Winter Weather

When the winter weather comes, it is important for all parents/carers to be aware of procedures to deal with adverse weather. As weather conditions can vary across our region, you are best placed to make the decision as to whether it is safe for your child to travel, depending on your own circumstances. Please let the school know if your child is unable to attend school, or is required to be sent home due to change in weather conditions in your area during the school day.

In the case of severe weather, or for any other reason, that necessitates full or partial school closure, you would be notified in the normal way by SMS, on the Dumgal website (, our school app and website, and on WestSound Radio. Please await these messages from the school rather than reacting to social media posts from members of the community, or phone calls from your child (as they may not have the correct information at that time).

Full school closure is rare. The following steps are usually taken to ensure that closure happens smoothly and safely:

  • Pupils from outlying areas are usually called to leave first.
  • If buses are running, these pupils will be advised to get the first available bus home and we will let parents/carers know by SMS text message this is happening.
  •  However, if buses are not running, the school will get in touch with those families directly to ensure that there is an agreement on how and when those pupils affected will travel home safely.
  • Pupils who normally walk home from school/travel a short distance by bus (which is still running) will be released to travel home only if we are certain that a parent/emergency contact/adult will be there expecting their arrival. Consideration will be given to the age of the pupil and the distance travelled to reach home/identified safe place.
  • If pupils/parents cannot confirm that a child will be able to travel home safely and be met by a responsible adult, the child will remain in school, supervised by available staff until safe collection from school or travel home can be arranged. It is expected that parents/carers will make this arrangement as soon as possible so that all pupils and staff can avoid staying in school any longer than is necessary.
  • A date for school reopening will be posted on the Dumfries and Galloway Council website and all of our other communication platforms listed above.

A reminder to ensure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather conditions, as we begin to see cold and wet weather creeping in. Outside jackets should be worn and can be removed when indoors, black cardigans or V-neck pullovers can be worn under blazers to provide an extra layer. PE kit should be appropriate for the activity undertaken, whether indoors or outdoors, and kept in a suitable bag.