Monday May 4th

Good morning P6!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to enjoy the sunshine yesterday!

Here are some tasks for today:

Maths- Some revision on fractions, decimals and percentages that we worked on last term

Literacy- your writing pieces that have been emailed to me have been incredible! Keep those imaginations working with another image today

Who is this man?

What is he working on?

Is it for good or evil?

What will happen once his creation is complete?

Music- Today is Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you) and I found this task all about the Star Wars theme that was set by another teacher and thought you guys would love it! Don’t worry if Star Wars isn’t your thing, the music is incredible and you really should listen to it.

Here’s the link to the main theme:


Tomorrow there will be a new guided reading posted so be sure to email me your answers to last week’s task set by Miss McCue.

Also, if you did complete the KWL grid for our new modern studies topic can you email me that too?

Have a magical day 🙂

Miss Webster


8 thoughts on “Monday May 4th”

  1. Hi miss Webster
    How are you?
    I miss you so much.I hope the school opens soon and
    It is Ramadan and I am fasting today.
    Have a nice day!

    1. Hi Aamna, so lovely to hear from you. I’m doing well, how are you and your sisters?
      I hope the school opens soon too!

      So glad to see you got your email sorted!

  2. Hi Miss Webster I miss you so so much! I also miss all my friends! Hope I see you soon! The Star wars Theme Music Is good! Have a great day! 😀

    1. They change the more you play! So if you answer questions really quickly it will make them more difficult for you and focus more on the types of questions you get wrong or take longer to answer.Looking at your account you are already on level 2.03 which is really great, and you’re answering thousands of questions!
      If you like I can email you the areas Sumdog are saying they are currently testing you on

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