All posts by gw18estlickjemma@glow


Sports Week


Alfie Y – We had a visitor come and teach us some basic karate moves.

David Lloyd

Hishaam – In David Lloyd we did tennis, yoga, fitness and golf.

Healthy Mindset

John – Jackson in P2s Mum came in to teach us about how our mind can do so many things. She told us that if we believe in ourselves we can go further.


Harry Fo – In yoga we put on Cosmic Kids and we did many different types of poses and it was all based on our 5 senses.


Chloe – In Dance, Jackie Jam came to teach us different dance moves.


Alfie B – Yesterday we were completing different orienteering activities. One was to match symbols and words, another one was to use a map and symbol card to complete a puzzle piece and the third one was a relay race to the different orienteering stations.

Sports Day

Olly – Today we went down to Eastwood High School for Sports Day. There were 6 different stations and we had to go around them and complete them. Everytime someone in your house went you got a point. After we did our stations we had races.

PRIMARY 5B WEEK BEGINNING 23/05/22 and 30/05/22

Here is what we have been learning in P5B for the past 2 weeks!

Literacy and English 

Varda – In Literacy we drew our own characters from the Matilda book and animated them on the chromebooks to make them move in different ways and it was fun.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Alfie Y – In Maths, The Number Ninjas were learning about weight and we had to convert between grams and kilograms to add and subtract.

Food Preparation

Finlay – In Food Preparation, we were making fruit kebabs and we got a tray of fruit each and we had to cut and put the fruit we wanted on to a kebab stick. Then we got to eat it.


Colour Run

Harry Fo – On Thursday we did a colour run to raise money for the school. We had to run around the whole school from the cycle track.

Jubilee Tea Party

Alfie B – This afternoon we went down to the front of the school to have  a party for the Queen’s Jubilee.

Crookfur’s Got Talent 

Olly – Today in assembly we went to the hall to see the Crookfur’s Got Talent Finalists. We had to vote for our favourite acts and by the end of the day we should know the winners.

Buddy Letters

Aritri – Next year we will be assigned a P1 Buddy so we were writing letters to them and decorating them and making the new P1s feel welcome to our school.


Literacy and English 

Ruby – In Literacy we were creating our own recipes from Matilda’s Mum’s Easy Cook Book. We were learning to sequence things in the correct order.

Olly – In Writing, we were writing reflective writing pieces. This is where you write about something that has happened in your past but you include your emotions in it too. We had to write about something that happened and how we changed from it.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Hishaam – In Maths, The Mathletes and Number Ninjas finished learning about time. We are starting new topics next week.


Alfie Y – In Art, we were studying pointilism. We completed our paintings outside because it was a sunny day. We used cotton buds to paint.

Health and Wellbeing 

Sophie – In HWB, it was the last week that Healthier Minds came and we had to write down how anxiety feels, what it is like and how we can help others.


Alfie B – In PE, we have started to play summer games. We played a game of tails where tiggers had to take our bibs. We also played a game of rounders and got lots of people out.

Outdoor Learning 

Chloe – In Outdoor Learning, we were litter picking to help towards our Silver Wild Challenge Award.

Fundraising Help 

Eva L – After PE, we went in to help P4/5 with their fundraising. So we each had 30 seconds to try and cycle as fast as we could.

Pond Dipping

Callum – On Wednesday we went down to Cadoc’s wood and went fishing for newts and other cool water bugs. Lots of people found lots of different creatures.


Literacy and English 

Chloe – In Literacy, we have been reading Matilda. Miss Estlick brought in lots of different shoes and we had to guess which character would wear those shoes. This is called character analysis. Then we had to draw our own shoe for a character in the story.

Hishaam – In Writing, we were free writing again this week. We had to pick between a letter, imaginative story or a poem and we could write about whatever we wanted.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In Maths, The Mathletes and The Number Ninjas were learning about time durations.

Leading the Learning 

Aritri – In Leading the Learning, we are planning a subject to teach the class. Rayan and I are teaching Hindi to the rest of the class.

