Category Archives: Sir E Scott School
Peter Thorpe Space Art P4-7EM
In P4-7EM we have been exploring the art work of Peter Thorpe and tried to recreate his amazing abstract backgrounds and space vehicles using oil pastels, chalk and paint. We hope to show off our results on our Open Morning.
P1-4 EM Unabridged Newsletter June 2018
WIIGA Sports in Stornoway
The Primary team did well and participated whole heartedly in the WIIGA sports in Stornoway. They were competing a large section of other primaries with more than 51 children, and held their own! The boys’ team came third in their relay, whilst the girls came fourth by a whisker! Eilidh won the 100m competition in a very exciting finish!
Nuair a thainig beibidh Alasdair a cheilidh…
An teirm a chaidh rinn sinn topaic co-cheangailte ri na leabhraichean Ceitidh Morag. Bha beibidh ur aig mamaidh Ceitidh Morag agus leugh sinn gu robh i farmadach mu dheidhinn sin. Bhruidhinn sinn mu dheidhinn mar a choimheadas tu as deidh beibidh agus thainig Alasdair agus a mhamaidh Jenna a cheilidh oirne sa chlas! Se brathair beag Chirsty Bella a th’ann agus bha i cho proiseil ag innse dhuinn mu dheidhinn!
Bha torr ceistean again dha Jenna! Dh’innse i dhuinn mu dheidhinn mar a chuireas i Alasdair a chadal, mar a gheibh e biadh a botal, mar a chuireas i aodach glan air agus mar a chuireas i badan glan air cuideachd! Tha brathairean agus peathraichean beag aig cuid sa chlas agus bha iad gu math fiosrachail mu dheidhinn.
Thug Jenna a-steach an aodach a bha air Alasdair nuair a thainig e dhachaigh bhon ospadal agus an aodach a tha air an-diugh. Abair gu bheil e air fas!
Sheall Jenna dhuinn cuideachd am botal beag a bha aige an toiseach agus am botal a bhios e a gabhail a-nis. Is toil leis a bhith ag ol bainne agus thuirt Chirsty Bella gum bith i a cuideachadh mamaidh ag ullachadh am botal. Abair piuthar mhor, chuideachail!
P5-7 EM Archaeologists excavating……
P5-7 EM had a strange challenge to finish our Stone Age to Iron Age topic- turning to archeology, excavating Stone Age poop! Each pair were given two poops and had to excavate each and note what they found, they could also use the Dinolite microscopes to see close up on the laptop screen. Once they had noted and counted what was in each poop they had to use this evidence to discuss and decide which was from the Palaeolithic period, when they were hunter gatherers and which was from the Neolithic period, when they had started farming!
P1-4EM enjoying movement, music and drama!
The children have been enjoying taking part in the Let’s Move programme from the BBC based on the Enormous Turnip story. Lots of listening work and working with a partner or as part of a group!
We will be developing this into thinking about how Dragons move now, to fit in with our Zog topic!