Literacy and English 

John – In Writing, we were writing about our hero. First we drew our hero then we wrote about them. We had to introduce them, tell the reader what they had achieved and then tell the reader why they are our hero. Afterwards, we got to read them out to the class.

Gabby – In Comprehension, we were doing an assessment on the chromebooks. It was about someone who makes a virtual world and it comes to life. Then we went on this website called read theory which is like our Comp Boxes on the computer.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Ismail – In Maths, The Number Ninjas were learning about symmetry and symmetrical patterns.

Varda – In Maths, The Mathletes were learning about addition and subtraction of weight. We had to convert different weights and then add them together or subtract them.

Festive Events 

Mehr – On Tuesday, it was our Christmas party and we played 4 games. The games were corners, musical statues, dance-off and pass the parcel. Whoever won pass the parcel won a pop-it and we had snacks, we got crisps, sweets and juice.

Olly – On Wednesday, after school we were performing Christmas Carols. We had to stand outside of P4 and parents came to watch us. We walked out in to our lines to our spots. I think it went very well.

Social Studies

Alfie B – This week in Social Studies, we finished off our shoe box dioramas and now we get to take them home!

Health and Wellbeing / PE 

Hishaam – In PE, we were playing handball. We had 4 different teams. The teams would swap on and off to play one another.

Eva L – In HWB, we were learning about our elastic brains and how they can bounceback. Like an elastic band, even when things go backwards they can go forwards. We wrote about what part of our brain we use the most and what we persevere with to get better at.

Expressive Arts

Rayan – In Art, we were making our own woodland poems. After that we had to rewrite them in our best handwriting. Then we started painting our woodland pictures.


Literacy and English 

Mehr – In Literacy, we were doing comprehension and we had to learn how to make inferences. The Authors’ text was about Family History. Then afterwards we completed our spelling and the blue group had to complete a wordsearch.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Varda – In Maths, The Mathletes completed a term assessment which included multiplication, addition, division, subtraction, data handling, symmetry, BODMAS and function machines to see what we know.

Harry Fi – In Maths, The Cool Calculators were drawing bar graphs. We also made our own surveys and asked the class questions to gather data.

Health and Wellbeing with PE

Omar – In PE with Miss Estlick we had to stay in because of the weather and did Yoga in the classroom. It was a Christmas yoga with different Christmas poses and it was really fun.

Ismail – In PE with Mr McMillan we practised dribbling in football.

Sophia – In HWB, we made our own cereal boxes. Our cereal had to made you an effective learner. We had to come up with a name and add all the details we wanted to. We added lots of colour too.

Expressive Arts (Song Practise) 

John – For song practise we went outside as this is where we will be singing for the parents. It was quite cold but we practised our songs very well. Our last song is “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” in Makaton.

Social Studies 

Zunairah – In Social Studies, we were designing shoe boxes. We were designing different rooms. We already picked a decade last week. We had to include wallpaper, carpets and furniture like curtains and lamps.

Outdoor Learning 

Rayan – In Outdoor Learning we were writing our own poems about nature. After making our own poems about nature we got on to making TV adverts about saving nature.

Present Room 

Harry Fo – We visited the restocked present room which was great! We paid £1-2 for a gift. A small gift was £1 and a big gift was £2.

Pupil News

Alfie B – My friends and I went to Mrs McGuigan’s office to give her ideas about how to help climate change in school. We are making slides now for different classes.

Chloe – Some of the COP club and Animal Activists joined together to create “Animal Club” so we can make more posters and spread awareness more efficiently.


Literacy and English 

Mehr – In Writing, we were completing mind maps about our learning. Each mindmap had to include a topic, thick branches, sub-branches and pictures.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

John – In Maths, The Number Ninjas were learning about multiples. For example the multiples of 6 would be 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and so on. We have also been learning about Factor T’s and Factor Rainbows. It was very fun!

Eva L – In Maths, The Mathletes were learning about 4-digit addition and subtraction.

Road Safety Week

Gabby – In Road Safety Week, P5 were creating posters to encourage people to drive safe and help people cross the road if they are having any trouble. P6 came to our classroom and gave us a quiz to answer. It was multiple choice and we did very well!

Health and Wellbeing / PE

Rayan – In PE we were playing a game of handball. We had to pass the ball to each other and throw it in the goal. Also thanks everyone for reading this comment since this is my first comment!

Zunairah – In the morning, Mrs Nasar came in and she gave us a task about kindness. She told us that if we are with more people we are less likely to stand up to bullying as we think someone else will step in. It is called the bystander effect. We want to be more upstander.

Sophie – In Health and Wellbeing, we made top trump cards about ourselves. We chose the topics we need to work on as a class. 1 was growth mindset, 1 was listening, 1 was team work and 1 was resilience.

Expressive Arts (Singing)

Varda – Outside in the playground we were singing songs and we struggled with one of them because we were going to fast but the rest were perfect!

Social Studies 

Ruby – In Social Studies, we were designing the rooms for our shoe boxes based on different decades from the 50’s-90’s. Then we had to work in groups to discuss our ideas. Next week we are going to actually make our shoe box rooms based on our plans.

Outdoor Learning 

Ismail – In Outdoor Learning, we were using binoculars. We were trying to spot wildlife and we had to write down our 5 senses on the whiteboard. For example if we saw a bird we would write that under sight.

Kate – Next week we are going to do wild writing about what we found.