‘S e a’ chiad Seachdain Maths Alba a bh’ ann agus nach robh spòrs againn gabhail pàirt. Rinn gach clas oidhirp sònraichte gus matamataigs brosnachadh. Chunnaic sinn mar a tha maths cudromach anns a a h-uile pàirt de beatha is mar a tha beachd-inntinn fàsmhor gar cuideachadh leasachadh sgilean.
This week saw the launch of the first Maths Week Scotland and what fun we had taking part. Every class made a special effort to encourage maths work and see maths as being positive and enjoyable. We saw how important maths is in every aspect of life and how having a growth mindset towards it can help us develop our skills.
Seo rud no dhà a rinn na clasaichean / Here are a few things we got up to:
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