Royal Society of Chemistry Global Experiment 2014

The Global Experiment 2014 encourages young people aged 7-16 , from all around the world, to participate in two experiments, investigating solubility and growing crystals, and to share their results around the world by posting them online. The resources required are very simple and there is an introductory video, lesson plans and certificates for those who take part.

The experiments address experiences and outcomes from Materials: Properties and uses of substances, SCN 2-16b & SCN 3-16b.

The experiments help learners to develop skills associated with measuring and recording results, embed numeracy skills within a practical context and offer ICT development opportunities through presenting and publishing their results on the web.

Full details about the Global Experiment 2014 can be downloaded using the link

Did you know?
In 2013, over 21000 children took part in the Global Experiment, with 103 schools in Scotland posting results.

Software to support server-side development for Higher Computing Science

The new Higher Computing Science has a clear focus on modern technologies and development for the Web.  Server-side scripting and online databases are the building blocks of the large information systems that we all use today.

The new Higher requires learners to provide “exemplifications and implementation of coding to create and modify information systems including the use of: … scripting (database/web pages), server-side scripting…”

This means that every learner studying Higher Computing Science should have experience of using these technologies.  To support the introduction of the new Higher Computing Science, Aberdeen City Council have created and deployed a number of open source software packages.

We have deployed EasyPHP to provide each learner with a dedicated web and database server. This open source software provides an Apache Web Server, MySQL Database Server, PHP language plug-in (to allow for server-side scripting), phpMyAdmin (a web based database management tool) and Xdebug (to provide full debug information for learners as they develop programs).  These servers are hosted locally on each computer where this software is deployed and the servers are controlled via a small application that learners can manage to start/store the servers as required.

This solution provides a full suite of technology that our teachers can now deploy in the classroom. We have modified the software so the data that a learner creates is stored and moves with the leaner in his/her roaming profile.  No matter which computer he/she is using the required data is available. 

As the solution is deployed locally on each station, the web pages are viewed using the localhost (http://localhost/) URL and the server is not broadcast to the wider Internet.

To assist with the development of programs, we have also deployed the open source NetBeans web project editor which supports development using a number of technologies that feature in the new Higher:  Javascript (client-side scripting), PHP (server-side scripting), MySQL (database queries), HTML, CSS and others.

In tandem with this software deployment, we have also provided training to support this technology, which all our Computing Science teachers have been involved with. 

If you would like additional information about this solution please contact Charlie Love at Aberdeen City Council.

Twitter chats with the Royal Institute

Ever wished you could attend an event at the Royal Institute but haven’t been able to get tickets? Or do you live too far away to make evening events?

The Ri are now offering more opportunities for you to hear from researchers and experts from the UK and beyond.

As well as filming many events, making talks and debates available online for free, the Ri are now running Twitter chats with speakers to give everyone at home the chance to ask their questions.

The Twitter chat series launches TOMORROW Thursday 21 May with astrobiologist Lewis Dartnell at 7.30pm BST and mathematician Jordan Ellenberg on 4 June at 7pm BST.

For more information about twitter chats and What’s On in May at the Royal Institute:

Adult learning in Scotland – Statement of Ambition

Education Scotland is pleased to present Adult Learning in Scotland, a Statement of Ambition. Developed in partnership with the National Strategic Forum for Adult Learning, it takes account of the views of adult learners.

The agreed aspiration is that Scotland becomes the best place to learn. The Statement has three core principles, that adult learning should be:
•learner centred.

As such it recognises the key and distinctive role that adult learning plays in helping to develop the person, the family, communities and society.

Next steps in achieving this ambition will be to work with a task group to put in place a strategic implementation plan by autumn 2014.

The National Youth Work Strategy and Adult Learning in Scotland, a Statement of Ambition will both be instrumental in improving life chances for all.

Click to access AdultLearningStatementofAmbition_tcm4-826940.pdf

Primary practitioner information Glasgow Science Festival 5th – 15th June 2014

The Glasgow Science Festival is preparing to bring its exciting mix of science and innovative events to its biggest ever festival.

Primary practitioners can access a variety of events, activities and workshops which showcase the contribution Glasgow and Glasgow based researchers make to the worlds of science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM).

From the intriguing Commonwealth Games Whodunnit, to the genetic investigation entitled Blame it on the Parents, to demonstrating energy and forces through the construction of a medieval castle there is something for every budding STEM learner.

For further information:

Glasgow Science Festival 5th – 15th June 2014

As Glasgow prepares for the Commonwealth Games the Glasgow Science Festival is preparing to bring its exciting mix of science and innovative events to its biggest ever festival.

The principle  aim of the Festival is to showcase the outstanding contribution Glasgow and Glasgow based researchers make to the worlds of science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM).

From 5-15th June explore the frontiers of research through comedy, live shows, public debates and hands on exhibitions.

The science of sport will be uncovered and you can debate questions such as “If Usain Bolt was a bacterium, what would he be?”

For further information:

Scottish Engineering – Special Leaders Award 2014/2015

Leaders Award for STEM is a fun and rewarding way of finding out about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). We also play host to additional Special Leaders Awards which run throughout the year, each having a particular focus.

If you could be an engineer in Scotland – what would you do?

We challenge Primary and Secondary school pupils in Scotland to research and interview inspiring engineers!

This award is a great opportunity to engage pupils with real engineers who will convey the importance of STEM in their daily working lives. Schools will be able to develop relationships with industry, both local and worldwide, giving pupils a unique perspective of professions and their significance in the wider world. Our website contains resources and lesson plans which can help pupils get their research underway. Just visit the ‘Downloads’ section of our website at All successful participants will receive a certificate and winning entries will be exhibited to the public at the Barony Hall, University of Strathclyde (date TBC).

Closing date: 10th February 2015.

The Challenge

Pupils are asked to research engineering and interview a practicing engineer to interpret the statement “if you could be an engineer in Scotland – what would you do?”

