A very busy week!

P7a have had a very busy week this week.  At the start of the week we learned about inference skills, which is when you use clues and read between the lines to answer questions. In maths we practised rounding to the nearest tens, hundreds, and thousands,  and focused on different subtraction strategies. We also spent time on Wednesday morning playing different active maths games.     “Splat was my favourite”

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We Love Literacy!

Primary 1a have been very busy this week undertaking lots of reading, writing and spelling activities. Here are some of the learning activities from our busy week…. Using our phonemes to make, blend, read and write lots of different words Reading in groups Reading on our own Reading to a partner Whiteboard spelling for our common words “My favourite activity was spelling the words on the whiteboards!” said Isla. “I liked

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Making the Right Decisions

This week Primary 4/3 would like to share about what they did during circle time. We talked about making the right decision using stories and drama. We used our drama skills to help show what decisions we think are best to make when we feel angry and/or sad. As a class we made of list of places we can go to feel safe; the teacher, the ‘Bounce Back Worry Home’,

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P4 Garden Gladiators

Primary four have a special job this year, as part of our eco class responsibility we are in charge of improving our gardening area in the playground! Today we visited Tron St Mary’s Church to look at their garden to gather some ideas of how to improve our playground. We enjoyed visiting the church as we got to learn about different plants and some of us even tasted peas from the garden! Here are

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A fun farewell for our Mrs Smith!

Today we celebrated Mrs Smith’s retirement with a fun Netball tournament, teachers v pupils! Everyone had a great day and the pupils enjoyed passing on their goodbye gifts at the end of the tournament! We hope you had a wonderful day Mrs Smith!    

Primary 4’s Assembly

We used our class assembly to tell everyone how busy we’ve been, learning sooooo much this year. But we also wanted to let everyone know that we make mistakes all the time too, even the teacher, and that’s ok! We’re still AMAZING kids! We just breathe, relax, shake it off and try again. We even sang a song about it…. Primary 4′ assembly Click here for Some our best bits

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P7a Fitness Challenge!!

The boys and girls in P7a worked exceptionally hard during their Fitness Challenge session on Thursday morning. They enjoyed activities such as short distance sprinting, rope jumps and tug of war!!

Primary 1 Lending Library

Lending Library Please come and visit our brand new lending Library. A wide range of books and story sacks will be available to borrow. Library begins on Tuesday 8th May at 3pm. Where?  Challenge Room Who?  Children and carers of Primary 1 pupils Looking forward to seeing you there.