Home Learning: Friday 29th May

Happy Friday everyone!

Today’s family challenge is to try and grow your own micro greens.
Do you think you have green fingers? How will you do in this challenge?
If you have a go at this activity, please send us a photo at any point to show us how they are progressing. We look forward to seeing them in the future!

Have a great weekend,
love from Mrs McArthur, Mr Russell and Miss McLeod.

P5 Daily Plan Week 8 Friday Fri 29th May Problem Solving

Home Learning: Thursday 28th May

Good morning Primary 5. Thanks for all your hard work yesterday!

Today you have a fun art challenge. Remember, if you have any siblings, you can complete this together as it’s a whole school family challenge.


Mrs McArthur, Miss McLeod and Mr Russell 🙂

P5 Daily Plan Week 8 Thursday   Thurs 28th May Problem Solving  Writing – Magic_library

Home Learning: Wednesday 27th May

Good morning Primary 5!
We hope you had a lovely long weekend and you are raring to go with all your home learning.
Please remember, as always, just complete what you can.
Take good care,
Mrs McArthur, Mr Russell and Miss McLeod.

P5 Daily Plan Week 8 Wednesday Wed 27th May Problem Solving First News Look-Closer-727

Home Learning: Thursday 21st May

Hi everyone,

Last day of the week! Today one of your tasks is to do some yummy baking and there are recipes for you to try if you wish. If you would rather bake or make something else then that’s okay too and if you are not able to bake then help someone at home make something to eat for the day like lunch or a snack. Remember this is a weekly task so you do not need to complete the baking task today 🙂

Thanks for all your hard work this week and remember next week is a short week too.

Have a great weekend!
Mr Russell, Mrs McArthur and Miss McLeod

MM Thursday Muffin Recipe Thursday Task Sheet Homemade Fruit Roll Final

Home Learning: Wednesday 20th May

Hi Everyone,

It was good seeing and hearing about all the things yesterday that made you smile. Here is today’s daily task sheet and work that you need.

Take Care
Mr Russell, Miss McLeod, Mrs McArthur

Wednesday Wednesday Reading MM wednesday Music wc 18 May

Home Learning: Tuesday 19th May

Hi Everyone,

Great work yesterday, we all really enjoyed seeing some of your photos! Here is the the work for today… We look forward to finding out about what makes you smile!

Here are Tuesday’s problem solving tasks links too



Take Care
Mr Russell, Mrs McArthur and Miss McLeod

Tuesday Tuesday Reading MM Tuesday

Home Learning: Monday 18th May

Hi Everyone,

We hope you had a super weekend! A short week this week as we have the May bank holiday this Friday and Next Monday as well. This week your Health and Wellbeing family challenge will be on Thursday because we are off on the Friday. We have changed the life skills this week too so make sure you keep en eye on that 🙂

Take care

Mr Russell, Miss McLeod and Mrs McArthur

art task Reading monday Read Theory Login Helpsheet MM Monday Monday task sheet

Home Learning: Friday 15th May

Happy Friday everyone!

Thank you all for another successful home learning week. We appreciate all effort to message us/ check in/ complete activities. The health and wellbeing of you and your family always comes first and we want you to enjoy this home learning experience as much as possible.

Here is the daily plan:

P5 Daily Plan Week 6 Day 5

Resources you will need:


Health and Wellbeing:

PE Challenge

Movie Night has arrived:

Have a good weekend when it comes 🙂 and good luck in the Sumdog challenge.
Lots of Love Miss McLeod, Mrs McArthur and Mr Russell.

Home Learning: Thursday 14th May

Hello, good morning P5,

Here is you daily plan for today:

P5 Daily Plan Week 6 Day 4

Resources you will need:



French Revision

Movie Prep: see if you can get cosy blankets/pillows ready for your guests tomorrow.

Home Learning: Wednesday 13th May

Hello everyone,

Please see today’s daily plan:

P5 Daily Plan Week 6 Day 3



Music: Family Challenge

Music wc 11 May

Movie Prep:

Take care, love from

Miss McLeod, Mr Russell and Mrs McArthur 🙂


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