Primary pupils are asked to illustrate their response, accompanied by 100 words.

Secondary pupils are asked to illustrate their response, accompanied by 350 words.

Register your school via the website Once registered, you will receive an application pack and further guidance on completing the award.

For more information about the Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award, please visit



11th June 2014

Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh



10:00 – 10:25 am –        Registration 

10:30- 11:15 am –          Welcome to Big Ambition Scotland

11:20 –  Learning zones:

  • Expert Zone – join us for opportunity to ask industry experts questions like
    • What it is like to work in ICT and Digital Technologies?
    • How do I get in to the sector?
    • What sort of skills are you looking for in employees?
    • What the jobs of the future are likely to be? 
    • Opportunity Zone – learn from employers and education providers about the different entry routes into the ICT and Digital Technologies sector.  You will be able to hear about the different job opportunities that are available, college and university courses and other options such as Modern Apprenticeship
  • Interactive Zone – an interactive session led by industry to teach you about programming in coding languages. Hand on session giving you an important insight into the world of code

13:45 – 1405 – Lunch break

14:05 – 14:15 – Closing session

Register via the BigAmbition Scotland website:

National Working Group for Dance

The national working group for Dance met on the 8th May at Optima Glasgow.
The main focus of the group is
• to establish what the barriers are to the delivery of Dance
• to improve communication within the dance community
• to establish a network of contacts within the dance community
Con Morris from Education Scotland gave the group an insight into how Glow could be used to establish better communication and links. How a “Blether account” would allow practitioners to support each other and share good practice.

Emma Stewart Jones from Creative Scotland gave an update on the latest training opportunities for PE students and staff. Also partnership with the Conservatoire of Scotland. New PGDE Dance course to start 2015/16.

Keith Murphy from Education Scotland gave an account of how the 3 horizons approach can be used for future thinking, focussed discussion and raise points for action
This led onto discussion points for the next meeting.

Improving the communication network.
As Dance is mainly delivered by PE teachers in Schools Anne McEwan from Denny Dance Academy suggested contacting SATPE (Scottish Association of Teachers of Physical Education) to join their network.
Response from SATPE was
“The SATPE Conference is to be held at Tulliallan on 1st November 2014 ,they would be delighted for the National working group to include a slot on Dance in Education. They are also happy for us to offer workshops etc, if we feel it would be appropriate. This is an excellent opportunity for us to reinforce concrete links with the PE Profession and ensure PE Teachers are fully up to speed in the delivery of dance.”

The group will meet 3 times per year, the next meeting is scheduled for 2nd September 2014

We would welcome your comments and thoughts in this exciting time for Dance education in Scotland.

Computing Science Conference

As part of the ongoing support for senior phase qualifications Education Scotland has organised a conference to support practitioners who are delivering the new Higher Computing Science course.  This will be held in Edinburgh on Thursday, 29 May, 9:30 am, at the Hilton Grosvenor Haymarket.  Places have been allocated via local authorities, however there are a limited number of spaces still remaining and we would like to offer these on a ‘first come, first served’ basis to anyone who will be delivering the new course.  If you would like to attend, please email your name, school and authority/organisation to as soon as possible.  Full details will be sent out by email once all of the remaining places have been allocated.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the event.

The Gaelic Books Council – free workshop

The Gaelic Books Council, with the Scottish Book Trust, are hosting a free workshop for those interested in writing through the medium of Gaelic.

The workshop will be led by Catriona Lexy Campbell on Saturday 24 May at 1200-1600 at the Gaelic Books Council, 32 Mansfield St, Glasgow, G11 5QP.  Participants will be given an opportunity to write stories, poetry, songs or plays.  If you are interested in this workshop, please e-mail or

e-Stòras, a new resource for Gaelic Medium Education, is now live

The Multimedia Unit of the Education and Children’s Services Department of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has developed a new website to support 3-18 Gaelic Medium Education.Resources support Gàidhlig as well as a range of other curricular areas.

The website is being continuously updated with new materials to enhance young people’s learning opportunities through the medium of Gaelic. For more information,visit the website or contact the Multimedia Unit at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar by emailing

Open day – a whole cluster approach to science

Venue: Mearns Primary School, East Renfrewshire

Date: 9am to 12:30pm, Tuesday 3rd June 2014

This professional learning event presents an exciting opportunity to learn about the approaches to 3-18 sciences developed by the Eastwood High School and Mearns Castle High School clusters which have been identified through the inspection process as being very good practice.

The event is aimed at Quality Improvement Officers, Science Development Officers, science coordinators, school leaders and practitioners from all sectors with responsibility for sciences as well as national agencies and partner organisations.

The event will provide delegates with an opportunity to hear about various strengths of work taking place in the cluster including the:

  • effectiveness of their collegiate working led by the Science Ambassadors and also the partnership with SSERC
  • cross-cluster development which has produced a very high-quality programme with strong progression across all the organisers and significant aspects of learning
  • well planned discrete and interdisciplinary learning experiences from nursery to secondary
  • outstanding resources for science across all stages which are easily accessible and very well matched to the experiences and outcomes
  • learning rounds involving staff across the clusters focused on progression which provide very good evidence of how well children are progressing through the levels
  • curriculum transitions which are described as sector leading.

To book a place at this event please contact It is advisable to book early to avoid disappointment.

Inter-Authority Skills Network

The Inter-Authority Skills Network convened for the second time this year on April 19th at Denholm House, Livingston. A key focus for the meeting was discussion of the recommendations from the Wood Commission’s interim report “Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce.”

Keynote presentations were made by Neil McLennan, co-chair of RSE Young Academy of Scotland, Excellence in Education group and Louise Harley from ‘Inspiring the Future.’
Neil described work undertaken by the Excellence in Education group in taking forward the skills agenda, including developing the ‘numeracy counts’ area of the group’s website.
Louise discussed the range of work undertaken by “Inspiring the Future” focussing on the area of employer engagement.

