Search for remote learning - 47 results found

Aberdeenshire English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service

Aberdeenshire EAL Header

In Aberdeenshire, our EAL teachers have been working to find the best ways to support bilingual learners and their families throughout the pandemic, as well as class teachers. If adapting to the challenges of the pandemic and online learning were not hard enough, many children and families have also faced the language barrier, as well …

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3. What Makes an Engaging CRIS Lesson?

what makes an engaging cris lesson?

“Ensuring the elements of effective teaching are present – forexample clear explanations, scaffolding and feedback – is moreimportant than how or when they are provided.” Education Endowment Foundation (2020)   A good lesson is a good lesson, regardless of curricular area. HGIOS (4th edition) makes clear that high engaging learning, quality teaching and effective assessment, …

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Craigie High School’s Digital Journey during Lockdown

craigie high school blog post header

  Craigie High School’s Digital Journey During Covid-19 Lockdown Before Covid-19, Craigie High School was looking to improve digital engagement for both pupils and staff. We werein the process of self-evaluating and looking to work through the Digital School’s award just as Covid-19 closed our schools. We had created a Digital Teacher Learning Community and …

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West Lothian Early Years Learners Blog

west lothian early years blog post header

Our ELC blog was set up to support and maintain relationships with our children and families while spending time at home.  It is vibrant and updated daily to provide opportunities for children to be curious, creative and inquiring.    We offer a variety of:  Activity Ideas   Daily Challenges  Useful Websites   Useful Apps  YouTube links to support learning  COVID-19 Support Resources …

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