Thursday April 2nd

Good morning P6.

can you believe we are only one day away from the start of the Easter holidays? I know it will be different to most other holidays, but it is a good time to relax and take a break from your awesome school work that you are completing at home.

Maths- here is a version of your times tables grid. Get a family member to time you completing it, and see if you best your own score from last time!

If you managed the fractions works yesterday, have a go at these percentage questions. It seems like a lifetime ago since we learned how to solve these problems so you may want to have a look at BBC bitesize for a good explanation.


Literacy- Mr Stewart found this amazing resource from the Glasgow Libraries- the Harry Potter books are available for you to download and read or listen to, and it’s available in lots of different languages! How cool is that ?!

Have a great day!

Miss Webster

17 thoughts on “Thursday April 2nd”

    I am so,so sorry that i couldn’t join the meeting in zoom yesterday but if you send me another code i will be able to join at about 2 o’clock!!!!!!!!!


  2. Hi Miss Webster
    My dad told me that you called , i want to wish you a happy easter i miss you sooooo much bye.

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