Details of these presentations and notes from discussions are linked within this post.

Notes from Inter-Authority Skills Meeting – 19th April

Documents shared by local authority representatives and partners – to follow.

Your Unique Opportunity…..

Tomorrow – Thursday 15th May school pupils from across Scotland will be inspired to ‘be their personal best’ by meeting and learning from dozens of Scotland’s top athletes, including Olympic and Commonwealth medallists.

You can join us too live through Glow TV and also take part in a unique opportunity to ask questions of Scotland’s most influential sporting hero and heroine!!

We can’t tell you who they are at the moment as they will be revealed tomorrow morning so watch this space at 9.45am to find out who they are and join us from 11.20 – 11.50am in our “Athlete Lounge” for a Q&A session with an exclusive slot for Glow participants! Sign up and join us in Glow TV.

You can join us all morning too if you like as we will have an exciting series of events going on via Glow TV:

9.30 – 10.00am Meet the Athletes – Join us as we reveal live who our special athlete guests will be
10.35 – 11.10am “Success Through Effort” – an active session that you can join in with live in your classrooms
11.20 – 11.50am “Athlete Lounge” – Q&A session with an exclusive slot for Glow participants

Watch this space and don’t miss your opportunity to speak to top Scottish athletes live in Glow TV!

Writing competition for Gaelic Medium and Gaelic Learner Education

CLAS – The Professional Association for Secondary Teachers of Gaelic – are pleased to launch their annual writing competition for Gaelic Medium and Gaelic Learner Education.  Young people in S1 and S2 are being encouraged to write on a choice of topics related to the significance of the year 2014 for Scotland.  Schools should submit their entries by 9 June 2014.

For more information on the competition, please visit For general information on CLAS, which celebrates its 10th anniversary later this year, please visit

New When and how to use Citizen Science guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Scotland’s Environment Web has a unique set of on-line guidance and digital tools to help people set up their own public environmental monitoring projects.

Public monitoring or ‘citizen science’ can be described as “scientific activities in which non-professional scientists volunteer to participate in data collection, analysis and dissemination of a scientific project…” It can be a great, fun way to gather information and get involved – scientists need your help!

On May 7th a best practice guide on When and how to use Citizen Science was published.

It will take anyone thinking about embarking on a project through the steps which will help decide when you should choose and how to use citizen science.

Whether you are a teacher keen to get your students outdoors, a member of the public wanting to get more involved in your local environment, or an organisation wanting to set up a project, here is support available in the Scotland’s Environment Web toolkit. The tools make it easier to start and run a project, using some of the new digital technology to help. 

Click on the link to access Scotland’s Environment Website: 

National Women in Engineering Day June 23rd 2014

National Women in Engineering Day has been set up by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) to celebrate its 95th anniversary. It takes place on 23 June 2014.

The aim is to celebrate the work that women do in engineering, and to showcase the great engineering careers that are available for girls.

The WES is calling on all groups (Governmental, educational, corporate, Professional Engineering Institutions, individuals and other organisations) to organise their own events in support of the day, and link them together for maximum impact through the use of the NWED logo, corresponding website, and supporting resources.

Find out how you can get involved here National Women in Engineering Day

Bookbug’s Big Sports Days

Bookbug, Scotlands national book gifting programme have announced the details of their annual Bookbug Week celebrations. The dates for this year are 19th-25th May 2014 and the theme is Bookbug’s Big Sports Day.

Sports themed activities, rhymes, stories and songs will be available at over 200 special events. Details of the events can be found by visiting .

Bookbug’s Big Sport’s Day – Launch Event in North Inch Park, Perth

There will be a special Bookbug Week flagship event at North Inch Park in Perth on Monday 19 May from 10.30am to 3pm. There will be races and games in the park, getting creative with arts and crafts and face painting and joining Bookbug for some special sporty stories, songs and rhymes. For more information about the event, please or contact the Perth and Kinross Bookbug team or 01738 477 043.

BBC School Radio programmes to focus on the Commonwealth Games

The BBC are broadcasting a series of School Radio programmes which will focus on the Commonwealth Games.

For First Level learners, Movement First takes in a tour of 5 Commonwealth countries through music, movement and imagination.

For second level learners, Making the Commonwealth looks at the preparations for the Games and looks at the maths behind the tournament?

Three more programmes in each series with new programme going out weekly on Thursday evening.

Programmes can be streamed from the site or downloaded for up to one year after they’ve been broadcast. There is a huge array of content for primary learners including features and radio dramas about Scottish History and Archaeology, the Referendum, Science, Myths and Legends, Bullying, as well as linkups with big stars like Nina and the Neurons and Dick and Dom!  It’s a great way to bring active listening to the classroom and there are lots of opportunities for everyone in the class to get involved.

You can explore here:
(Early/1st Level)
(2nd Level)

New Gaelic Young Writers Award

The Gaelic Books Council, the lead organisation for Gaelic literature in Scotland, is delighted to be working in collaboration with the Scottish Book Trust to establish an award for a young writer of Gaelic.

Teenagers who are keen writers are being offered a golden opportunity with four awards from the Scottish Book Trust being available to people between 14 and 17 who write in Gaelic, English or Scots. The recipients of this year’s Young Writers’ Awards will receive a prize which includes a six month mentoring period with a published writer, a visit to a top London publisher, a writers’ retreat at Moniack Mhòr and the chance to meet industry professionals.

Budding authors are invited to submit a piece of creative writing and a personal statement explaining why they would benefit from this programme. The closing date for applications is 27 June 2014. Full details are available on the Scottish Book Trust website. For more information on the award for Gaelic please contact

New Commonwealth Games venue films available now!

Scottish National Hockey Centre

A range of top-class sporting venues across Glasgow and Scotland will be used for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and we’ve produced films for each, to help you see where the action will take place. Access them on the Game On Scotland site.

