Wednesday April 1st

Good morning and happy Wednesday P6.

today is traditionally known as April Fools Day where you would play pranks on each other but I thought this year we could be a little different and instead use this time to show acts of kindness to the people in your household.

this could be something as simple as cleaning your room without being asked to or going around the dinner table and saying one thing you love about each person. It is very easy but it will make the persons day!

here are a couple of other ideas, feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments:

1. When was the last time you hoovered? A lifetime ago? Then go for it!

2. you see those delicious meals your parents make you, they create lots of dirty dishes. Grab a sponge and offer to clean up.

3. you could nominate an adult in your house to be pupil of the day! Grab some paper and write down a list of compliments for them, you could ask other members of your household for compliments too.

4. you are old enough now that you could make you and your siblings lunch. Get your parents permission first though!

5. write a letter to someone in your neighbourhood. You could post in through their letterbox when you are out for your daily walk. Just remember to wash your hands afterwards!

here are some suggestions I found online.



of course the inviting someone new to play should be done online and not in person 😝

have fun spreading kindness, let me know how you get on!

Miss Webster

24 thoughts on “Wednesday April 1st”

  1. Hi miss my mum has already pranked me and my sis but its also the time to reflect on my animation and painting video I will be posting a painting video on YouTube

    1. glad you three are having a laugh Ahmed, what was the prank your mum pulled? I can’t wait to see the tutorial, the painting was amazing!

  2. Hi miss cant we talk to the class on zoom it is a app that you can be live
    and all of us we have to do is enter a code and were in?

    I wanted to ask if you have got any information about the schools opening and when.If you do please reply


    1. I’m sorry Hubaib I have no idea when schools will open again. We will have to see what the government says

  4. MISS i agree with Hamza about having a little meeting on the ZOOM app.It is basically what he said,just arrange a class meeting by signing in to the app and setting a code.Then you text the code to every ones parents and they just press join meeting ,give them selves a name and enter the code.They will enter the meeting automatically!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. this is a lovely idea Hamza but I think we need to check this over before we make an official class meeting.
      If you and Hubaib and anyone else want to chat then check with your parents and you could email each other to arrange something. For now, I’m on the blogs and email to chat away.

    1. Hello Shayan, lovely to hear from you!
      what kind of things have you been up to? (besides showing your new baby bro loads of love!)
      hope you’re doing well and staying safe!

  5. I went for a long walk with my dad and brothers and we got ice cream and just watching tv and playing on the computer

  6. Hi Miss Webster
    I miss you
    How are you getting on with the lockdown ?
    for me its soooo boring
    and I agree with Hamza and Hubaib, can we do the zoom app please?
    it will be good talking to the whole class !!

    1. Hi Alisha
      I miss you too. Lockdown is pretty boring for me too, but I’m keeping busy with daily exercise and cooking some new and complicated recipes to pass the time!
      Let me figure out how we could chat as a class and I will let you all know.
      lovely to hear from you!

  7. Hi Miss Webster

    I hope the lockdown opens fast and I hope we get to talk to the class school is better than staying in the house all day theres nothing to do besides homework boring stuff !!!

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