Category: CLPL programmes

boy girl jump device

#SDLW24 Video Recap series

Below is a playlist that shows the Curriculum Live Lessons, Professional Learning, and sharing practice sessions that were delivered as part of Scottish Digital Literacy week 2024.

Continue to share the amazing work that is taking place in your settings and be sure to mention us @digilearnscot using #SDLW24

cyberfirst courses for learners

This is Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety

This programme aims to support teachers develop their own knowledge and understanding of cyber resilience/internet safety and cyber security. It will explore the skills and knowledge children and young people need to participate effectively in a digital society.

Participants will reflect on the need for cyber resilience and how to teach it, develop a school curriculum for teaching cyber resilience/internet safety to learners of all ages and access resources and coaching to deliver your own cyber training in your setting. 

There will also be a session exploring cyber security and how to develop this as a curricular area in your school.

This CLPL will run before and after the Christmas holiday.


New sessions coming in 2024!

This is Digital Leader (GTCS professional recognition)

This programme aims to provide teachers with the skills and knowledge they need in the role of Digital Leader. It will provide a series of online training events to support teachers reflect on their practice, critically engage with national and local policy and developing school curriculum, staff skills and school improvement measures.

Applicants must be digitally literate with appropriate certifications, such as Microsoft, Google or Apple educator awards. They must also have the support and permission of their head teacher in order to guarantee the time to develop and implement changes to curriculum, teacher skills and school improvement measures.

This CLPL will run from September 2023 to May 2024.

Sign up soon.

Digital Teacher diagram (landscape)

What digital literacy might look like clpl programme

This is… What Digital Literacy Might Look Like (Developing Your Curriculum)

This programme aims to support teachers develop their own digital literacy curriculum. It will explore the skills that learners need for life, learning and work. Teachers will then be able to evaluate staff training, classroom and lesson resourcing and school improvement needs based on this.

Educators need to attend the first session but can then select to attend any, or all, of the following sessions.

This CLPL will run before and, then be repeated, after the Christmas holiday.

Digital Learner diagram (landscape)


Teachers holding technology

This is Digital Learning and Teaching professional learning programme overview

About this programme

This course consists of four webinars, each examining a theme of planning, teaching, learning and assessment. Attendees are required to participate in discussions, share examples of practice and will receive a certificate of completion from Education Scotland for completing this.

Participants are required to be digitally literate and confident in applying digital technology in their class. Ideally, but not essentially, having achieved Microsoft Expert, Google Educator level 2 or complete Apple Portfolio.

Sign up for next term’s programme with this link – go to EventBrite page

Programme rationale

This programme focuses on what is ‘effective use of digital technology’ and how this can enhance learnign and teaching, instead of focusing on the wide range of novel digital technologies available to teachers. 

This is because teachers in Scotland are required to have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of digital technologies to support learning and the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; as well as being able to consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to ensure that every learner has access to and are enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies. – GTCS (2021)

What can I expect?

This programme has been designed using Rosenshine’s principles of instructional design: smaller steps, revisiting prior learning, models of success and questions to check understanding. 

Each webinar is underpinned by research and focused on one of the four themes of planning, teaching, learnign and assessment. Participants will be asked to share their thoughts on the theme and then the presenters will offer ideas and a model to scaffold participants’ understanding. The webinar will finish with a ‘call to action’ for participants to identify an idea form the webinar that they will test in their practice.

preparing for learning clpl - Back to This is Digital page Reading and watching This episode of CLPL focuses on the rationale for using, or not using, digital technology in learning. An Education Endowment Foundation…
planning and resourcing learning clpl - Back to This is Digital page Reading and watching This episode of CLPL focuses on the elements to consider when planning and resourcing lessons with digital.  How does digital make…
delivering learning clpl - Back to This is Digital page Reading and watching This episode of CLPL focuses on the elements to consider when designing and delivering lessons with digital.  Creativity in the classroom…
assessing and feeding forward clpl - Back to This is Digital page Reading and watching This episode of CLPL focuses on the elements to consider when assessing learning and providing 'feed forward'.  Using digital technology to…

What do I need to do or know?

Participants are required to take an active role in sharing their current practice, as well as their own personal successes and failures. The aim being that we build a community of support and guidance, helping everyone involved reflect upon where they are now, where they need to be, and how they will get there. It would be expected that some practitioner enquiry take place as evidence of the professional development you have undertaken with us.