From the Athletes’ Village through to Tollcross International Swimming Centre, there’s a wide range of spectacular venues to explore, all captured on film to make for an interesting viewing experience. We are currently finalising the Hampden Park film and this will shortly be added to the site.

On a related note, for those teachers who may be thinking of organising trips to the venues, control will shortly be handed over to the Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee to enable them to be made ready for the Games. When this happens, they will no longer be open to the public and it will not be possible to accommodate visits or tours. At that point, the priority is to make the final modifications necessary to deliver 11 days of world class sport. Please do not contact Game On Scotland about organising visits as we are unable to assist.

Meet the athletes…..

On 15 May, school pupils from across Scotland will be inspired to ‘be their personal best’ by meeting and learning from dozens of Scotland’s top athletes, including Olympic and Commonwealth medallists.

Two world-famous Scottish sporting heroes will also be revealed and will take part on the day!

Through a series of workshops, the event aims to inspire young people to be successful in life and show them that everyone has it in them to succeed. The athletes will help the pupils understand how to learn through failure and how success comes from sustained effort.

No matter who you are, where you’re from or what you’re good at, everyone has it in them to be their personal best.

The session will include the following components:

9.30 – 10.00: Meet the Athletes – Introduction

10.35 – 11.10: “Success through effort” – an active workshop session

11.20 – 11.50: “Athlete Lounge” – Q&A session with an exclusive slot for Glow participants

Register for or join this unique Glow Meet here.

RSE Young Academy of Scotland – Numeracy Counts

Part of the remit of The Young Academy of Scotland’s Excellence in Education Working Group is to “draw upon YAS expertise to develop teaching resources that enable teachers to make full use of the interdisciplinary possibilities of CfE [Curriculum for Excellence].” 

This resource, working within the Numeracy curriculum area, utilised the broad multi-disciplinary nature of the YAS membership to show how numeracy matters in the everyday lives and work of Scotland’s emerging leaders from the disciplines of science and humanities, the professions, the arts, business and civil society.

Through this YAS resource learners can find out how Cardiologist Marc Dweck uses numeracy in the diagnosis and treatment of heartattacks, discover how astrophysicist Catherine Heymans uses spread sheets when buying a new mobile phone and, most importantly, find out why ‘Numeracy Counts!’

Access the resources here –

GLOW TV Session Introducing circular economy of textiles

CPD session 

 28th May from 16.00-17.00

Lynn Wilson, Key Accounts Manager (Textiles), Circular Economy Team at Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) will deliver a GLOW TV session introducing circular economy textiles and clothing industry models and how examples could be applied to class project work. It will also cover ZWS current work with the clothing industry – Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 and the consumer side of this work – Love Your Clothes ( as well as Circular Economy Business Models in clothing retail.

ZWS is commissioning a series of master classes for textile and clothing industry experts, academia and education practitioners to up skill in areas such as zero waste pattern design; assembly for disassembly; fibre processing and dry dyeing and printing, to be delivered from January – December 2015. Four places per master class (there will be 16 in a class) are offered to teaching staff responsible for national curriculum development. Those wishing to attend must apply by preparing a proposal identifying how it will contribute to their professional development and how they will disseminate the learning. An introductory one day event introducing the topics will be hosted by the Scottish Textile and Leather Association in partnership with Zero Waste Scotland in September and the date will be announced shortly.

This session and the master classes proposed will be of interest to teaching professionals across disciplines from Science to Design and Technology as well as more traditional textile and clothing curriculum areas such as Home Economics and Art and Design.

Click on the link below to sign up for this session.

Sign up here!

Education Scotland STEM Conversation Day, May 12th

STEM Conversation Day

09:30 – 15:00, Monday 12th May 2014    

Venue: Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow

Education Scotland would like to invite you to take part in the Stem  Conversation Day.

The day will commence with a presentation about STEM, followed by four discussion activities exploring STEM in education.

 If you wish to attend please contact Louise Morton, STEM Development Officer at

 You may find it useful to familiarise yourself with some of the documentation relating to Science, Technologies and Mathematics, all online at Education Scotland.

Glow Update – New RM Unify Release

Each month the Scottish Government produces an update detailing the progress of the various projects involved in Glow as well as useful information for Key Contacts, partners and educationalists.

Here on the Learning Blog we will be publishing these updates and highlighting various aspects of it during the month.

This post will be looking at the Glow Service and the new RM Unify Release.

RM Unify is the product from RM Education that hosts the Launchpad from which users can access their Glow content and services. An update, Version 2.0, is now live. We will continue to try to improve our notification process to you of these updates. The new features include:

  • Personal Launch Pads and an improved RM user interface including optimization for different screen sizes.
  • The My Launchpad feature allows individuals to personalise the Launchpad from a selection of tiles, including those made available by their school.
  • My Launchpad is available to all users by default. All users will now have restricted access to the RM Unify App Library to allow population of My Launchpad.
  • Schools can disable the My Launchpad feature if they wish using their RM Unify Administration accounts.
  • The RM Unify support documentation describes in detail the process of enabling.
  • To find out more visit the RM Unify Blog

    You can also download the full Glow Update Newsletter – April 2014 document.

    HIgher Chemistry Resources Guide


    This is the next in a series of Higher Resources guides linking key areas of the curriculum to identified learning and teaching resources

    The pages show the SQA Higher Chemistry course and unit support notes with an extra column. Content new to the course from the Higher Still Higher are highlighted in green.

    The extra column, entitled “Resources identified by Education Scotland”, shows links to resources each with a brief description. They are web-based resources such as animations which help understanding of the mandatory content listed. Each resource is placed adjacent to the content it exemplifies.

    Updates will appear on GLOW 365.

    Higher Chemistry Resources Guide

    Higher Physics Resources Guide

    This is part of a series of Higher Resources guides linking Mandatory Course key areas to useful learning and teaching resources.

