Primary 5B Week Beginning 20/09/21

Literacy and English

Ismail – In Writing, we learned how to ‘show not tell’ in our writing. We planed our story using a planning mountain. We had to describe our main character at the start. We were learning how to describe different emotions such as happy without saying that the character is happy.

Alfie B – In Comprehension, The Editors were reading a story about the Balaclava Boys and were answering questions.

Zunairah – In Literacy we we were learning different a sounds – ay, ai and eigh.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Gabby – In Numeracy the Number Ninjas and Mathletes were working on division with remainders and exchanging.

Finlay – In Numeracy the Mathletes were learning about product. A product is the answer to a multiplication e.g. 2×3 =6. 6 is the product.

Harry Fi – In Numeracy the Cool Calculators were learning about the 5x table and 3D shapes.

PE with Mr McMillan 

John – We played basketball. We played a basketball match and then we practised our dribbling and how to control the ball.

RME with Mr McMillan 

Eva L – In RME with Mr McMillan we learned about Islam and Mr McMillan gave us cards with little bits of the Qu’ran and we had to pair them up and learn about what they meant.


Sophie – In Science we became animal experts. My group learned about amphibians. Then we all had to rotate around one another’s groups and share what we learned. We then had to write down what we learned from other groups.


Social Studies

Zunairah – In topic we were learning about the Mantandani Primary School in Malawi. We had a Venn diagram to fill in to compare what Scottish schools have with Malawi schools and then what we have in common. For example we both had chairs in our classrooms.

Sophia – We watched a tour of the Mantandani Primary School and we also got to look inside of the classrooms.

Expressive  Arts 

Hishaam – In Art we were learning about Ndbele patterns. We made patterns using oil pastels.

Primary 5B Week Beginning 13/09/21

Literacy and English

Gabby – In Literacy and English, The Editors were doing comprehension about a teacher called Miss Gratwick. After that we had to complete a grammar task with different types of adjectives.

Omar – In Writing we wrote a story about a character and what they wanted and what prevented them from getting what they want. Then how they overcame the problem.

Varda – In Writing we were learning how to show not tell. So we had to not tell how the character was feeling but show how through their facial expressions, their movements and what they were saying.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Hishaam – In Maths the Mathletes were learning about multiples. Multiples are the numbers in a times table. We completed a worksheet about them.

Zunairah – In Maths the Number Ninjas we were multiplying 2-digit numbers and we did number talks.

Kate – In Maths the Cool Calculators were learning about 3D shapes. Then afterwards we played a maths game.


Olly – In Science we were looking at lots of different animals and putting them in to different categories and guessing which groups scientists put them in to. Scientists categorise them as vertebrates (with a backbone) and invertebrates (without a backbone).

IDL (Topic)

Ruby – In topic we moved around different stations where we had to build different African and Scottish landmarks and points of interest using the materials available.

Alfie B – On Monday we researched explorers Mary Slessor and David Livingstone who journeyed to Africa. We made a fact file about our chosen explorer in our Topic jotter.



Expressive Arts

Ismail – We looked at some African dances and then we learned some. Then we compared it with Scottish dancing and took part in a ceilidh dance and a country dance. It was lots of fun.

Health and Wellbeing

Archie – In PE were learning how to pass in football. We were passing to our partners. Then we took part in a passing race. We had to pass to all of our team mates before running back with the ball. Who ever raced back first was the winner.

Eva L – In PE with Mr McMillan we played basketball. We learned how to dribble with the basketball and practised shooting.

Outdoor Learning

Sophia – For Outdoor Learning we were learning about camouflaging. We had to draw our own woodland animals and camouflage them for others to find.

Primary 5B Week Beginning 06/09/21

Literacy and English 

Omar – In Writing we were creating characters and wrote descriptions about them. It was really fun!

John – We started our second joined up handwriting lesson today with words and sentences.

Kate – We worked together to make predictions.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Ismail – In Numeracy and Maths, the Number Ninjas we found fractions of a number.

Eva L – In Numeracy and Maths, the Mathletes were learning about factor t’s and factor rainbows. We had to find out how many times a number could be made.


Andrew – In PE we played bench ball and afterwards we played regular dodgeball.

Harry Fo – In PE we did football. We focused on our dribbling and we did a competition to see who would win the dribble race. At the end we played mini matches.


Sophia – In Music, we played African drums and got to make up different beats. We also got to compare this with Scottish music and sang some Scottish songs.

Outdoor Learning 

Archie – In Outdoor Learning we did a team building race. We were not allowed to touch the ground with our feet and had to work together to get from the top of the woodland to the bottom before the other team.


Olly – In topic we leaned how to say different words in Chichewa which is the language spoke in Malawi.

Eva L – In topic we also learned about Scots language.

Alfie B – We researched on the chromebooks different comparisons between Scotland and Malawi such as education, animals, food and drink and sport.


Zunairah – In Science we learned about MRS GREN. All the letters represent a word which is a life process. M – Movement. R – Respiration. S – Sensitivity. G – Growth. R – Reproduction. E – Excretion. N – Nutrition.

Primary 5B Week Beginning 30/08/21 – Hard At Work

Literacy and English 

Hishaam – In Writing we had a story starter and we had to continue the plot, showing what happened next. We had to focus on one genre with character and setting.

Varda – In Reading we have been learning about prediction and we were learning about genre. We had to write our predictions and justify our reasons why we made that prediction looking at character, setting and plot.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Mehr – In Maths we completed the Daily 10 and we completed 3 rounds of addition.

Harry – In Maths we were learning about addition and subtraction. We looked at chimney sums with carrying and exchanging.

Zunairah – In Maths we were also doing number talks. This week we split up one of the numbers and added the tens to the larger number and then the units. It was called adding in chunks.

Health and Wellbeing

Archie – In PE with Miss Estlick we started football with Miss Estlick and focused on dribbling.

Expressive Arts 

Sophia – In Art we were practising shading and we used a charcoal pencil to draw different types of weather.

Eva L – In Art we also learned an African artist called Enfant Precole and we looked at his Art and described what we thought about it and we filled in a sheet all about our opinions.

Interdisciplinary Learning (Topic)

Chloe – In Topic we were learning about Africa, specifically Malawi. We had to make predictions about their lifestyle compared to Scotland. We went on the Chromebooks to check our predictions.

Mr McMillan 

Chloe – In PE we played tennis and we had a partner and we had to pass the tennis ball to each other using our rackets.


John – In French we learned the names from classroom objects such as chairs, desks, windows, textbooks and other things. In the end we managed to match them all.