As we come to the end of our first week back of home learning, I just wanted to say, you have continued to show me how amazing you are in P7a.🤩
I am very impressed with the continued effort and hard work you have shown this week. It has been lovely to get back in to a routine and see all of your smiley faces. I have missed you but I am pleased to have re-connected with you on Seesaw and hear all about what you have been up to.🥰
I am glad you are enjoying our new class novel and I am looking forward to reading more of the book with you all, over the coming weeks.📚
I have also enjoyed the teacher challenges this week. Some of them were more challenging than others but as you know, I do love a challenge!💪
It gives me something to work on during this lockdown. I will emerge from this lockdown as a ‘keepy uppy’ expert and a TikTok dancer.⚽ 💃
Have the best weekend and enjoy the lovely weather.😎
As always, stay home, stay safe and have fun!🌈