    The pages show the Mandatory Course key areas table from the SQA Higher Physics Course and Unit Support Notes with an additional column containing hyperlinks to videos, animations and other resources. Content new to the course from the Higher Still Higher has been highlighted in green to further assist practitioners.

    Updates will appear on GLOW 365

    Higher Physics Resources Guide

    Forestry Commission Scotland – Woodland Workout

    Forestry Commission Scotland is encouraging young people to feel the benefit of the Commonwealth Games with a new Woodland Workout pack. Targeted at 3-14 year olds the pack promotes opportunities for quality, fun and safe physical activity in the outdoors and includes ideas for games, physical activities and staging ‘adapted’ Commonwealth sports in the woodlands. The pack, complete with teachers’ guide, encourages young people to have fun but to also be responsible for their well-being and consider risk. As well as considering potential hazards in their activity space and taking risks with solving problems, it also allows children the chance to learn how to manage ‘failure’ through reflecting on performance to set new challenges.

    The Woodland Workout, with Commonwealth Games supplement has been issued to schools across Scotland and is available to download.

    Space Dinner Competition

    This resource provides information about a competition which requires students to create a meal for Tim Peake to eat on the International Space Station.

    The On board the ISS presentation outlines facts about food in space and provides photographs to simulate discussion.

    The Great British Space Dinner Competition presentation sets the challenge for the students and gives information about the constraints that must be taken into consideration when designing the meal. The full size picture file contains higher resolution images.

    The Menu design team activity sheet can be used to plan out the meal, give reasons for choices made and to evaluate the results, after making the meal.

    For further information and how to participate in the competition:

    Use of Wikis

    As you might know, the current wiki service within Glow will be decommissioned in October 2014 and we are planning to have a replacement service by then.

    As part of that process, we are gathering requirements and we would like to consult with users of wikis to understand their current use (Glow or otherwise) and the features they would be interested to see in the future.

    To participate in this survey please visit the QuestBack Survey.
    Thank you in advance for taking part your feedback is very important to us.

    I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here!




    I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here!  have been producing a series of science debate kits for some years now. They contain a detailed lesson plans and online resources. They are simple and ready to use educational resources that are good for small groups or a whole class.

    Their latest free debate kit is on the topic of Electricity Distribution. It gets secondary students thinking about how electricity distribution is a major engineering and technical challenge.  Teachers can sign up to receive this kit and future ones here:

    Particle Physics Masterclass, 17th June 2014

    On behalf of Dr Aidan Robson FInstP,

    Reader in Physics,

    The University of Glasgow

    Dear colleagues,

    As part of “Elementary – CERN and Scotland”,,

    I’m pleased to invite you and your current 5th-year students to this year’s schools Particle Physics Masterclass, which will be held on Tuesday 17th June 2014 at Glasgow University.

    This one-day introduction to fundamental particles and forces will be led by experts working at CERN and will convey some of the excitement of front-line research in a rapidly-developing field, with talks and hands-on sessions in particle detection and analysis of real collider data.

    The masterclass will take place on Tuesday 17th June 2014 from 10am to 3.30pm, with registration from 9.30am, in the Kelvin Building at the University of Glasgow. It is intended for students who are just finishing 5th year; ideally for those continuing to Advanced Higher. There is no charge, and lunch will be provided. However, participation is by advance booking only and numbers are limited.

    Please consult your pupils and if they would like to attend, email a list of their names to and indicate whether you would like to accompany them. The masterclass is normally oversubscribed, so I will try to make a fair allocation to schools on 9th May or shortly thereafter. Note that I’m unlikely to be able to fulfil requests for groups of more than about 10 per school.

    We all look forward to seeing some of you here on 17th June.

    Best wishes,

    Aidan Robson

    NESTA Primary One Day Digital Creativity CPD event

    Nesta are running a one day digital creativity CPD event for primary school teachers. Find out more about digital activities you can introduce into your own classroom. Choose from four workshops on website creation, animation, Scratch and Kodu. No previous experience is necessary.

    Date: Saturday 10th May

    Location: University of Glasgow

    To book go to

    One Day Digital Workshops

    Web development with CoderDojo

    CoderDojo is a global movement inspiring young people to get involved in coding. At a CoderDojo you learn how to develop websites, build apps, design games and more. CoderDojo makes development and learning to code a fun, sociable, kick ass experience. This workshop covers the history of the world wide web, and how it is fast becoming the most exciting platform for digital making. The workshop will give participants the chance to learn about coding for the web, and build their own digital creation using the latest web technologies including HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

    This workshop is suitable for those with a little experience of using a computer.

    Creating, Editing and Sharing Content on the iPad

    The iPad’s not just for capturing content; it’s an editing suite and means of sharing on the move. This session will give you a taster in photography, film-making, animation and audio, as well as manipulating, editing and sharing.  While you can share this content with the world, more importantly you’ll leave equipped to share your knowledge with your class!

    This workshop is suitable for complete beginners.


    Scratch is designed especially for ages 8 and over but is used by people of all ages. With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations and share your creations with others in the online community. This workshop will focus on the importance of computational thinking and how to deliver these within the Curriculum for Excellence for upper primary school classes. The workshop will first look at the background issues followed by an extended hands-on session using MIT’s free Scratch software – an entertaining and engaging graphical programming environment for learners.

    This workshop is suitable for those with a little experience of using a computer.


    Kodu is a visual programming language from Microsoft specifically designed for the creation of games.  It can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as programming. This workshop will introduce you to the different Kodu tools that allow you to build engaging 3D worlds in which to situate your game, as well as learning to code the different objects in the world. The workshop will be very much hands on and you will make a range of worlds/games that will develop your confidence to take Kodu into the classroom.  You will also be able to use the materials provided in class and how to deliver these within the CfE.

    This workshop is suitable for those with a little experience of using a computer.

    To book go to

    N5 Chemistry Past Paper Guidance

    Education Scotland and SQA have identified questions from Standard Grade Credit and Intermediate 2 papers from the last three years and matched them to Key Areas in the N5 Chemistry Curriculum.

