Minutes of the Glasgow City Parent’s Group

Please find the minutes for the Glasgow City Parent’s Group below:

Minutes of Glasgow Parents in Partnership Meeting held on 13.11.18

Among the items discussed at the meeting, item 4 is a uniform exchange programme. Please see details below:

Apparel Xchange

Apparel Xchange is a social enterprise which tries to kit children out in an affordable uniform by reusing and recycling uniforms. They receive used uniforms from schools lost property and from parents. They check, wash and sell these garments at a small cost. The enterprise is trying to make children aware of the supply chain, their massive duty to preserve the planet, learn how to wash their clothes, put labels on them and hopefully with this knowledge make better choices. The enterprise has a Pop-up shop in the southside of Glasgow. For your information, attached is a flyer about the forthcoming Pop-up shop sale days.

Apparel Xchange’s contact details are:

Email: izzie@apparelxchange.co.uk

Website: www.apparelxchange.co.uk

Facebook: ApparelXchange CIC


Supported Study Weekend

As we approach assessment time, the school has a full supported study programme in place.

This weekend there are additional supported study sessions, please see the timetable below for details:

Nov 2018 Study Weekend

Please ensure your child has reserved a place and handed in a signed consent form.

In addition, please find the supported study calendar across the school below:

Supported Study Calendar Oct-Dec 2018

Please click the links to download a PDF version of both timetables.

Notre Dame Christmas Concert!

As ever, Notre Dame is hosting a Christmas Concert. Please see details below:

Christmas Concert is Tuesday 4th December, (7pm) 2018.

Tickets will be on sale this week and next, lunchtime in the school foyer (£4 adult & £2 concession or £10 2 adult & 2 child). Tickets will also be sold on the night.

Please purchase soon as spaces at tables go quickly! Looking forward to spreading the Christmas joy with you all.

School Catchment Area Consultation

Glasgow are launching two public consultations

  • to amend secondary school entry criteria and
  • placing request criteria for mainstream schools.

a)      Secondary School Entry Criteria 

The purpose of this consultation is to align the entry criteria across all 30 Glasgow city council mainstream secondary schools by making all 30 delineated secondary schools, i.e. the single entry criterion for all secondary schools being a defined geographical catchment area. 

b)     Placing Request Criteria for Mainstream Schools 

The purpose of this consultation is to review and improve the placing request criteria for mainstream schools (primary and secondary). 

Both consultations will run until 24 September 2018 with six public meetings arranged. 

Further information on the proposals is set out in the statutory documents in relation to these consultations, which are available on the Glasgow City Council website at www.glasgow.gov.uk/schoolconsultations


Notre Dame Careers Conference, 15th February 2018

All S4 and S5 pupils, parents and carers are invited along to our Careers Conference on Thursday 15th February, 6.00pm-7.30pm in the school.  There will be a short presentation in the assembly hall from Skills Development Scotland, followed by a chance to discuss a variety of career pathways with representatives from a wide range of colleges, universities, employers and training providers.

Conference Poster


Respect Me – Anti-Bullying Week November 2017

Respect is at the heart of all healthy relationships.  Our S1 pupils have joined us from over 50 Glasgow Primary Schools and beyond.  We value all our young people and want them to feel part of our community.  Making new friends and maintaining existing friendships is a huge part of school life.  We have a programme of support to help young people to develop key social skills that will enable them to enjoy healthy and long lasting friendships.  Over the last month, our S1 pupils have benefited from a number of Health and Wellbeing sessions highlighting the difference between positive and negative behaviour within relationships and strategies on how to cope with bullying behaviour.  Takeaway Theatre Company and Police Scotland delivered interactive workshops and presentations which also included valuable online safety and cyberbullying education.  Mrs Henderson, DHT Pupil Support introduced Anti-bullying Week to S1 and S2 with assembly workshops called ‘Respect Means’, pupils had their photos taken as part of a national conversation about what respect means to young people.  Our Pastoral Care Team will deliver follow up PSSE lessons called ‘Responding to Bullying’ and feedback from pupils will be analysed and shared with staff, parents and pupils. Please look out for this on the website in the coming weeks.

You can visit the Respect Me Scotland website using the link below:


If your daughter experiences disrespectful behaviour, please do not hesitate to contact our Pastoral Care Team immediately.




What happens when all the pupils go home…?

In among the season of Halloween and on the back of learning about the supernatural and gothic elements in Coleridge’s and Poe’s writing, Mr McCarthy’s S1 class were recently treated to some spooky tales by Robert our jannie. In the great tradition of storytelling, Robert kept the class captivated, recounting eerie experiences and unexplainable occurrences that have taken place in Notre Dame down through the years outside of school hours. The setting of dark, empty corridors and classrooms certainly provide great stimulation for the imagination with Robert painting a very vivid picture of the strange goings-on when everyone has gone home.

Notre Dame’s Christmas Fayre and Concert 7th December

This year Notre Dame will be hosting a Christmas Fayre before our annual Christmas Concert on Thursday 7th December.  The stalls will include, home baking, face painting, tombola, pizza counter, hot chocolate, mulled wine, mince pies and much, much more!

The fayre will run between 5pm and 7pm; just in time for you to continue the festivities with our Christmas Concert. Tickets for the fayre and concert will be on sale next week in school.

If you are a local businessperson and would like to have a stall at the fayre please contact the school on 0141 582 0190.

Road Safety – Drop off and pick up

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please do not stop your vehicle in the middle of the road when dropping your daughter off in the morning or picking her up in the afternoon. There are a number of parking bays free in the local area where cars can be parked for a few minutes and pupils can enter/exit vehicles safely. As it stands, pupils are endangering their safety by entering and leaving cars in the middle of the road and significant delays are caused by stationary vehicles blocking the road entirely. Road safety is an important aspect of pupil safety and we would encourage all parents/carers to witness to responsible driving. Given the persistence of this issue, we have asked that the local traffic police have a presence in the area. Safety of pupils, staff, parents and local residents is of paramount importance and we appreciate your assistance in relation to this matter.

Arranging a safe pick up and drop off point a short distance from the school and away from the one way system is encouraged.

Supported Study

Supported Study sessions will run between October and Christmas. All sessions are subject to change. The current timetable can be accessed by clicking on the image shown below. This post will be updated as/when new sessions are added.

DYW Leadership Training with Glasgow Airport

On Wednesday, the 4th of October, the office bearers and I had the privilege of working with Craig and Beth from the HR Department at Glasgow Airport for a leadership training session involving psychometric testing. Before the session we were given a survey to complete, which asked us to choose words and phrases that were most and least like ourselves. Based on our responses to the survey we were given feedback that was presented in a personal profile, outlining the characteristics, values and strengths of each person. The information was also conveyed through three graphs which identified areas of strength and development of each person. We found that all of us had thorough, perfectionist characteristics, where we would be more likely to take lots of time to research things before making any decisions. We are less likely to demonstrate dominance and ‘in charge’ qualities. Continue reading “DYW Leadership Training with Glasgow Airport”

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