Wednesday April 22nd

Good morning P6 and happy Wednesday!

hope you’re all doing well.

here are a few more tasks for you. Remember you do not have to complete all of them, just what suits you and how you are feeling and will keep you busy. You can always go back to older blog posts and try those tasks if you like.

Maths- the start of the term means revision. Here are some addition and subtraction with carrying sheets for you to remind yourself how to complete. Remember that although these are presented like chimney sums you do not have to complete them this way. You can use your jotter or paper to complete the sum using any strategy you choose.

P.E- Mr Stewart found some awesome challenge cards to get you active. Why not try this and take a photo or video of you completing the challenge and send it to me.

Literacy- I got some incredible stories based on images I sent you before the break so I challenge you to some more!

Science- since today is Earth day NASA released a video to show how Earth day has evolved over the past 50 years. Check it out:


Finally, some hilarity from yesterday! Ahmed sent me these amazing photos of him going “back to school” 😂

I’ll be on the blog replying to comments for the rest of the morning and as always am available over email.

have a lovely day

Miss Webster 😊

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