    This resource has been produced in response to the requests from practitioners who attended the National Qualifications Sciences events at Hampden Stadium in December 2013 which Education Scotland organised in partnership with the SQA.

    The questions in this resource relate to National 5 Chemistry and have been taken from the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Standard Grade and Intermediate 2 Past Papers.

    Booklets of past papers and answers have been collated for the three units and a problem solving booklet for teachers and students to use as part of their revision programme for the N5 exam.

    Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Chemical Changes and Structure (pdf)

    Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Chemical Changes and Structure

    Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Chemistry in Society (pdf)

    Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Chemistry in Society

    Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Nature’s Chemistry (pdf)

    Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Nature’s Chemistry

    Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Problem Solving (pdf)

    Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Problem Solving

    Skills Conversation Day 3

    The third Skills Conversation Day will take place at Eden Court Theatre, Inverness on Thursday 5th June 2014. Education Scotland are delighted to host the event with our education partners Highland Council and Skills Development Scotland.

    The event will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to continue the conversations started at Loch Leven Community Campus in September and December 2013. The focus was on exploring the issues around developing a common language and understanding of skills and local approaches to engagement with employers, including contrasting rural and urban opportunities for work experience.

    The key area of focus for the third event in the series will be how schools are planning for and recording progression in the development of skills. The conversations will pick up some of the inter-linked threads from previous events and weave these through the day’s presentations and activities.

    The outcomes, materials and suggested actions generated from the day will be posted on the Education Scotland Learning Blog.

    N5 Biology Past Paper booklets

    Education Scotland and SQA have identified questions from Standard Grade Credit and Intermediate 2 papers from the last three years and matched them to Key Areas in the N5 Biology Curriculum.

    This resource has been produced in response to the requests from practitioners who attended the National Qualifications Sciences events at Hampden Stadium in December 2013 which Education Scotland organised in partnership with the SQA.

    The questions in this resource relate to National 5 Biology and have been taken from the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Standard Grade and Intermediate 2 Past Papers.

    Booklets of past papers and answers have been collated for the three units for teachers and students to use as part of their revision programme for the N5 exam.




    N5 Physics past paper booklets

    Education Scotland and SQA have identified questions from Standard Grade Credit and Intermediate 2 papers from the last three years and matched them to Key Areas in the N5 Physics Curriculum.

    This resource has been produced in response to the requests from practitioners who attended the National Qualifications Sciences events at Hampden Stadium in December 2013 which Education Scotland organised in partnership with the SQA.

    The questions in this resource relate to National 5 Physics and have been taken from the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Standard Grade and Intermediate 2 Past Papers.

    Booklets of past papers and answers have been collated for the three units for teachers and students to use as part of their revision programme for the N5 exam.




    Glenfield Pre-five Centre Celebrate Success

    Minister for Children and Young People, Aileen Campbell, visited Glenfield Pre-five Centre in Renfrewshire on the 24th April 2014 to congratulate them on their recent positive inspection from Education Scotland and the Care Inspectorate.

    Children, parents and staff welcomed the minister as they celebrate the ‘excellent’ work they are doing to meet children’s learning needs. Glenfield Pre-five Centre is an integrated service that caters for children aged 2-5 years and Education Scotland inspectors have said that they do this exceptionally well.

    The very caring, supportive and stimulating environment that the children benefit from has been highly commended and the work of staff in creating a loving and nurturing experience for the children was acknowledged.  The centre is committed to supporting families. Parents shared with inspectors how much they value the approaches staff have embedded as part of everyday practice.

    The children that attend Glenfield Pre-five Centre are provided with opportunities that support and challenge their learning and the minister observed these as she toured the nursery. The staff have embraced a range of professional development opportunities and are committed to ensuring that their knowledge enhances the experience for the children. During the inspection, collaboration with a variety of professionals was highlighted as best practice. The communication staff have as a team has created an environment where children receive the support they need. This is reflected through delivery of all aspects of the SHANARRI indicators and the education authorities approach to GIRFEC. The minister was very keen to congratulate the centre on their achievements.

    Royal Institution Summer Schools

    Running throughout July and August, The Royal Institution Summer Schools bring to life all areas of science, mathematics, computing and engineering.

    With over 50 sessions to choose from, covering topics from climate change to acoustics, earthquakes to rocket science, forensics to 3D printing, crash-testing to ancient history, there is something for everyone.

    The two week long Summer Schools, ‘Computer-based mathematics’ start on Monday 28th July and ‘Introduction to robotics’ starts on Monday 11th August.

    Booking is now open and places can be booked online via the Ri’s What’s On calendar or by calling our Public Programmes team on 020 7409 2992.

    Please read on for just a snapshot of the different activities on offer.

    Issue 5 – Switched On Scotland

    Issue 5 of “SwitchedOn Scotland” – Computing At School Scotland’s newsletter – has been released.  This edition gives an overview of the recent Digital Skills Investment Plan announcement, an update on the PLAN C Professional Learning programme, advice on how SQA standard pseudocode can be used and exciting news from Universities regarding their recommendations for Computing as an entry requirement for courses.

    The newsletter can be viewed online at or on ‘issuu’ at

    Power Politics – teaching resources exploring Oil and Development

    Power Politics is a new education learning resource for schools, community groups, and anyone interested in global learning. 

    The resources were developed by the Living Earth Foundation as part of a three-year project funded by the European Commission. They were designed to meet the need for engaging development education materials, providing resources to teach with confidence on a broad range of issues relating to international development and global citizenship.

    The resources explore issues including the Millennium Development Goals and the environmental, social and economic impacts of the oil industry, enabling pupils to compare and contrast the different contexts of Scotland and Nigeria.

    Teachers, pupils and members of community groups in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Port Harcourt, Nigeria, were involved in a range of creative exercises and workshops, and were at the heart of developing the resources, which is clear to see in the final products.  They created films and comic strips to bring to life the differences and similarities in their day to day lives, and to provoke debate and discussion about the opportunities and challenges that living alongside the oil and gas industry can bring. 

