evaluation of learning. Facilitation of informal feedback should be encouraged and programmes of learning should be explained to learners.
  6. Better and more accessible links with industry, including STEM ambassadors, are required – it is essential to secure the involvement of people with real experience of STEM subjects. A coherent approach, and mapping process, is required to pull together different agencies and employers to ensure support structures are in place and to make young people aware of job opportunities.
  7. Learning and teaching in sciences needs to be dynamic and up to date so that learners understand the relevance and applications of their learning. More outdoor learning and interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary learning (IDL) should be encouraged to put science into context. There should be consistency in terms of the provision of high quality learning and teaching in sciences.
  8. Increased opportunities for science related career-long professional development, including through initial teacher education, should be made available to develop enthusiastic, confident and skilled practitioners who employ effective teaching strategies.
  9. Resources – Practitioners need to know about the resources out there. Funding to local authorities and partner agencies should be prioritised to ensure all centres are well equipped. Effective dissemination of available resources is required including online resources, outdoor spaces for learning etc. Education Scotland should consider developing a resource bank with download log and feedback.
  10. Practitioners would benefit from increased sharing of good practice at all stages.
  11. Skills – There is a need to improve knowledge and expectations in terms of wider skills development.
  12. Science a priority – Raising the awareness of education leaders, directors of education, head teachers, councillors of the importance of science is necessary. They should all recognise that science and STEM is a priority.

Education Scotland is keen to hear your views. Click on the title of this blog post to leave a comment.

Chemistry Week 16th-23rd November 2013

Chemistry Week is a themed week of nationwide events that is held every two years to promote  chemistry and increase the public understanding of the importance of chemical science in our everyday lives.

This year the theme selected by the Royal Society of Chemistry is health, with a particular emphasis on five areas of health that provide some of the greatest challenges and opportunities for chemical research.

  • Ageing
  • Hygiene
  • Lifestyle
  • Nutrition
  • Global Challenges

Part of the week’s events include the Global Experiment which this year is Measuring the Vitamin C Content of Fruit and Veg looking at, for example, the effect of aging, type of food and country of origin.

It is a practical experiment suitable for upper primary and S1 to S6 pupils, which links the Sciences with the theme of Health and Wellbeing.  Results obtained are uploaded onto the RSC web site and compared to results from schools all over the globe!! Pupils are also awarded a certificate for completing/participating in the experiment.

Further information can be obtained through:

The RSC are providing free resources for schools for Chemistry Week. These include bunting, pens, bugs, balloons, stickers, posters and write on posters.

Schools can view the resources and download an order form to order their own free resources using the link:

Please note the deadline for ordering free resources for Chemistry Week is the 11th November.

SSERC Residential Courses

SSERC, a Local Authority shared-service providing support across all thirty-two Scottish Education Authorities, is offering  practical hands-on CPD courses for primary practitioners.

A few places still remain on two residential courses.  

Science Rocks Our World is a 3 day residential course for primary teachers, taking place 21st -23rd November 2013.

Practitioners will engage in practical activities to support learning & teaching across CfE Sciences Experiences and Outcomes from the Planet Earth Organiser and develop their skills and expand their knowledge in this area of science. In addition, participants will be given equipment and resources to support them in the classroom.

Together with the SSERC team, Education Officers from various organisations will explore the lines of development within the themes of; Space, Processes of the Planet, and Biodiversity and Interdependence.

For further information and an application form download:Science_Rocks_2013_flyer

“Science for the Newly Qualified Primary Teacher’ is a 2 part residential course, with part 1 on 31st January – 1st February 2014 and part 2 on 12th May 2014.

The course will offer recently qualified primary practitioners, including probationers, the opportunity to share good practice, explore some of the “big ideas” in science and develop a variety of strategies to support delivery of the sciences within a Curriculum for Excellence. A major part of the course will involve exploring ways in which practical activities can be used to enhance teaching across Early, First and Second Levels.

For further information download the flyer: PrimProb_flyer_v3  

Course fees are £450 which includes meals, accommodation and course materials.Local Authority schools will be entitled to receive an ENTHUSE Award which will cover the cost of the courses. This grant is administered through the National Science Learning Centre.

 A complete listing of CPD opportunities can be accessed through the SSERC website:


NLN Conference November 2013

The NLN Conference is taking place in Stirling Management Centre on Wednesday 6th November and for those of you who are unable to attend we will be broadcasting two sessions live from there on the day.

Our first live broadcast is a showcase from learners from Duncanrig Secondary School who will demonstrate how they developed and applied their listening and talking skills by participating in the School Radio Station.

This session will be broadcast from 10am – sign up and join us in Glow TV.

Our second live broadcast is the popular 5 minute presentation slot. Practitioners from a range of establishments will share ideas and practice related to Listening and Talking.

This session will be broadcast from 11.40am – sign up and join us in Glow TV!

We hope that you can join us live on the day but if not the recordings will be available in Watch Again.

SUSTRANS in Scotland

SUSTRANS works with communities across Scotland to help people improve their local areas through a number of exciting and innovative projects

Possible projects include:

  • Re-designing streets to create liveable spaces outside front doors.
  • Creating important links that connect people to the places they want to get to by car and bike.
  • A grant programme making Scottish Government funding available to local authorities for the creation of cycling infrastructure in Scotland – including links to schools.

Sustrans Scotland also has 120 expert officers working across Scotland to encourage young people to get active through cycling. Further details of their work with schools can be found at:

Further online resources are also available:

  • Bike to school week:
  • Suss it out – 10, 20 and 30 minute simple and snappy activities to inspire action and discussion on active travel:
  • Big Street Survey – a curriculum resource where young people study the area around their school to identify the good and the bad, and draw up a manifesto for change and deliver it to local and national decision-makers:
  • Moving up – A guide for those working with 11 – 18 year olds, setting out how best to promote active travel at secondary schools:
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