Literacy and English 

Varda – In Literacy and English, we completed a comprehension about Matilda about chapters 3 and 4.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

Alfie Y – In Maths, The Number Ninjas and Mathletes were learning to read 24 hour timetables.

Eid Celebration 

Alfie B – For our Eid Celebrations on Wednesday. We drew around our hands and designed mendhi patterns. It was quite nice to draw nice patters.

Ruby – We also made Eid celebration cards to give to someone with nice pictures.

Chloe – We also made crescent moons with shiny craft items.


Harry Fo – In PE, we played some games and did relay races. The relay races were mixed up each time. We had a zoo animals relay race and we had a hoop race and a slalom race.

Outdoor Learning 

Gabby – In Outdoor Learning, we went down to the woodland with bug magnifiers. We had to find insects/minibeasts such as slugs, snails, woodlice, beetles etc. Alfie and I found a small snail and a big snail.