Primary 5B Week Beginning 30/08/21 – Hard At Work

Literacy and English 

Hishaam – In Writing we had a story starter and we had to continue the plot, showing what happened next. We had to focus on one genre with character and setting.

Varda – In Reading we have been learning about prediction and we were learning about genre. We had to write our predictions and justify our reasons why we made that prediction looking at character, setting and plot.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Mehr – In Maths we completed the Daily 10 and we completed 3 rounds of addition.

Harry – In Maths we were learning about addition and subtraction. We looked at chimney sums with carrying and exchanging.

Zunairah – In Maths we were also doing number talks. This week we split up one of the numbers and added the tens to the larger number and then the units. It was called adding in chunks.

Health and Wellbeing

Archie – In PE with Miss Estlick we started football with Miss Estlick and focused on dribbling.

Expressive Arts 

Sophia – In Art we were practising shading and we used a charcoal pencil to draw different types of weather.

Eva L – In Art we also learned an African artist called Enfant Precole and we looked at his Art and described what we thought about it and we filled in a sheet all about our opinions.

Interdisciplinary Learning (Topic)

Chloe – In Topic we were learning about Africa, specifically Malawi. We had to make predictions about their lifestyle compared to Scotland. We went on the Chromebooks to check our predictions.

Mr McMillan 

Chloe – In PE we played tennis and we had a partner and we had to pass the tennis ball to each other using our rackets.


John – In French we learned the names from classroom objects such as chairs, desks, windows, textbooks and other things. In the end we managed to match them all.