S1 and S2

Art and Design encourages your creativity, critical enquiry and artistic skills. We encourage you to develop your own ideas and to show these ideas in your work through their creation and in the evaluation of their success.  You will have the opportunity to invent, design and make work which shows us aspects of your ability and personality, and give you a chance to continue to develop your opinions when discussing the work of others giving you invaluable skills for life and work

In S1 and S2 Art, pupils will learn about:

  • Colour theory
  • Subject specific vocabulary
  • Development of fine motor skills
  • Observational drawing
  • Design process and creative problem solving
  • Critical thinking ability


In, S3 Art pupils will be following a general course which covers the experiences and outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence Level 4. 

You will be working on tasks which are familiar but building your skill set, creative response and developing your ability.  You will be given far more opportunities to decide the direction of your work, and you must be able to think for yourself and be willing to try out your ideas and take creative risks.

  • Study into all genres of art
  • Aspects of Design
    • Graphic
    • Fashion & Textiles
  • 3D Design
  • Sculpture
  • Photography

Above all, we want you to enjoy your work and to try all the different techniques with confidence. Bring your imagination!  

Useful Links

All pupils will be added to and will be expected to regularly engage with relevant Microsoft Teams groups, containing resources and activities to complete.