    The Power Politics pack includes:

    • Comic text books
    • 9 short films introducing the key issues
    • Exercise packs with activities to suit a range of abilities
    • A user guide for teachers giving background information and additional support.  


    Power Politics is aimed at S1-S3 and the learning activities can easily be tailored to suit any age group.

    The learning pack, with comics and exercises for entire classes is available free to use. You can borrow them from the Montgomery Development Education centre or access and download from the website

    Composing Music Survey

    To help us better support composing music in the classroom, Education Scotland would like to invite practitioners to participate in a very short survey which will help direct us towards developing appropriate support materials. This consultation will also take into account feedback from our learning blog and inform next steps for the working group.

    The survey should only take a few minutes and we appreciate you taking the time to respond.

    The survey will close on Friday 9th May

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Click here to take survey

    The Society of William Wallace – competition for Glasgow schools

    Calling all schools in Glasgow City Council! The Society of William Wallace has been successful in securing a new Wallace Monument at the esplanade of Glasgow Cathedral. The monument will be erected in June of this year. We would like to invite pupils to write a short poem which will be inscribed on the monument. The poem must be 20 words or less and should consider the contribution of William Wallace.

    This competition will run from 1 May to 14 June for all schools in Glasgow City Council. We are encouraging all schools to run their own competition and send the winning entry from each school to this address: by no later than 14 June.

    Entries will be judged by a prestigious panel and the winner announced on 30 June.

    John Muir – teaching resources

    John Muir Education Pack – This resource aims to help teachers understand outdoor learning opportunities, and give confidence to use outdoor spaces for teaching a wide range of experiences and outcomes. The pack for Second Level encourages structured learning in the outdoors, along with a deeper understanding of John Muir’s writings and philosophies. The pack can be used flexibility as stand-alone activities to cover certain aspects of the topic or as activities leading into each other as a programme of learning. The Second Level pack can help with an introduction to the John Muir Award. John Muir Education Pack – Second Level

    The pack has been created by The Rural Connect Project which is all about reconnecting local communities to the rural environment through community engagement events, workshops and online resources

    Outdoor Learning Resource Guide – This new Outdoor Learning Resource Guide summarises the many benefits of Outdoor Learning, and contains useful information and website links for further information.

    John Muir, Earth – Planet, Universe – A graphic novel based upon the life of John Muir has been produced by the Scottish Book Trust with free copies going to every secondary school in Scotland. It’s also available for anyone, anywhere to download as a PDF version. Teaching support notes and pupil activities also accompany the book. John Muir, Earth – Planet, Universe brings Muir’s story to life in a new way, and is intended to develop a deeper understanding and awareness of the natural environment and the importance of protecting wild places.

    New John Muir Way website – Find out everything you need to know about the UK’s newest long distance route, by visiting the new website. There are maps and information for each of the ten sections of the 133 mile route, which runs between Helensburgh in the West and Dunbar on the East.

    Outdoor Learning online support

    For information, resources, support, key organisations and national guidelines on taking learning outdoors click on the link below to access the Education Scotland outdoor learning online resource:

    Education Scotland Outdoor Learning online resource

    Key documents available on this resource include:

    • Outdoor Learning 3-18: Self-evaluation resource – this resource is specifically designed to support teachers and educators in pre-school centres and primary, special and secondary schools and Community Learning and Development (CLD) to evaluate the potential of their work to help children and young people learn outdoors.

    A downloadable word document highlighting all these links is available here: Education Scotland Outdoor Learning online support materials

    International Jazz Day

    International Jazz Day, established by UNESCO in 2012, is celebrated around the world on April 30th. As Glasgow is a UNESCO city of Music, it is appropriate to mention that Glasgow Jazz Festival launches the 2014 programme on this date followed by a concert by Award winning band, New Focus, at the Old Fruitmarket.

    In order to encourage youth participation and awareness, this year’s celebration includes a “Take 5” initiative. Inspired by the famous 1959 hit Take 5, composed by Paul Desmond and made famous by Dave Brubeck, teachers from all around the world are encouraged to “Take 5” (five minutes) to share the positive lessons of jazz music in their classrooms.

    There are a number of resources which have been produced and can be accessed on the International Jazz Day website:

    Educational Resources

    Alongside this is a Jazz Educators guide which contains suggested lesson ideas, links and lesson plans:

    Click to access IJD-Educator_Guide.pdf

    International Jazz Day brings together communities, schools, artists, historians, academics, and jazz enthusiasts all over the world to celebrate and learn about jazz and its roots, future and impact; raise awareness of the need for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding; and reinforce international cooperation and communication. Each year on April 30, this international art form is recognized for promoting peace, dialogue among cultures, diversity, and respect for human rights and human dignity; eradicating discrimination; promoting freedom of expression; fostering gender equality; and reinforcing the role of youth in enacting social change.

    To be part of the ‘Take 5’ initiative, participants are asked to register here.

    £2.5m funding for Scottish science centres

    Scottish science centres are to benefit from an extra £2.5m in funding.

    Glasgow Science Centre is to get the largest share of the Scottish government funding, at £962,680. Our Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh will receive £899,090, Dundee Science Centre £332,220 and Satrosphere in Aberdeen £246,010.

    The combined total includes £110,000 towards subsidising school transport costs, and a further £100,000 will be shared by the four centres for community events.

    The popularity of the science centres has increased since last year with almost 645,000 more people visiting the four centres in the past 12 months.

    The funding package will allow each centre to invest in hands-on exhibits and activities and use their experience to help improve the confidence of primary teachers in delivering physics, engineering and technology.

    Dundee Science Centre has announced plans for use of its share of the funding, with the “Ice Station Antarctica” exhibit due to open this summer. This is a major exhibition from the Natural History Museum and will be seen outside of London for the first time.

