All posts by Mrs Young

Learning Leaders

We are so proud of our older pupils who have taken on the roles of learning buddies to support and encourage younger pupils in their learning. You are continuing to hold the values of the school by displaying determination, ambition and respect for others in their stages of learning.

We are lucky to have such a wonderful set of role models for our school. Great work everyone.

Athletics P4/5

Well done to Primaries 3 and 4 for representing the school at the Athletics Festival on Wednesday 29th November. You did an amazing job with your behaviour and attitudes to the challenge and to other people you met during the experience.

We are so proud of how you worked hard together and showed excellent determination throughout the morning, mirroring our school values. Fabulous work everyone!

St Andrew’s Day

Thank you to all adults who took the time to come and celebrate St Andrew’s day with us on Thursday 30th November.  We had a wonderful time showing off our hard work with our Scottish Country Dancing.

Thank you also for the enthusiasm shown at the end of the shared Learning by joining in with pupils to dance the Gay Gordons together. Great memories created for all involved.

2023/24 Term 2 Class overviews

Below are the class overviews for learning during this coming term.  Please enjoy reading.


Well, we have already had a great start to our Term 2 learning. Everyone has come back ready and enthusiastic to learn. We will be exploring the festivals and celebrations that this term brings through literacy, numeracy, music and art. There will also be a great deal of work in our enterprise project for the Christmas Fayre, so look out for our wonderful products coming your way soon! In addition to all of this we have a small matter of Nativity during the term, and we look forward to sharing our acting and singing talents with you all in December.

This term our gym days will remain the same, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Thanks in advance for your support and encouragement this term.


  1. 3/4/5

In P3/4/5 our homework will be given to pupils on a Thursday and will be returned the following Monday. This homework will include reading, spelling and a choice of one activity from our homework grid. Our P.E will be Monday afternoons and Wednesday morning.

Our topic this term is enterprise; this will involve pupils designing, creating, making and selling a product for our Christmas Fair. We will be carrying out background research, illustrating our product posters and advertisements, as well as interviewing for job roles.

In literacy P3/4/5 will be learning how to create persuasive posters that will help us showcase our Christmas product. We will be learning to persuade others to buy our product through using powerful adjectives and bossy verbs.

In numeracy we will be learning different strategies in addition and subtraction, as well as solving word problems. Some of us will be learning these strategies using decimal numbers. We will also be learning all about money. We will be learning how to recognise different amounts of money, how to count different amounts, as well as profit, budgeting and loss.


  1. 5/6/7

This term P5/6/7 will learning about a different country as their topic work. They voted to study Vietnam.

In our writing work we are learning to write informatively. We are taking part in the ‘Mock Court’ programme which incorporates a significant amount of our literacy work.

In maths we are learning about different strategies to help us add and subtract. We are also learning position in a mathematical sense.

Our PE days remain Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will be learning about Scottish Country Dance and Rugby. Some PE may take place outside so please pack a warm layer just in case.

Homework will continue to go out on a Thursday to be returned on the following Monday.


Egg drop challenge

Pupils in P5/6/7 recently took on the egg drop challenge as part of their STEM learning. They were asked to create a safe way to protect their egg whilst it was dropped from the top of the stairs to the bottom!

The pupils had great fun with this and created some wonderful designs-most of which were successful! There were mats on the floor…just in case.


Scottish Shared Start

Well done to all of our pupils who participated in the very well attended shared start to celebrate our Scottish song and poetry.

It is always wonderful for the the pupils to see the joy on adults faces as they share their learning in such a welcoming way.

P1/2/3 did a super rendition of The Jelly Piece Song, accompanied by Mr Morton on ukulele.

P3/4/5 did a super job ending the celebration with a rousing performance of Loch Lomond.

P5/6/7 sang a beautiful version of Wild Mountain Thyme which was sung with a lot of heart.

All pupils had been set the homework task of learning their Scots poems and performed them well individually or with year groups.

As always, we are incredibly proud of our young people and their enthusiasm. Well done everybody.