Here at Royston Primary we extend a warm welcome to you, whether you come as a pupil, a parent, a member of staff or a visitor to the school.
We hope you will find Royston Primary a warm and caring place where your child is made to feel safe and secure.
We are a small friendly school who pride ourselves on providing the highest quality of learning and teaching experience which will allow all our children to develop as confident and individuals, and where staff really get to know your child and their abilities.
In Royston Primary we wish to promote in children a positive attitude to work, self, others and the environment. We will provide a quality service for you and your child and, through close partnership with you, strive to make your child a successful learner, confident individual, responsible citizen and effective contributor.
Many activities are organised throughout the school year, giving parents the opportunity to meet and work with the staff of the school. We look forward to seeing you at various occasions during the session, and if you can lend a hand in more practical ways, please contact us.
We work hard to make Royston Primary a welcoming, caring school. If you have any concerns about your child’s schooling, please feel free to contact the school for an appointment, either with myself or one of the Principal Teachers in the school.
Jane McShane
Head Teacher