Art (Poster Competition) 

Gabby – In Art, we drew a new poster for our Crookfur Values. It had to say ‘Crookfur Values’, be colourful and include all of the values.

Health and Wellbeing 

Ismail – In HWB, The Healthier Minds team came to visit and it was our last lesson about how to calm yourself.


Alfie B – In PE, we did relay races at the start which was fun. Then we did shot putt and long jump. This is our second last week of outdoor athletics.


Abu-Huraira – In Music, we used the ChromeMusic Lab to create our own songs.

Fundraising Help

Ben – After PE we went to the P4/5 class and we rode their bike to help raise money for Ukraine. It was very fun even though I don’t know how to ride a bike!

Outdoor Learning

Sophie – In Outdoor Learning, we measured the circumference of a tree and we had to write it down. Then we divided it by 2.5 to see how old the tree was. The oldest tree was around 60 years old.


Literacy and English 

Varda – In Literacy and English, we completed a comprehension about Matilda about chapters 3 and 4.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Alfie Y – In Maths, The Number Ninjas and Mathletes were learning to read 24 hour timetables.

Eid Celebration 

Alfie B – For our Eid Celebrations on Wednesday. We drew around our hands and designed mendhi patterns. It was quite nice to draw nice patters.

Ruby – We also made Eid celebration cards to give to someone with nice pictures.

Chloe – We also made crescent moons with shiny craft items.


Harry Fo – In PE, we played some games and did relay races. The relay races were mixed up each time. We had a zoo animals relay race and we had a hoop race and a slalom race.

Outdoor Learning 

Gabby – In Outdoor Learning, we went down to the woodland with bug magnifiers. We had to find insects/minibeasts such as slugs, snails, woodlice, beetles etc. Alfie and I found a small snail and a big snail.


Literacy and English 

Aritri – In Writing, we got to do Free Writing. We could write about some of the pictures that Miss Estlick was showing us.

Eva L – In Literacy, we completed a Matilda comprehension. We have been reading Matilda as our class novel.


Numeracy and Mathematics

Hishaam – In Numeracy, The Number Ninjas and The Mathletes were learning about 12 and 24-hour time. We had to convert 12 to 24 and 24 to 12 hour time.

Harry Fi – In Numeracy, The Cool Calculators were doing an end of topic test to see what we know.

Expressive Arts

Gabby – In Art, we were recreating art from Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We recreated flowers and we used cups to draw around them. We were learning how to do a thistle and a rose.

Ruby – We were redecorating the walls in our classroom with our Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Pablo Picasso Art. We also looked through different pictures of us and decided which ones to put on the wall.

Healthier Minds 

Zunairah – In Healthier Minds, we were learning about how you can cope with anxiety and worries.

Health and Wellbeing 

Ismail – In HWB,  we were learning about tobacco and we were learning how smoking affects you and in what way. We found it makes your lungs black and tar is in cigarettes.


Alfie Y – In PE, we were playing a game called the stealing game and there was a bunch of rings in a hoop and when Miss Estlick blew the whistle twice we could go and steal rings from other people’s hoops.

The Change Challenge 

Please see below pictures of our certificates from completing The Change Challenge. Congratulations to The Homeless Pack Company! 


Finlay – In Music, we learning about a music app called song maker. We got to make our own songs, draw on it and complete the song Miss Estlick started for us.


Literacy and English 

Finlay – In Writing, we were writing the end of a story about a wishgranter.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Ruby – In Maths, The Mathletes and The Number Ninjas are learning about time to the nearest minute.

The Change Challenge 

Gabby – At the start of The Change Challenge we had 10 minutes to practise for our pitch presentations. Then we presented to the class using our Google Slides. My group went first.

Outdoor Learning 

Ismail – In Outdoor Learning we were making toad holes. We had to make them at the side of a hill and we had to put in some wet moss and leaves.

Health and Wellbeing and PE 

Harry Fo – In HWB, we were learning about a serious topic. We were learning about substance misuse of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and caffeine. At the end we had a Kahoot quiz to find out what we had learned.

Alfie Y – In PE, we were practising outdoor Athletics.