    The new “Scotland’s Time Lords” galleries will open at Our Dynamic Earth this month, bringing to life the impact scientists have had since the Scottish Enlightenment.

    The Octavia Hill Awards 2014

    This year, the Octavia Hill Awards are looking for heroes who have helped children and young adults connect with the outdoors and wildlife – passing on their own experience, enthusiasm and love of nature. As many studies have shown, such connections with nature (even, or especially, in towns and cities) are essential for our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

    Nominate your wild hero

    Examples could include:

    • A teacher who makes a special effort to inspire their pupils to love and understand nature through outdoor classes.
    • An individual or organisation that has fought a campaign to save outdoor space to play in.
    • A conservation volunteer who gives up free time to take children and parents on field trips.
    • A national organisation that promotes the importance of children’s connection with nature.
    • An individual who teaches children outdoor skills, such as foraging, den-building, camping and birdwatching.

    The closing date for nominations is midnight 31 May.

    Further information can be accessed here: or

    Game on Scotland – Social Studies Learning Zone

    The Queens Baton left Buckingham Palace on 9 October 2013 containing the royal message. Since then it has been through Asia, Oceania, Africa, South America and the Caribbean.

    On Tuesday 29th April, it will be in Ottawa, Canada before making the final leg of its journey through Europe and back to Scotland to arrive here on 14 June. It will spend 40 days visiting communities in all 32 local authority areas. The 288 day relay will conclude on the 23 July when the baton is delivered back to Her Majesty the Queen and the royal message will be read at the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.

    Accompanying the baton to all 70 nations and territories of the Commonwealth has been Scottish adventurer and BBC broadcaster, Mark Beaumont. In conjunction with BBC Commonwealth Class, Mark will join us on Glow from Ottawa to tell us about this amazing journey and learners can ask him questions about his adventure at 2pm on Tuesday 29th April.

    Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

    Skills Fusion – VFX film careers outreach programme.

    Skills Fusion is a VFX film careers outreach programme. Funded by Creative Skillset ( , the Sector Skills Council for the Creative Industries, its aim is to highlight the skills shortage that the UK film industry faces in this sector and the opportunities, particularly in the more technical specialist roles that rely on strong educational foundations in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), and computer science subjects, available to students.

    Young people concentrating on these areas very often do not know, or realise that rewarding careers based on STEM subjects are possible in the creative industries, nor that many of computer generated imagery (CGI), that they see on the big screen, have been created here in the UK and not Hollywood. 

    It is recognised through the landmark report published by NESTA – The Next Gen Report –, that there is a knowledge gap between the classroom and jobs, and that without an intervention such as Skills Fusion, the UK film industry will not be able to maintain its position as a leading country to do business in the global marketplace.

    The intention of Skills Fusion through its resources, attending conferences, working with schools, participating in career fairs, engaging STEM orientated school clubs and cascading information through career advisor networks, that it can inspire and spark that initial interest to potentially fully fledged careers, career paths, which they might not have otherwise considered.

    If you would be interested in copies of the specially commissioned careers resource or have opportunities for someone to come to your school to talk about Skills Fusion, participate in an event/teachers CPD session or present a film careers talk to students, please get in touch with (Talent Development Manager, Into Film)

    ‘How am I preparing for the exams?’ A learner’s perspective

    As this year’s NQ exams approach we continue our series of posts by parents and learners.

    ‘There are so many different methods people can use to revise for their exams; I have chosen the best method for my learning.

    I try and split up my nights after school into hopefully 3-4 different subjects, spending about an hour on each or so. I have 5 higher subjects altogether and so the ones I miss that night I will do the next day during school in a free period. To start my revision, I base my studies on the theory of the subject. For example for Higher Biology at the moment, I’m using the textbook to write out notes on each of the sub-topics and also concentrating on the topics I struggle with. Once I have completed these notes I move on to practising past papers.

    Writing notes, I find is the best way for my revision but it is different from others. It is also very important to practise past papers, and get used to the techniques you require to understand the questions. Past Papers also help you find points you might have forgotten about or struggle with, which I then refer back to my school notes, textbook or the online Scholar site. Scholar is very useful as an online resource; it supplies each student with the revision material for each subject and goes into detail on subjects that are usually found to be difficult. It also gives you examples and questions to work on. Working through Scholar it also gives you a topic test, where you can see how well you have progressed and also what else has to be worked on. I have also started my revision quite a bit before the exam as each subject’s capacity is large and it’s important to revise each as thoroughly as the other. ‘

    Pupil (S5 Higher)

    Take a look at the Parentzone website which has a guide to helping your child prepare for exams, with links to revision aids and specimen papers.

    Also see other blog posts by parents and learners:
    Learner’s perspective (S4)
    Another Learner’s perspective (S4)
    Parent (S4 pupil)
    Parent (National 4/5 boy & Higher girl)

    RSPB Nature of Scotland Awards

    The RSPB Nature of Scotland Awards are designed to recognise and celebrate excellence, innovation and outstanding achievement in Scottish nature conservation. The Youth & Education Award celebrates a school or youth group who can demonstrate how they have made a real difference to the conservation and sustainability of Scotland’s wildlife and habitats.

    This could be through fundraising for a conservation-related project, a school grounds development, partnership working or best practice in hands-on delivery of learning for sustainability, connecting young people to the natural world.

    The awards are now open for entries.

    Click here for further information:

    Sustrans – The Big Street Survey

    Sustrans, the British charity which promotes sustainable transport, has developed a learning and teaching resource for P6-7 and S1-3 called The Big Street Survey. It is designed to get pupils thinking and learning about their local environments, how they make them feel and how they can go about developing a manifesto for changing their streets and making them healthier and safer places.

    A series of free downloadable resources can be viewed here:

    These resources deliver various Experiences & Outcomes across Health & Wellbeing, Social Studies, Expressive Arts, Literacy and Numeracy.

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