All posts by Mrs Young

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of our families at North Queensferry Primary. We hope you all had a relaxing but fun filled festive break.

This week we have loved hearing all the stories and experiences of the pupils as they return to begin term 3.  There is a lot of great learning to be had this term and we look forward to sharing these  opportunities with you all.

Advice for Parents and Carers

Advice to parents and carers

Parents and carers may be concerned about scarlet fever and other group A strep infections. Public Health Scotland has published information about the situation in Scotland.

It can be difficult to tell the difference between a minor illness which can be cared for safely at home, and the small number of infections that are more serious and require specific medical treatment. NHS Inform is a reliable resource for health advice, including how to safely look after unwell children, when to seek medical advice, and what to look out for. In particular:


The premier of our Nativity performance took place yesterday. A huge congratulations to all of our young people for their commitment and enthusiasm during the performance (audience participation wasn’t too bad either!)

A great deal of work goes into these performances and we hope you see that shine through.

We look forward to our final performance on Thursday night at 5.30pm.

Well done everyone!

Severe Weather Information

The Education Service aims to maintain service delivery during severe weather and to minimise disruption to pupils and Parents/Carers. Where necessary, Headteachers will close their school as early as possible the night before or on the first morning of severe weather, to allow text/email messages to be issued as quickly.

Fife council have issued this information in case of severe weather. Please click on the link to find out more.


Happy holidays everyone

Well done to all of our pupils for such a productive term full of learning . We are very proud of how hard you have all worked since returning after the summer holidays.

We have enjoyed many great opportunities for learning this term including visits from Beat Box and our Pupil Voice groups.

Please enjoy sharing your learning with a others via our class pages where you will find a reflection of the week for each class.

Enjoy the break and we look forward to your return on Monday October 24th. Happy Holidays!

Welcome back everyone!

Welcome to the new school session for 2022/23 and in particular welcome to our new P1 pupils and those joining us for the first time. We hope you all had a wonderful summer of family, fun and relaxation times and are all set to continue your learning with us.

We are looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at 9am and hear all about your experiences.

This session we are returning to children wearing full school uniform each day.  Children to be allowed to change for P.E. in school, so no longer any need for children to come to school in P.E. attire.

Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit, fully labelled in a bag ready to change into each week.

Just a wee reminder of gym days for this first term:

P1/2/3 Thursday and Friday

P3/4/5 Monday and Thursday

P5/6/7  Tuesday and Wednesday

A wee reminder of the link for any application for Free School Meals. If you have an enquiry please visit or  telephone 03451 55 11 55

See you all soon! 🙂

Last day of school 2021/22

Happy holidays everyone. Stay safe and have a wonderful time to relax and reset before we see you all again on August 17th!

To our wonderful Primary 7 pupils and those moving on to pastures new, keep being fabulous, work hard and we wish you all the very best of luck in your new adventures. Remember to come back and visit us all soon. You will always be a part of North Queensferry Primary School.