Parent Council Members are:
Parent Members
Kathleen Duce – (Chairperson)
Peigi Morrison – (Treasurer)
Louisa MacDougall – Vice Chairperson
Gordon Macleod
Jenna Morrison
Marion Nichols
Peter Sixsmith
Stuart King
Donna Macleod
Alexe Dilworth
Emma Mackinnon
Rachel MacDonald
Community Representatives
Additional Members
Andy Murray – Headteacher
Adam Johnson – Depute Headteacher (Secondary)
Pauline Macleod – Depute Headteacher (Primary)
Cllr. Paul Finnegan
Cllr. Kenny Macleod
Mary C Martin
Copies of the minutes of all meetings will be available to all staff and parents of pupils at Sir E Scott School. Copies will be available from the secretary of the Parent Council, and school website.