The programme meets the GTCS Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning 2.1.1, 2.1.3 and 3.2.1.

Participants should ensure they have an understanding of these documents before attending, as they will be referenced throughout.

GTCS Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning

Technologies: Experiences and Outcomes

European framework for the digital competence of educators


Digital Teacher Toolkit CLPL

Teacher Toolkit: a beginner’s guide to essential digital skills for teaching (teacher digital literacy professional learning programme)

The Teacher Toolkit programme aims to provide practical training in using the most essential skills and knowledge required to use Microsoft365 or Google Workspace in Glow. 
The skills and knowledge are based on the Scottish Teacher Digital Literacy Framework but reduced to just five skills, ensuring that it is manageable and achievable for busy teachers who need time and space to practice using them.

Sign up using this Eventbrite link: Eventbrite signup

Digital Teacher diagram (landscape)

This programme is split into two sessions, offering practical hands-on guidance in using Microsoft365 or Google Workspace in Glow and covers these skills:

  • create, store and share resources using the cloud
  • ​communicate with peers
  • create and manage classes within a digital learning environment
  • share and distribute resources to learners
  • accessibility tools

Attendees are REQUIRED to be able to join in with the tutorial activities using their Glow account.

This YouTube playlist contains short how-to videos for each of the skills on this list:

YouTube player

School leader holding laptop

Developing Your Digital Strategy (part of Evolving Digital Thinking)

If the dates offered here are unsuitable, get in touch and request another and we’ll see what we can do to accommodate view EDT sessions with this link.

An in-person workshop designed to help your setting develop and improve its use of digital.

This half-day workshop can be delivered to a cluster of schools or a local authority.

Attendees will:

  • define their aim
  • create a short vision statement
  • plan a strategy to evaluate, develop and measure the improvement of digital skills across their school

This strategy will align with the Digital Schools Award (Scotland) (DSAS) and the newly-created Digital Educator Award (Scotland) (DEAS) and is ideal for schools who have DSAS and want to refresh their approaches or for schools aiming to get the award.

Attendees will leave with solid plans, targets and ongoing support from the Education Scotland digital skill team.

Sign up with this link. 

iPad showing a cool leader qualities

08 March 16:00, This is Computing Science, 4 part course

Education Scotland have partnered with BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT to deliver this 4 part course to develop your knowledge of teaching computing science across the BGE curriculum, highlighting some of the free resources such as Barefoot and Scratch. This course is suitable for those already teaching or planning to teach computing science and will help fill potential gaps in knowledge.

31st Jan – Workshop 1 Pedagogy and Computing Science

Learn more about key pedagogical approaches to programming, including PRIMM (Predict, Run, Investigate, Modify and Make), Use-Modify-Create, Semantic Waves and Parson’s Problems. We’ll explore each approach through hands-on activities and examples, illustrating how these research-backed teaching and learning methods can be applied in your curriculum.

14th Feb, Workshop 2 – Computational Thinking across the curriculum

Computational Thinking, critical thinking and problem-solving top the World Economic list of skills that employers believe will grow in prominence in the next five years. This first session will explore why it’s important for your students to learn computing science and you’ll learn about key computational thinking skills through “unplugged” activities – proving you don’t need expensive kit to teach computing. You’ll take away a range of lesson ideas you can try immediately with your learners.

28th Feb & 8th March, Workshop 3 & 4 Coding and Programming – Code along using Scratch

Take your computing science knowledge to the next level with these interactive code along session. Get to grips with Scratch programming and the concepts of sequence, repetition and selection through a series of Scratch programming challenges. This workshop will build on the previous sessions as we explore how the pedagogy of computing science and computational thinking skills are applied when programming and coding.


This is micro:bit 3 part course

The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together. It has an LED light display, buttons, sensors and many input/output features that, when programmed, let it interact with you and your world.  The new micro:bit, V2, with sound adds a built-in microphone and speaker, as well as an extra touch input button and a power button.

Join Micro:bit Educational Foundation in this 3 part course.

Workshop 1 – Getting started with the micro:bit

Workshop 2 – Discovering micro:bit Classroom

Workshop 3 – Embedding micro:bit across our curriculum – Examples from practitioners in primary and secondary. Ask the experts Q&A

Book via our webinars page