Hishaam – In Art, we were focusing on Pablo Picasso cubism art. We had to draw a self-portrait using different kinds of angles. We coloured it in with oil pastels.


Alfie B – In Music, we were exploring Chrome Music Lab on the Chromebooks. We played lots of different games. My favourite was the drawing game.



Literacy and English 

Eva L – In Writing we were continuing stories of our choice.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Zunairah – In Maths The Mathletes were adding 3 3-digit numbers.

Alfie Y – In Maths The Number Ninjas were doing rounding.

Aritri – In Maths The Cool Calculators were playing Sumdog to practice our multiplication.

Class Reward – Teddy Bear Picnic

The Bee Musical 

Mehr – On Tuesday we went to the PE hall to watch the P3 do their Bee Musical rehearsal.

Easter Activities

Boiled Egg Decorations 

Ismail – We were painting boiled eggs to look like famous characters or people. Mine was Venom.

Peter Rabbit Paintings

Sophia – In Art we were painting Peter Rabbit using watercolours.

Outdoor Learning 

Ben – For Outdoor Learning we made eggs from natural resources.

Easter Egg Hunt 

Ruby – On Thursday we had an Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Baking 

Gabby – Before lunchtime today we did baking for our teddy bear picnic.


Literacy and English 

Rayan – For Big Writing we were writing flashbacks to represent a character’s fears.

Ismail – In Literacy we were answering questions about non-fiction texts. You got to choose which book you wanted to read.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Alfie B – In Maths, The Number Ninjas and Mathletes have been learning about misleading data and trends in graphs.

Health and Wellbeing 

Aritri – In HWB, we were learning how to put someone in the recovery position with a partner. My partner was Ruby.

Healthier Minds

Eva L – On Monday Healthier Minds came again to talk to us more about anxiety and we got booklets out to fill in about anxiety.


Alfie Y – In PE we were doing a rounders tournament at Eastwood. It was our last week of visiting.


Gabby – This week in RME we were making paint out of eggs, pigment (chalk) and water. We created a famous painting to represent the Easter Story.

Outdoor Learning

Ruby – We were finishing off our Science posters for the science week competition. My group and I made one about animal population.

The Change Challenge 

Harry Fo – In The Change Challenge we are creating our pitch for our prototype. Next Tuesday we will present our pitch with a Google Slide.



Science Week 

Aritri – In Science Week, we made our own penguin nests called gentoos. We worked in groups.

Sophie – On Wednesday, we watched a Live Lesson about Climate Change.

See more in Outdoor Learning 

Literacy and English 

Ismail – In Writing, we were writing about a superhero with a flashback. How they got their superpower and we had to make up the rest of the story.

Hishaam – In Literacy, the entire class were looking at different reference texts. We were learning how to use the contents, glossary and index page and had to answer questions using all of them.

Outdoor Learning with Science Week 

Ruby – In Outdoor Learning, we were looking at traffic surveys and we had to work with our shoulder partners to see how many cars, vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists passed. We counted them all.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Alfie B – In Numeracy and Mathematics, the Number Ninjas are learning about 4-digit subtraction. Miss Estlick taught us a trick with numbers with 3 0’s such as 6000 – 3456. We can take 1 off the top and bottom number and still get the same answer when we subtract them without exchanging.

Omar – In Numeracy and Mathematics, The Mathletes were learning about adding and subtracting different volumes. You had to convert litres to millilitres and add or subtract.

Health and Wellbeing 

Eva L – On Monday, we met people from Healthier Minds who were talking to us about anxiety and we talked about it and did different activities about it.

PE and Cross Country

Mehr – On Monday we went to Eastwood for Cross Country trials to see who would make the team. You had to run around the track 3 times. There was a girls race and a boys race.

Harry Fo – In PE, we went to Eastwood High School for our second last week.

The Change Challenge

Callum – In The Change Challenge we finished off our product prototypes. Our groups is a wardrobe that cleans clothes for the disabled, elderly and others.

Music Introduction

Olly – Today we went to the Science room and we met the music teacher and she introduced us to 3 new instruments from the woodwind section which were the clarinet, saxophone and flute.