Wednesday May 27th

Good morning P6.

Your task for today is a literacy recommendation.

Lots of you have been asking for ideas of books to read and suggestions from me. While you all know what books I loved when I was your age, some of you are (rightfully) arguing that that was a long time ago and there are loads of more modern, amazing books and authors out there that I have not read!

I would like you to find your favourite book. If this is already in your house great, if it is at school or you do not own a copy then you can use the internet to get photos of the cover and research the plot if you need to help you memory.

You are going to recommend this to a friend!

Take a photo/draw a picture/design a cover on your iPad of this book. This will allow readers to find it.

On the other side of your paper write a short summary of the plot and why you recommend this to your classmates. The more exciting you make your writing, the more appealing the book will be to others!

email or message me your book recommendations and I will do my best to find them online for others. Lots of libraries have online books available for you to download and read on your iPad so hopefully your recommendation is available.

I’ll then post all of your suggestions on the blog on Friday for your friends to enjoy!

Have fun with this task!

Miss Webster 🙂


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