
Why study music?

Music is accessible to everyone. It gives everyone the opportunity to develop the confidence to perform, to listen, and to make music in their own way – it is a skill for life.

It also provides routes for those with the talent and desire to make music their profession, whilst for other it helps develop key skills that any profession requires – work ethic, resilience, independent learning. Studying music opens so many doors for those with enthusiasm, interest and a passion for music.

Not only are there links between studying music and academic success, but it has a fantastic impact on mental health and wellbeing as well as social skills. It is the gift that keeps on giving!

National 4 – 5 & Higher

Pupils will learn about:

  • Listening – Learning to aurally identify specific music concepts in preparation for the exam paper.
  • Music Literacy – Reading, understanding and writing music notation
  • Composition – Creating music and scoring this to be assessed by the SQA. This is a great opportunity to put into practise what you have learned from key features of a variety of styles of music, and also explore your own creativity!
Level  Associated Board equivalent (minimum standard) Total  programme duration Maximum time on one instrument Minimum time on other instrument 
National 4 Grade 2 8 minutes 6 minutes 2 minutes 
National 5 Grade 3 8 minutes 6 minutes 2 minutes 
Higher Grade 4 12 minutes 8 minutes 4 minutes 
The course requirements for the performing exam for SQA.