Sports Week


Alfie Y – We had a visitor come and teach us some basic karate moves.

David Lloyd

Hishaam – In David Lloyd we did tennis, yoga, fitness and golf.

Healthy Mindset

John – Jackson in P2s Mum came in to teach us about how our mind can do so many things. She told us that if we believe in ourselves we can go further.


Harry Fo – In yoga we put on Cosmic Kids and we did many different types of poses and it was all based on our 5 senses.


Chloe – In Dance, Jackie Jam came to teach us different dance moves.


Alfie B – Yesterday we were completing different orienteering activities. One was to match symbols and words, another one was to use a map and symbol card to complete a puzzle piece and the third one was a relay race to the different orienteering stations.

Sports Day

Olly – Today we went down to Eastwood High School for Sports Day. There were 6 different stations and we had to go around them and complete them. Everytime someone in your house went you got a point. After we did our stations we had races.

PRIMARY 5B WEEK BEGINNING 23/05/22 and 30/05/22

Here is what we have been learning in P5B for the past 2 weeks!

Literacy and English 

Varda – In Literacy we drew our own characters from the Matilda book and animated them on the chromebooks to make them move in different ways and it was fun.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Alfie Y – In Maths, The Number Ninjas were learning about weight and we had to convert between grams and kilograms to add and subtract.

Food Preparation

Finlay – In Food Preparation, we were making fruit kebabs and we got a tray of fruit each and we had to cut and put the fruit we wanted on to a kebab stick. Then we got to eat it.


Colour Run

Harry Fo – On Thursday we did a colour run to raise money for the school. We had to run around the whole school from the cycle track.

Jubilee Tea Party

Alfie B – This afternoon we went down to the front of the school to have  a party for the Queen’s Jubilee.

Crookfur’s Got Talent 

Olly – Today in assembly we went to the hall to see the Crookfur’s Got Talent Finalists. We had to vote for our favourite acts and by the end of the day we should know the winners.

Buddy Letters

Aritri – Next year we will be assigned a P1 Buddy so we were writing letters to them and decorating them and making the new P1s feel welcome to our school.